Category: Information Systems

Cis 560 DB 5

“Physical Access Control”

Physical security is the oldest form of access control. These controls are layered throughout the organization, starting with facility controls. These controls continue to all parts of the enterprise network.

  • Your CIO is interested in outsourcing physical security. Outline the pros and cons to his suggestion. Create a list of 10 best practices and choose which practice you believe is the most important. Justify your answer

CIS 560 Assignment 2

  1. Due DateMonday, February 10, 20209:00 AM
  2. Assignment 2: The Cost of Inadequate Controls
    Due Week 5 and worth 150 points
    Because you performed so well in the scenario for Assignment 1, upper management at LOTR Experience has consulted with you again as their IT Security Specialist. This time, they are concerned about a pressing new issue. They inform you about the high costs associated with creating a secure network environment. Unfortunately, they also explain that the IT budget is being cut by 30%. A recent request for permission to hire an additional IT member was denied. The proposed additional employee would have been dedicated to the database security controls. Finally, based on the budget constraints, a request for a new NAC Router was also denied.
    Your task for Assignment 2 is to write an effective counter argument to convince upper management that inadequate controls would cost the company more if security vulnerabilities are exploited.
    Write a counter-argument in which you address the following:
    1. Analyze the annual loss of revenue by the professional sector as it relates to access control. (Summarize and provide this information in a graph)
    2. After reviewing the LOTR Network Design artifacts, outline three critical areas of concern related to access control. 
    3. Outline the potential risks, vulnerabilities, and threats that could be incurred through the lack of a dedicated database security specialist. 
    4. Outline the potential risks, vulnerabilities, and threats that could be incurred through the lack of a NAC router. 
    5. Using the Internet, find three qualified vendors that support the need for an NAC router. Provide the companies and the industry knowledge that will support your argument. 
    6. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

InfoTech In A Global Economy – Subject , Chapter 9 – PHD


Chapter 9, Stakeholder Engagement in Policy Development: Observations and Lessons from International Experience

Chapter 9 discussed the importance of stakeholder engagement in policy making. The author presented several benefits and an analysis of five cases in which stakeholder engagement added value to the policy making process. If you were leading a project to develop a comprehensive policy for managing pedestrian traffic flow in a popular downtown metropolitan district, what measures would you take to engage stakeholders in that project? Your answer should outline your suggestions and clearly explain why each one would add value.
Note : 2 pages answers needed, it should not include references

APA-compliant references and corresponding in-text citations. 

Research Paper, 4 Pages (800 Words)


Background: Quantitative data can be measured and documented with numbers. Additionally, quantitative data can be represented as quantities. On the other hand, qualitative data is not measured with numbers, but it is represented by qualities. For example, I use quantitative methods to conduct my PhD research because I like working with counts and measures.

Assignment: Write a research paper the contains the following:

  • Discuss Quantitative Methodology
  • Discuss Qualitative Methodology
  • Compare and contrast qualitative data vs quantitative data

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Students name, Universitys name, Course name, Course number, Professors name, and Date.

CMGT/433: Cyber Security – Security Proposal

Assignment Content

  1. The Dayton Soft Products executive staff has requested materials and your recommendations on the following security issues:
    • Is a security audit really needed? What are your recommendations for conducting such an audit?
    • What are the roles and responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding security?
    • Is there any concern about Dayton Soft Products’ overall communications?
    • Compile a 3- to 4-page proposal that addresses solutions for the issues presented and includes:
    1. Reasons for why a security audit is necessary with your recommendations for conducting such an audit:
    2. Potential costs (personnel, finances, etc.)
    3. Proposed audit timeline
    4. Two recommend methodologies
    5. A RACI chart that identifies:
    6. the roles and responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding security, and
    7. expectations for a) business units, b) IT staff, c) executive staff, d) sales, and e) support staff.
    8. Note: This chart may be embedded in your proposal as a table or spreadsheet file, or attached as a separate document.
    9. Answers to concern about Dayton Soft Products’ overall communications
    10. Three recommendations for securing the web communicationsespecially addressing internal needs and the growing global needs

 Note: The page assignment length requirement applies to the content of the assignment. Start the assignment with an APA formatted title page and add a reference section with at least two professional references. Use the references in the text of the assignment. Make sure to check the SafeAssign originality score.

OSI Model: Understanding The Seven Layers Of Computer Networks

Understanding the function and responsibilities of each layer of the OSI model will help you to understand how network communications function. To make the most of the OSI model, you must be able to remember the name of the seven layers in their proper order. 

Lets have some fun and think about mnemonics from the initial letters of the layer names so they are easier to remember. You may work from the physical layer to the application layer or the reverse.

European Commissions Role In Policy Making

Janssen, Wimmer, and Delijoo (2015) shows us in the flowchart of INFSO-SKIN (Fig. 3.1) that the European Commission plays a very important role in the policy making process. They publish the call or proposals, evaluate the proposals, fund the research consortia, and accepts the deliverables from completed research.

Info Tech In Global Economy


Go through and complete each tutorial

 Complete each of the tutorials shown

Please make sure that you are saving your models as you go

Please take screenshots of some of your work

At the end of each of the tutorials there are some suggestions to modify the model that you have created.

Make some suggested modifications to the models

Take screenshots of the changes that you have made and the results of how this changed the outcomes.

Put together an individual Word document with the screenshots of the changes/modifications.

Please write a couple paragraphs on what you learned in each one of the tutorials

Include general observations and analysis

  -Tutorial 1

  -Tutorial 2

  -Tutorial 3

Insight Marker Assignment


Please review the attached .pdf file. These are the steps for the assignment. You will attach a Word or equivalent document for submitting the assignment. Please make sure that the assignment includes a modified model screenshot and explanation as requested. 

Please include a title page and make sure that you cite any references that are used. You can talk with others in the class when you are doing this, but this is an individual assignment.

Links for the tutorials shown in .pdf file:

 Disease Dynamics(SD):   

 Disease Dynamics(ABM):   


Conflict Nego (Week5-D1) Response To Students Post

In the negotiation sense, power can be viewed as the capacity to achieve an ideal outcome. At the point when a great many people consider power in the negotiation setting, they consider capacity to be being the control over another. The capacity to make another twist to your will or power another to do what they wouldn’t in any case do. Trying to expand power in relations to the next gathering regularly prompts distributive bargaining which can harm a relationship and may prompt wasteful outcomes. In any case, this can be a powerful device when the substantive issue is a higher priority than keeping up the relationship. Lets see about the types of power in negotiation:

  1. Position-based power: I would like to give Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister as an example for position-based power. He came to power in India as a prime minister, in 2014 and continued to win the next election. I would say that he is the best example for position-based power, because he used it in a right way and won the subsequent election. Being a prime minister of India, he became even more powerful and went on trips all around the world to strengthen his power all over the world.
  2. Relationship-based power: For relationship-based power, I would like to give an example of Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He was the ex-captain of the Indian cricket team, and he was a people person. He would always put his team before anything else. He would take up responsibilities for his team and he used his power to take his team to a great extent and won the world cup in 2011 under his leadership
  3. Informational power: Elon Musk is a great example for informational power. He has enormous information on worldly matters and is considered as the most influential person on earth. He is ambitious with the information; he gained and want to start a civilization in Mars. That is just an example of how good he is with his informational power.
  4. Contextual power: Jayalalitha, the deceased chief minister of Tamil Nadu, India is a very good example of contextual power. She is very knowledgeable and always has a BATNA. Contextual intelligence additionally requires enthusiastic insight. Without sensitivity to the requirements of others, unadulterated intellectual examination and long experience may demonstrate lacking for viable leadership.