Category: Information Systems


Excerpt:  The Internet of Things brings tremendous new capabilities to the internet — but it also brings many new security issues with it.


1) Discuss the challenges of securing the internet of things 

2) Discuss the best practices for securing the internet of things 

APA Format 

2 or more references 

Reference Videos to watch 





Need 4+ Pages In APA6 With No Plagiarism With 3+ Schoarly Journal Reference And Follow All Instructions Below.

The COSO framework of internal controls is practiced within companies around the world. The objectives of the COSO framework are closely related to its five components. For this weeks activity, please discuss these five components of the COSO framework. Be sure to include each components impact on each of the COSO framework objectives. What do you feel an auditor would most be concerned with during an IT audit? Lastly, discuss suggestions for integrating COSO framework compliance into a company in which you are familiar. 

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Assignment(Computer Security)


Using WORD, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more:

Find a DoS attack that has occurred in the last six months

You might find some resources at

Note how that attack was conducted.

Write a brief explanation of how you might have defended against that specific attack

D6.3_Need 2+ Pages With 3 References Cited In APA Format – NO PLAGIARISM- Attach Plagiarism Report

Nerds Galore

Please address the questions below after reading the case

  1. This is a relatively brief case study; yet the problems faced are quite complex. In your workshop, how did you handle uncertainty in the information you have been given and how does this translate into real-world workshops where not all the answers can necessarily be given at the table?
  2. What were some of the risk sources that emerged repeatedly in evaluating the risks? How is this helpful?
  3. How would this risk assessment aid in the decision on whether or not to proceed with the new HR strategy?

D6.2_Need 2+ Pages With 3 References Cited In APA Format – NO PLAGIARISM- Attach Plagiarism Report

The Reluctant General Counsel

Please address the questions below after reading the mini case 

  1. What are Jasons options? Can he accept a risk management program that does not involve the legal department?
  2. Do you agree with Georges arguments? Are they valid?
  3. How would you proceed, if you were the risk officer?

Two Questions Information Systems For Business And Beyond

 No plagiarism, references required 

  • Chapter 9 Question 1 Review the section on Establishing a Security Culture.  Review the methods to reduce the chances of a cyber threat noted in the textbook.  Research other peer-reviewed source and note additional methods to reduce cyber-attacks within an organization.(250 to 300 words)
  • Chapter 10 Question 2 Review the section on the IT leader in the digital transformation era.  Note how IT professionals and especially leaders must transform their thinking to adapt to the constantly changing organizational climate.  What are some methods or resources leaders can utilize to enhance their change attitude?(250 to 300 words)

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each question) and adhere to APA formatting standards.

Nationstate Insurance Case Study

 Read the Nationstate Case Study on pages 160-164 in the textbook. Answer Discussion Questions 1-2 at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format.  

 1. List and describe all of the potential benefits (and costs) that Nationstate would realize from the establishment of an enterprisewide architecture as envisioned by Jane Denton? 

2. Build a business case for Seamus OMalley to present to the senior management team at Nationstate in order to get their buy-in. In addition to benefits and costs, the business case must answer the whats in it for me question that the BU  3presidents all have.


**** Need it by 02/12/2020 7 PM EST****


In-text Citations


SUBJECT: Information Technology in a Global Economy

Question1: In at least 2-3 paragraphs (2 latest journal article references & Intext citations)

In Chapter 16 (attached textbook) we covered different approaches to implementing policies. Among those approaches include: Top-down approach and Bottom-up approach.

In your opinion, what are some of the key pros and cons of these approaches in implementing policies? Please explain in a comparative manner.

Question2: 2 page essay

Chapter 13 (attached textbook) discussed managing complex systems and chapter 15 introduced the advantages of visual decision support. Discuss how you would combine the two concepts to create visualizations for an ABM-Based Gaming simulation for policy making. 

1.First, describe what specific policy youre trying to create. Lets stick with the Smart City scenario. Describe a specific policy (that you havent used before), and how you plan to use ABM-Based Gaming to build a model for simulate the effects of the policy. 

2.Then, describe what type of visualization technique youll use to make the model more accessible. Use figure 15.9 in the text and describe what data a new column for your policy would contain. 

Submit a 2-page (double-spaced) paper addressing the above. 

Ensure that you include at least two (one from course material, i.e., assigned readings/lecture and one from external sources) APA-compliant references and corresponding in-text citations. 


SUBJECT: Cloud Computing

Question 3: In 300 400 words, and using the Jamsa textbook (refer attached image file) as your ONLY source: APA format

List FOUR (4) questions to ask about Collaborative Tools as stated by Jamsa. Then, in YOUR  OWN words, and in response to the four questions, and from a business owner’s perspective, explain possible issues that could arise in the business if the questions are NOT answered.

SUBJECT:: InfoTech Importance in Strategic Plan

Question4: 400 word essay addressing each point mentioned the question (2 latest journal article references & Intext citations)

What do you think were the critical factors that fueled the need for IT governance? In what ways did ISO affect the standards for network security?

Question5: four to six pages in length (1200-1800 words), not including the required cover page and reference page.

The COSO framework of internal controls is practiced within companies around the world. The objectives of the COSO framework are closely related to its five components. 

For this weeks activity, please discuss these five components of the COSO framework. Be sure to include each components impact on each of the COSO framework objectives. 

What do you feel an auditor would most be concerned with during an IT audit? Lastly, discuss suggestions for integrating COSO framework compliance into a company in which you are familiar. 

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

SUBJECT: Information Security & Risk Management

Question 6: (3 latest journal article references & Intext citations)

Review in your textbook (refer attached PPT’s of chapter 12,13,14) the elements of a Disaster Recovery Plan and a Computer Incident Response Team and Plan

Research other elements that may be needed in the ProMed scenario.

What would you create as the DRP and CIRT for this scenario?

Write a 3 – 5 page paper using APA format for this section.  You do not need the abstract or executive summary here.

Chapter 6 – Ecommerce Website – Paper – APA Format

Please look at the 6th chapter and write a paper based on the following: 

The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense. 

As was noted, this component is too valuable to trust to a single defense. 

And the authentication requests are tendered by the least-trusted component in the architecture. 

That component, HTTP termination, resides on the least-trusted network. 

What additional steps can be taken?

Please state examples. 

Minimum of two references needed. 

1-2 pages (no strict word limit)


Your work so far has been well-received and the management team is very interested in quickly bringing the rest of the organization into the process. The management team has expressed interest in incorporating cloud technology as part of the Auburn Regional’s IT architecture. To integrate both of these requests, you decide to create an infographic that could, on a single diagram, give the reader an idea of what cloud technology is and how it could be used by Auburn Regional as these enterprise systems updates are in action. As you might imagine, there is a wealth of information on the internet involving the use of cloud computing. 

Consider the following information and outline your answers:

  • What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?
  • Where could cloud computing fit in the organizational structure and operations?
  • How do companies that enter cloud technology agreements pass on those issues to their customers?
  • How do these companies really know where their data and the data of their customers is really stored?
  • What precautions are being taken?

Using your outline, create an original infographic for a presentation to the Auburn Regional management team that shows:

  • The basics of cloud computing
  • Overview of pros and cons of cloud computing
  • Where cloud computing could possibly fit into the organizational structure and operations 
  • At least two concerns that need to be addressed 

Include your outline on a separate document to support your infographic.