Category: Information Systems

Week14 CS


The terms deep web and dark web are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Deep web simply refers to anything on the web that cant be found using a search engine like Google or Bing, or even DuckduckGo.

This means anything behind a paywall, anything that is password protected, or anything that is dynamically generated and doesnt have a permanent URL all of these things are said to comprise the deep web because they dont exist at the surface of the web.

Conduct your own research on the DEEP WEB and the DARK WEB. Explain the differences and why they exist. Include the types of information that may be found on each.

After conducting your research on the DEEP WEB and the DARK WEB, briefly explain what you learned from this research. For this discussion, a paragraph or two is enough to explain your findings.

Information Technology And Organizational Learning


  • Chapter 9 Review the section on Establishing a Security Culture.  Review the methods to reduce the chances of a cyber threat noted in the textbook.  Research other peer-reviewed source and note additional methods to reduce cyber-attacks within an organization.
  • Chapter 10 Review the section on the IT leader in the digital transformation era.  Note how IT professionals and especially leaders must transform their thinking to adapt to the constantly changing organizational climate.  What are some methods or resources leaders can utilize to enhance their change attitude?

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each question) and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length**

InfoTech In A Global Economy



The discussion question this week will have two sections.

Section 1: Analysis of a Published Dissertation – For this section, download a dissertation from the Dissertations and Theses database at the library website.  Using APA direct citations for the dissertation of your choice, tell us the research question(s), problem statement, and purpose statement.  Include some discussion of each (for example, whether you agree, why it interests you, if youve got professional experience that is related, etc)

Section 2: Draft Research Question, Problem and Purpose Statement – For this section of the discussion, youll share draft research questions, problem and purpose statements with your colleagues.  Support your problem statement with literature, as I describe in the lecture.


Responses to fellow students should help them refine these statements, offer your professional experience, or pose questions that will help you in your own dissertation journey

Subject- InfoTech In A Global Economy -PHD


There were several important themes in chapter 1. Here are a few quotes:

Policy-making and its subsequent implementation is necessary to deal with societal problems. (Janssen, 2015)

Policy-making is driven by the need to solve societal problems and should result in interventions to solve these societal problems.  (Janssen, 2015)

Examples of societal problems are unemployment, pollution, water quality, safety, criminality, well-being, health, and immigration.  (Janssen, 2015)

The author of chapter 1 discusses several developments that influence policy-making. Select one of the developments in chapter 1 and describe how that development can influence policy to solve a specific problem.

Note :  Chapter 1, Introduction to Policy-Making in the Digital Age in  Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science:  Integrating complex systems, social simulation and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10). Springer.

Need 2 paragraphs 

Ethical Hacking

No plagiarism very important

Explain in your own words what FOOTPRINTING (or digital reconnaissance) is and how you would go about gathering the information you need to determine the location of a recently stolen late model car that was last seen in the parking lot of our college.

Need 2 responses to reply my teammates discussions.


Write an opinion/response/feedback on the posts mentioned in the word document. The responses should have references and also valid in-text citations (APA Format) (total 4 responses)

(These posts are posted by Professor and other students, so when you write the response please relate to their statements.

CS – Assignment 6

  • Capture a spam Email message. View the Email header and copy the information to your assignment document. Only one email is necessary. You do not need a reference for this assignment. You only need to show the header information. No narrative is necessary.
    Showing the Email itself is not sufficient. You need to show the header information embedded in the message metadata. Search the Internet if you need help capturing the header information. Points will be deducted if the header information is not present in the assignment. An image of the message is not sufficient. A narrative is acceptable, but header information must be presented.
  • Provide a short narrative on security techniques and mechanisms in protecting against spam activity.

Pages: 2


APA format

Data Mining

 Imagine a Clustering problem where the educational researchers would like to find clusters of students (a group of students) who have similar correlation patterns when it comes to the correlation of their GPA vs Income of their parents. And you are hired as the Data Scientist to do this job. 

What kind of Objective Function would you design?


Please use your own reasoning and explain it in detail.

Diversity Issues In The U.S.

For this assignment you will identify challenging cultural diversity issues, examine the main causes and effects of the issues youve identified, and explore possible solutions for overcoming problematic diversity issues.

****Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on diversity. Include answers the following questions in your paper:

  • What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past?
  • Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States. Extend these trends to the year 2050. What do you think the U.S. population will look like in the year 2050? Provide an example.
  • What challenges does the United States face due to the diversity of its people?
  • What are some benefits of a diverse society?
  • What are the benefits of a diverse workforce? Do you see your industry becoming more diverse? How is developing your communication with, and understanding of, diverse cultures helpful in your professional life?
  • In what ways might the government and or media foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States?
  • In what three ways might individuals in the United States work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity?

Discussion(Decission Making Using Models)


Chapter 5 discusses decision making using system modeling. The author briefly mentions an open source software tool, EMA Workbench, that can perform EMA and ESDMA modeling. Find EMA Workbench online and go to their main website (not the GitHub download site). Then do the following:

1) Under documentation, go to the Tutorials page.

2) Read through the Simple Model (in your chosen environment), and the Mexican Flu example. 

3) Decide how you could use this software to create a model to help in developing a policy for a Smart City.