Category: Information Systems

Milestone 3,,


Business Intelligence Tools and Systems need to continue from the document which I am uploading along with it.

WEEK 7 MILESTONE 3: The Conclusion, 12 Total References, and Consolidate Milestones into Research Term Paper

This week you will consolidate Milestones 1, 2 & 3 into one complete Research Document to provide the findings and conclusions of your research problem.

The Conclusion:

Identify research findings and synthesize critical points in your conclusion.


Submit a total of (12) supporting references this week.

Format and Page Count:

APA Formatting

Submit a total of 10 to 12 pages this week (All milestones consolidated)


Case Study


Case Study 2: Developing the Forensics, Continuity, Evacuation, Incident Management, and Security Training Capacities for the Enterprise

Write an essay no less than five pages, though it is not limited to five pages.   Create an essay which lays out your idea for a specific policy and procedure for a training program for one of the following:  forensics, continuity, incident management, evacuation bomb, fire or active shooter, or security training for a small business of your choice.    This is not an actual policy/procedure document, but your proposal to a security manager about why a policy/procedure document is needed, and why, and the things you propose will be in the document.


As with the first paper, how you approach the essay is unique to you, there is no template.   However, the basic essay format of an introductory paragraph, drafted or revise after the finished draft to reflect the final paper, a solid body laying out in good paragraphs the key points and arguments you need to make, and most importantly, the lessons you want the reader to learn, and any takeaway you may have, is expected.

The conclusion is the reason for most academic and real world papers, and is never just a single block of text, or single paragraph.   However, this paper does not require lessons, but rather a summary conclusion of the key points and your rationale for going forward with your recommendation.   

If you discuss something in the body, then it must be included in the summary.

  1. Locate at least three to five resources minimum from the  for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.  You may have outside sources from the government, cybersecurity industry, etc. as well.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Write clearly and concisely about topics associated with cybersecurity using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.  This is only a guideline for ideas, not a mandatory rubric.   You choose how to respond to the above essay topic.

The most common problems are:   Poor paragraph structure, pronoun usage dont use we or you, make sure when using they you have the proper antecedent.  That is dont use they with collective nouns or with he or she,  make sure that the plural noun you are referring to was the last plural noun before the pronoun.  

Use percent, not %,  dont use headers, dont use bullets to write the paper, dont use quotes to write the paper.  Use quotes to support ideas.  See primer and PowerPoint below.  



Q1. “Managing Network Security Through Policies and Developing Personal Security” Please respond to one of the following:

Analyze the importance of having acceptable use policies, remote access policies, and network security control policies. Choose one acceptable use policy, remote access policy, or network security control policy and give three reasons why you believe this policy is an effective way to manage network security.   

Assess the risks and threats that may occur if these policies are underdeveloped or unavailable. Recommend three technical appliances that may be used to implement a network security function within your assessment and justify your recommendations. 

Determine three reasons why an organization should define the boundaries of control, identify personnel security functions based on risks, and manage change within the work force. Select what you believe to be the most important reason and explain why.

Propose three activities that could be performed by the Human Resources Department to screen and hire personnel effectively. Choose one activity you proposed and justify how it would support personnel security functions.

The instructor insight

Any current cybersecurity issues.

Q2. “Designing Effective Physical Security and Planning Procurements Effectively” Please respond to one of the following:

Outline three parameters that should be considered when designing and implementing physical security into the information protection scheme. Suggest two activities that could be performed to address these parameters and explain how.

Suggest three activities that could be performed to ensure that physical security plans are adequate. Describe two measures that you could perform in order to evaluate the installed physical security.

Select what you believe to be the top three benefits of making a business and assurance case prior to proceeding with a procurement plan. Support your response with a rationale. Describe potential challenges that the procurement process may experience by not having a proper business and assurance case.

Recommend two practices that should be performed when administering procurement contracts and explain why you recommend them. Determine how these practices will ensure that subcontractors fully comply with the requirements of the contract within your recommendation.

Instructor Insight

Any current cybersecurity topic

Q3. “Meeting Compliance Requirements and Developing Risk Management Best Practices” Please respond to the following:

Propose three (3) factors that should be considered when designing policies for legal and regulatory compliance. Determine how each factor would minimize liability for the organization.

Outline the steps required in order to define what is needed to meet compliance requirements. Determine the most important step in this process and support your answer with a rationale.

Analyze a well-designed risk management plan to determine how it can prevent risk and control residual risk. Identify what you believe to be the most important step in the risk management process and explain why.

Construct two (2) examples that demonstrate how qualitative and quantitative methods could be applied to measure risk and prioritize risk responses. Recommend two (2) factors that should be considered when prioritizing risk responses.

Information Systems Infrastructure


Big data and its business impacts.


Research paper basics:

10-12 pages in length

APA formatted

Each paragraph must have a cition with grounding from the text or another scholarly source.

No one, two or three sentence paragrpahs.

Minimum six (6) sources at least two (2) from peer reviewed journals

Include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion

See rubric for more detailed grading criteria


Research at least two articles on the topic of managerial issues of a networked organization. Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles. How are the topics of the two articles related? What information was relevant and why?

Provide the references in your responses.

The post should be 300 words long.

Research Paper

Please see the attached screen shot that has Research paper topics, what need to be followed while writing this research paper. Need to select any one topic and write research paper on that topic.. You will write a paper of 10-12 pages in length. You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed journals. Include an Abstract, introduction, and conclusion, as well as the body of content. The paper must follow APA. 

Infotech Import In Strat Plan

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented?  Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization. 

Week 7 Discussion

Please find the attached documents and link below.


Linux Final Proposal

you have been asked to produce a training guide that will demonstrate how to install Linux and provide an overview of several common commands, as follows:

  • Use any hypervisor of your choice to install Linux. Many hypervisors are available, such as VirtualBox, which is a free download. In addition, as part of UMGC’s agreement with VMware, you can download VMware Workstation for free. See below for specific screenshot requirements.
  • Demonstrate command-line operations that will provide the following information:
    • A listing of files in a directory and common file attributes
    • The current directory (hint: also known as the present working directory)
    • Create a file, then copy it to a different directory
    • Create a second file and move it to a different directory
    • Remove the first file, as well as the copy you created
    • The manual page for a given command
    • Create a text file, use an editor to modify the content, and then display the content of the modified file
    • Show running processes on the system, and demonstrate how to search for a specific process
    • Forcibly stop a running process

The deliverable for the final phase of the project is a written paper with screenshots. Use the  to record your work. 

There is no minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the requirements must be met. The installation portion should include at least three screenshots showing the progress of your installation. Each screenshot should be accompanied by a brief explanation of what you did. For each of the command-line operations, include at least one screenshot along with a short explanation of the commands used.


Important requirement: On the final screenshot, you need to open a command line and type in the following commands (without the quotes):

“echo CMIT391”
“echo <your name here>” (Replace your name here with your name)

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must all be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. You must include the specific screenshot listed above or your project will not be accepted.

Conflict Nego (Week7-D1)

During the course of your employment you may have experienced working for both a male and female supervisor. Discuss from your personal point of view the advantages/disadvantages and like/dislike of working for each gender. Use real life experiences if applicable.