Category: Information Systems

Database Security Essay

Write an essay of at least five hundred words discussing the use of encryption to protect data at rest, in motion, and in use.  

Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. 

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles, place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your submission.



1, For one of the cipher categories, describe a possible key management system, i.e., a method for creating, distributing, and storing cryptographic keys for the cipher category that you’ve picked, or

2. Constructively critique or expand upon a key management scheme described by another student.

If you choose to respond to #1, the key management system that you describe can either be a system in use (with appropriate citations), or a system of your own invention.

E-Mail To The Employee : Networking

You work at a help desk and have just received a call from an employee who says she cant access network resources. You want the employee to view her IP address configuration. Write an e-mail to the employee, explaining what command-line program to use and how she can use it to find the information you need. APA style not required for this assignment.


 At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.  Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

Apply: Signature Assignment: Globalization And Information Research


Assignment Content

  1. Purpose
    This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to strengthen your skills in gathering and analyzing business-related information. It provides a deeper understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans. The assignment has two parts: one focused on information research and analysis, and the other is on applied analytics.  


    • Microsoft Excel 
    • “” from Harvard Business Review
    • Part 1: Globalization and Information Research
      Context:Companies that perform well in their country of origin usually consider expanding operations in new international markets. Deciding where, how, and when to expand is not an easy task, though.  

      Many issues need to be considered before crafting an expansion strategy and investing significant resources to this end, including:  

    • the level of demand to be expected for the companys products/services 
    • presence of local competitors 
    • the regulatory, economic, demographic, and political environments 
    • Carefully researching and analyzing these and other factors can help mitigate the inherent risk associated with an overseas expansion strategy, thus increasing the likelihood of success. 

      As a data analyst in your companys business development department, youve been tasked with the responsibility of recommending countries for international expansion. Youll write a report to the companys executive team with your research, analysis, and recommendations. 

      Write a 525-word summary covering the following items: 

    • According to the article listed above, what were the most important strategic moves that propelled Netflixs successful international expansion? 
    • The article mentions investments in big data and analytics as one of the elements accompanying the second phase of overseas expansion. Why was this investment important? What type of information did Netflix derive from the data collected? 
    • According to the article, what is exponential globalization? 
    • Not all international expansion strategies are a resounding success, however. Research an article or video that discusses an instance in which an American companys expansion efforts in another country failed. According to the article/video you selected, what were the main reasons for this failure? Do you agree with this assessment? 
    • Explain some of the reasons why certain companies expansion plans have failed in the past. 
    • Part 2: Hypothesis testing 
      Context:Your organization is evaluating the quality of its call center operations. One of the most important metrics in a call center is Time in Queue (TiQ), which is the time a customer has to wait before he/she is serviced by a Customer Service Representative (CSR). If a customer has to wait for too long, he/she is more likely to get discouraged and hang up. Furthermore, customers who have to wait too long in the queue typically report a negative overall experience with the call. Youve conducted an exhaustive literature review and found that the average TiQ in your industry is 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). 

      Another important metric is Service Time (ST), also known as Handle Time, which is the time a CSR spends servicing the customer. CSRs with more experience and deeper knowledge tend to resolve customer calls faster. Companies can improve average ST by providing more training to their CSRs or even by channeling calls according to area of expertise. Last month your company had an average ST of approximately 3.5 minutes (210 seconds). In an effort to improve this metric, the company has implemented a new protocol that channels calls to CSRs based on area of expertise. The new protocol (PE) is being tested side-by-side with the traditional (PT) protocol.  

      Access the file. Each row in the database corresponds to a different call. The column variables are as follows: 

    • ProtocolType: indicates protocol type, either PT or PE
    • QueueTime: Time in Queue, in seconds
    • ServiceTime: Service Time, in seconds
    • Perform a test of hypothesis to determine whether the average TiQ is lower than the industry standard of 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). Use a significance level of =0.05.  
    • Evaluate if the company should allocate more resources to improve its average TiQ. 
    • Perform a test of hypothesis to determine whether the average ST with service protocol PE is lower than with the PT protocol. Use a significance level of =0.05.  
    • Assess if the new protocol served its purpose. (Hint: this should be a test of means for 2 independent groups.) 
    • Submit your calculations and a 175-word summary of your conclusions. 


 A reply between 150-200 words  


Social: An organization’s way of life is a piece of the DNA of an association, and may not be settled on. It is a test to deal with any new change which influences the organization’s social qualities. At GIPCL, for instance, searching of representatives by the security is viewed as improper. This test was tended to by giving the CCMS (flask coupon the board framework) closeness cards. Workers need to swipe it in the container and their supper checks are recorded. The HR, as well, can without much of a stretch oversee records and screen the staff.

Physcologica: Employees create protection from change process the same number of times they dread of their work getting straightforward, therefore botches/wasteful aspects getting featured. For example, at GIPCL, it was after the administration imparted to representatives that they wouldn’t lose on any of their privileges (for example conveying forward the coupon balance) in the event that they utilized closeness cards rather than coupons, they concurred for the change procedure.

Deliberate: At times, a couple of people may purposefully make issues to hinder the change procedure. At fitting level, this sort of goals ought to be recognized and tended to reasonably by the administration. A couple GIPCL workers who would not like to utilize the framework would routinely grumble of the CCMS being awkward, complex, and moderate. At last, after customary correspondence and mediation by the senior administration, their protection from the change procedure reduced.


The objective of the change management process is to guarantee that institutionalized techniques and strategies are utilized for proficient and brief treatment all things considered, so as to limit the effect of progress related episodes upon administration quality, and thusly improve the everyday tasks of the association. There are many challenges that occurs in this change management process which follows as below.

First challenge in change management process faces is the need of change and importance of that change. In many organizations, the change is not felt until something disastrous occurs. It is upon the change management team to recognize the urgency of the change so the workability of the IT security in terms of accuracy, authentication, and integrity of information can be increased to the maximum.

Another one is having and working the team with single agenda. Since change management is responsible for the change, they need to have multiple teams for multiple tasks and each team must be capable to have a vision about the change regarding IT security. Such as implementations of different policies, hardware or software up-gradation or even introduction of the new system to increase the working of the system.

It is necessary to have proper methodologies with a base time span since it empowers the group to make sense of any issue and its answer in less time too. For example, changes in the documentation and updating them with the change procedure to adjust the changes. It tends to be done through correspondence and extent of the change that is being proposed and how it will affect the usefulness of the association.

Quantum Cryptography(2 Pages)


Quantum Cryptography

In this essay, you will explain how quantum cryptography works and what role you think it will play in the future of cryptography. You will also provide a table that differentiates between traditional cryptography and quantum cryptography listing the benefits and drawbacks of both. choose one other scholarly reference to support your discussion.

CIS 518 Discussion Responses To Student

CIS 518 Discussion 1 post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

“Software Certification Test” Please respond to the following:

From the first e-Activity, describe two types of software testing, identify when they are applied, and explain their corresponding standards.

As a software engineer in a software development company, explain how you would apply testing standards when testing your development projects.

LGs post states the following:

“Software Certification Test” Please respond to the following: 

From the first e-Activity, describe two types of software testing, identify when they are applied, and explain their corresponding standards.

One type of software testing is acceptance testing.   Acceptance testing is the determination if the system is acceptable for use.  The acceptance testing evaluates the system functionality and uses with the business requirements and, , after completion, determines if they feel the system is acceptable for delivery.  The testing is focused on real-case situations that would transpire in the business and how the business would utilize the system in daily settings.  There are different accepting testing, including benchmark, pilot, alpha, beta, and parallel.  

Benchmarking:  Performs loading testing of a component or entire end-to-end system; repeatable while performance measures between the hard/software

Pilot:   Verifies a component of the system or entire system under real-time operation. It is completed between the time the user (customers) accepting testing and production. 

Alpha:   Initial testing usually conducted in a controlled environment, such as in a lab with internal customers.  This testing is performed in the early stages of the development or at the end of the development but before the beta testing.

Beta:   This type of testing is performed by real customers (users) of the system in a business (real) environment.  The testing is performed; the system is presented to the customers for use. 

Parallel:   Is perform in the combination of multiple applications concurrently.  The objective of the is to test the functional characteristics of the application

The ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 is the standard for software testing that follows the system development life cycle (SDLC) for software development.  

Phleeger, S. L., Atlee, J. M.  (2009-02-01). Software Engineering: Theory and Practice,  4th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version].  Retrieved from vbk://9781323089309 

What is Acceptance Testing? (2019, September 24). Retrieved from’page~’post~’aa_book~’aa_event_session~’aa_experience_report~’aa_glossary~’aa_research_paper~’aa_video)~tags~(~’acceptance*20test))~searchTerm~’~sort~false~sortDirection~’asc~page~1)

As a software engineer in a software development company, explain how you would apply testing standards when testing your development projects.

A s/w engineer would apply the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 by performing a series of steps;

1.Basic functionality Testing:  Benchmarking

2.Code Review Testing:  Alpha

3.Code Analysis Testing: Beta

4.Unit Testing: Pilot

5.Single-User Testing: Parallel

CIS 518 Discussion 2 post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

“User Documentation” Please respond to the following:

From the second e-Activity, discuss the readability and usefulness of the online user manual that you have researched. Identify its strengths and weaknesses, and areas where it could be improved.

From the second e-Activity, describe how you would modify the documentation to improve the user s ability to interpret failure messages and look up topics in the documentation if that user had little or no experience with computers and software.



LGs post states the following:

“User Documentation” Please respond to the following: 

From the second e-Activity, discuss the readability and usefulness of the online user manual that you have researched. Identify its strengths and weaknesses, and areas where it could be improved.


Readability is important because its how the online user manual would be used to communicate the information to the user.  Online user manuals need to be content that a user can access to help convey information on how to use the system, ability to troubleshoot issues or provide helpful information for a particular function the user is attempting to perform.  The readability measures how easy the content is to read.   The intent of the user manual is to give assistance to the user on the system that is more self-service instead of a technical expert.


Online user manuals are cost-effective to develop because it’s developed in full once and then its easily updated by pages or sections and swapping out the old with the new.  The other aspect s it doesn’t require one person to develop as individuals can be designated to update section(s) accordingly following a content management structure for the guide. Ultimately the online user manual provides answers about the product and its functionality allowing the user to self-manage and acquires the answers to the information they want when they want it.  Although online user manuals provide many benefits, there are do disadvantages.  Examples of disadvantages include searching for techniques.  Most online user manuals allow us to search for a keyword or term but not necessarily a concept.  For example, a user may be an attempt to execute a particular capability within the system but may not know the term its called.  They may encounter issues trying to find through the search index. Another issue may be the online user manual may have screenshots or a video of how to execute the function, but the quality of the video is of poor quality or not very clear or screenshots are not displaying the latest version so its confusion to the user.  


Ways to improve these areas is to ensure that after each new releases there is an update to the online user manual accordingly.  Another way to improve is follow standards such as content management standards, style sheets or web/video standards so there is some uniformity.  Also dating and versioning will help the user to know when the information was last updates and which version of the system is the content is referring to. 


Bhatia, S. (2019, December 18). How Online Manuals Can Cut Costs and Improve Support. Retrieved from

Levinson, M. (n.d.). Web Help: Pros and Cons. Retrieved from

McCoy, J., Smith, V., Mcghee, R., & Kristel. (2016, August 26). The Web Content Writer’s Guide to FleschKincaid Readability. Retrieved from

From the second e-Activity, describe how you would modify the documentation to improve the user s ability to interpret failure messages and look up topics in the documentation if that user had little or no experience with computers and software.

Ways online user manuals can be improve include:

Transition text content, where applicable, to visuals, including screenshots (displaying the date updated and version of the software), flowcharts to demonstrate steps)

Content should be written for a broad audience, hence the readability, i.e., 60+ score (most people with eighth-grade education) should focus on scoring that meets the masses, in plain language and have simplicity where possible

The content should focus on the problem and not having the user have to go to other sections

Searchable (keyword, terms and content)

Accessible (meaning 508 compliant, i.e., caption, color-blindness, browser-friendly)

Link to further resources i.e., web, online chat, blogs, forum, or contact (email/phone) where needed.



CIS 515 Discussion Response To Student

CIS 515 Discussion post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

Having an adequate data model to serve specific business needs of an organization is important. Evaluate the need for denormalization within an organization. Provide at least three examples that prove denormalization is useful to data consumers.

Using a data-modeling checklist can help database developers design efficient data repositories. Suggest at least two possible scenarios that could take place if one of the steps in the data-modeling checklist (table 6.7 in Chapter 6 of the textbook) is missed.

JMs post states the following:

Denormalization is a technique used on a previously-managed database to enhance performance. The concept behind the process is to arrange redundant data where technicians think it will be of assistance the most (Bendel, et al., 2015). The process utilizes additional characteristics in an already-designed table, add extra tables, or even develop conditions of prevailing tables. The goal overall is to reduce the running time of select queries by allowing accessibility of information (Bendel, et al., 2015). Demoralization is useful for data consumers in different ways. Firstly, it maintains history; as data can transform and fluctuate with time, the storage of values that were valid before is important enough. Secondly, the query performance improves; at times, multiple tables and variables may be required to support information needed (Bendel, et al., 2015). Thirdly, it speeds up reporting.

If one of the steps in the data-modeling checklist is missed, the first possible scenario will be a confused state of mind; the professional carrying out the data analysis will become unsure and uncertain about the results, especially if the data tables are incorrect. The second scenario may involve inaccurate derivation of data queries and patterns (Bendel, et al., 2015). If any of the steps from the checklist is missed, the analyst is not going to be able to streamline the information in a suitable manner. Since the process is initiated with the efficient use of analytical resources, any mismanagement of the steps can imbalance the end goal. As the tables are formed in a sequential manner, their data entry and calculation procedures will ultimately be affected resulting in ineffective and wrongful results. Suitable planning can also improvise performance mechanisms for the data modeling.


Bendel, P., Czech, M., Koeth, O. C., & Stolze, K. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 9,020,910. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

RRs post states the following:

I would choose the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for a Small Office/Home Office (SOHO). RIP is a protocol that routers can use to exchange network topology information. It is characterized as an interior gateway protocol, and is typically used in small to medium-sized networks (What is a, n.d.). RIP is also easy to configure and use, and is well known and widely used.

If I had to work in a company, I would choose the Open Shortest Path First protocol (OSPF) as my preferred protocol. Mainly because the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) designed OSPF to be a scalable, efficient, and quickly converging routing protocol. Overall, the protocol helps ease the pain of network administration and troubleshooting (Heaton, 2000).

A transmission medium is a physical path between the transmitter and the receiver. In other words, it is the channel through which data is sent from one place to another. I would use the Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) if I were a large company that had multiple campuses.  STP is used in fast-data-rate Ethernet and in voice and data channels of telephone lines. Advantages include better performance at a higher data rate, eliminates crosstalk, and is comparatively faster than other mediums (Type of Transmission, n.d.).


What is a Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and how does it work with my managed switch? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Heaton, W. (2000). Get IT Done: OSPF boasts enterprise benefits. Retrieved from

Type of Transmission Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from

CIS 505 Discussion Response To Student

CIS 505 Discussion post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

Based on your study this week, what routing and switching protocols would you choose for your Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) network? What about if you had to work in a small company? Explain your thought processes. What transmission medium would you use in a larger company that had multiple campuses?  Remember, youre not only working out these ideas for yourself, but youre sharing them with your classmates. Approach this discussion from the viewpoint of a meeting where you are making recommendations to a team.

SGs post states the following:

Hello Classmates/Professor,

Based on your study this week, what routing and switching protocols would you choose for your Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) network? What about if you had to work in a small company? Explain your thought processes. What transmission medium would you use in a larger company that had multiple campuses?  Remember, youre not only working out these ideas for yourself, but youre sharing them with your classmates. Approach this discussion from the viewpoint of a meeting where you are making recommendations to a team.

For a small business I would recommend the Cisco 350x series stackable managed switches. ” Equipped with advanced security capabilities, these switches are capable of deploying 10 Gigabyte Ethernet. Configuration wizards and true stacking make it easy to configure, manage, and troubleshoot multiple physical switches as a single device allowing for future expansion”. (“Cisco 350X Series Stackable Managed Switches,” n.d.)  As for a routing protocol an Enhanced Interior Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is recommended for a small network such as a home/business. This is the best choice for private networks because of the balance it provides between speed, scalability, and the ease for the user to manage it.

For a a larger company I would recommend Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), as is mostly designed for larger networks. It requires a little more management, however it is worth it in order to accomplish the heavy workload this system will have to handle. I would like to ask my classmates how would they handle this if they started from scratch? Does anyone have experience in working with developing networks from the bottom up? What do you Guys/Gals opine on dynamic protocol? 

Please feel free to comment below and reply with your best thoughts and recommendations as we try to learn these very important lessons of Information Technology.

RRs post states the following:

I would choose the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for a Small Office/Home Office (SOHO). RIP is a protocol that routers can use to exchange network topology information. It is characterized as an interior gateway protocol, and is typically used in small to medium-sized networks (What is a, n.d.). RIP is also easy to configure and use, and is well known and widely used.

If I had to work in a company, I would choose the Open Shortest Path First protocol (OSPF) as my preferred protocol. Mainly because the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) designed OSPF to be a scalable, efficient, and quickly converging routing protocol. Overall, the protocol helps ease the pain of network administration and troubleshooting (Heaton, 2000).

A transmission medium is a physical path between the transmitter and the receiver. In other words, it is the channel through which data is sent from one place to another. I would use the Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) if I were a large company that had multiple campuses.  STP is used in fast-data-rate Ethernet and in voice and data channels of telephone lines. Advantages include better performance at a higher data rate, eliminates crosstalk, and is comparatively faster than other mediums (Type of Transmission, n.d.).


What is a Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and how does it work with my managed switch? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Heaton, W. (2000). Get IT Done: OSPF boasts enterprise benefits. Retrieved from

Type of Transmission Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from