Category: Human Resource Management

Week 7 Discussion

 As important as compensation is to employees so is how compensation is communicated by the organization. As Chief HR Officer for the company what key ideas would you implement in the company to ensure communication of the compensation plan is effective? Be specific


Human Resource

The Noe text describes both adventure learning and action learning as methods for instruction. Under what conditions would each of these be most appropriate to use as a team building tool? Use at least one outside source to defend your answer.

Human Resource

Throughout life, you have been exposed to a number of traditional training methods. Briefly describe one experience you have had when the training method was ineffective and a different method would have been more appropriate. Describe why you feel this method was ineffective and what method(s) would have been more effective. Defend your answer, and use at least two outside sources to back up your position.



Search the internet for Dirty Jobs. This is a television show. 

The host, Mike, experiences the end-to-end process of several kinds of dirty jobs during each show, but does not necessarily do them in order from beginning to end.

Identify a show with two segments to review.

For each of the two segments in that show, identify the items below. 

To do this you may wish to use a spreadsheet or set up a table so that your data makes sense.   


The jobs (roles/tasks)

The flow of work from one role/task to the next (create a process flow)

The input and outputs of each role/task

The characteristic differences between a novice (Mike) doing this work and an expert doing the work

The impact of mistakes on the job

The reasons that people do this dirty work every day what motivates them?Barriers to accomplishing the task.

Then analyze Mikes interview techniques.    


How did he gain acceptance with his experts? What did he do or say to help get them on his side?

Identify a set of stock questions that he uses repeatedly with small variations?

How does his technique differ from the techniques recommended in your text?

Submit your analysis here including observation of work and observation of Mikes interview techniques.

Summary not required but be sure that your data is organized and understandable

Your paper must be a minimum of 3 pages, reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.

Week 1 Project



Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:

  • Strategic Planning Process
  • HRM Planning


The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


The fundamental premise of this course is that different organizational strategies require different human resource policies and practices. Before HRM strategies can be utilized, it is important to understand the different types of strategies that organizations formulate and implement. It is important to understand the strategic planning process because HR professionals are expected to navigate the language of business and to be able to discuss HR programs using the terminology of strategic planning. Corporate strategies are organization-wide strategies focused on the overall strategy for the organization and its businesses or interests. These strategies are usually focused on long-term growth and survival goals.

Listed are three corporate strategy options:

  • Restructuring
  • Growth
  • Stability

Each strategy option includes several forms:

  • Restructuring: turnaround, divestiture, liquidation, or bankruptcy.
  • Growth: incremental growth, international growth, or mergers and acquisitions.
  • Stability: maintain the status quo.


Select a public company to research. Pick one of the corporate strategy forms listed above, and answer the following questions:

  • Describe your chosen organization.
  • Define the corporate strategy that you researched.
  • Evaluate the strategy used by your chosen organization and explain why it was selected.
  • Examine if the strategy focus on long-term growth or survival goals for that organization?
  • Conclude if the growth was achieved.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the . As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details

  • Present a 2- to 3-page paper in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources using the APA guidelines.
  • Name your file as SU_HRM5010_W1_Project_LastName_FirstName.

Write A 5-6 Page APA Paper On Three Similar Or Complementary Emerging Technologies From Gartner. Choose Technology That Is Currently Being Explored (Or May Be Explored) In Your Organization.


Emerging Technologies Research:


Write a 5-6 page APA paper (not including cover or references page) on three similar or complementary emerging technologies from Gartner(links for reference). Choose technology that is currently being explored (or may be explored)  in your organization.


Locate at least 5 and no more than 6 scholarly references pertaining to those three technologies; where it started, where it is currently, and where it is headed. Also discuss  Also discuss how this technology is being explored or how it will add value to your current organization or future IT career in an organization you hope to work for some day. 

Length: 5-6 pages; 7-8 pages including cover and references page.

Review the following “Top Trends in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies”

Individual Project

You have been asked to provide briefings to orient the next person sent abroad. Write a briefing that will:

  1. Assist one of your female managers from India in adjusting and communicating well with businesspeople in a South American country of your choice. (Remember that South America is a continent, not a country).
  2. Assist the executive from your chosen country in adjusting and communicating well with the female manager from India.

Individual Project

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located in Tennessee. As members of the senior management team of ToolsCorp Corporation, your group has been asked to prepare a neat and organized report for the Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) of ToolsCorp Corporation. The purpose of this paper is to obtain permission from them to go forward with the next step (developing a full-blown business plan) for ToolsCorp’s strategic initiative to break into the global marketplace.

Your group’s paper should discuss the following (at a minimum):Five-year strategic objective 

Ten-year strategic objective  

Additional Material Necessary for Strategic Iniitative  

Complete Paper Using Outline Attached


You will prepare a 3-4 page paper, exclusive of title and reference pages, in current APA format. Create your disaster plan for a fictitious office, including the following components.

1. Describe the specific type of emergency you have selected, including how it might occur in the office.

2. Include measures of personal, facility, and local or state preparedness. Provide specific instructions in a format that could be easily followed by office personnel during a time of emergency. Prioritize what must be done first, second, etc. Remember to include follow – up measures such as reports and debriefing as well.

3. Feel free to include numbered or bulleted lists where appropriate.

The plan should include information from your assigned readings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Bible. Cite your references using APA style. Title and reference pages are not included in the number of pages for the assignment. 

Due Friday By 2pm

Part 1: Research

Conduct  some independent research. Using Rasmussen and other resources, locate an  article about a current event related to crime  and violence that has affected your community. (Beaufort, SC)

Part 2: Reflect

In a minimum of  two-pages (not counting the title page and reference page) address the  following:

  • Offer a one (1)  paragraph synopsis of the article.
  • Identify if this event  is something that is common in your community or more of an isolated incident? 
  • Discuss if it is  something that is common in your community, what strategies would you suggest  be implemented in your community to combat it?
  • Address if it is a  rare occurrence and why do you believe it happened?
  • Explain how you would advocate  for your client if they were the victim in this situation?