Category: Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management 6100


When you think of scientific research, you might think of labs filled with microscopes or computer screens running mathematical formulas. Social science research is different in some ways, but some things are the same. For example, the major aspects of the overall scientific enterprise remain the same: research, theory, data collection, and data analysis. The difference is that social scientists apply these aspects to social research, like aiming to find aggregate patterns in social life. It is important, however, not to think of social science as less scientific than other forms of scientific research. For example, social science is based on evidence-based theory, and social scientists conduct complex experimental studies. While this sounds definitive, scholars are divided on what social science research should contain and what it should not. Some scholars believe social science research should be more conservative, adhering to traditional scientific principles used in chemical or biological studies. Others believe social science should be more liberal, utilizing new, nontraditional, and innovative forms of research to advance research findings and aid human and social services practices.

In this Discussion, you consider your own definition of social science research, supported by this weeks readings, scholarly literature, and your own research. Then, you explain how social science research is used in human and social services.

Discussions For Responses(50 Words For Each)

discussion 1

Process innovation is the application or introduction of new technology or method for doing something that helps an organization remain competitive and meet customer demands

The innovation process laid the path of the formulation of new and/or existing knowledge into marketable solutions. Companies that pursue a successful innovation process have something decisive that puts them ahead of others – they have designed the path of an idea from generation, through development, to market entry.

The innovation process defines the management of an idea from the strategic search to the successful market launch and its transfer to operative management.

Examples could be from the automobile sector. In the earlier period the assembling of parts of vehicles especially the heavy one where very difficult as automation was not there as it’s now. The process evolved and now everything is machine-based and assembling has become a cup of coffee. The technology helped to reduce the human resource required for this single job hence cost cut was there which can be used for business expansion. The chance of any mishappening reduced as everything got automated. Since the parts are heavy the normal person faces difficulties but when the process automates it becomes easy and fast. The delivery of vehicles became fast as hence it impacted the profit of the company. Hence this is one kind of innovation process where you strategies things and make your process easy.

discussion 2 

The innovative process that has resulted in a significant change in the education industry is the content of the curriculum that is taught throughout the state of Georgia. In recent years, studies have shown that students are not connecting their academic studies with a real-world concept. Moreover, students who moved throughout their K-12 years were more than likely to be academically behind because the curriculum did not match in their new school. Adopting the Common Core curriculum led to success because it allowed for students who move within the state to stay on track with their curriculum, and the new curriculum supports post-graduate success by appealing to real world problems and scenarios. For most public education classrooms in the United States, the question of What we want students to know? is answered (most broadly) by the Common Corea mix of content knowledge and skills (Heick, 2018).


Heick, T. (2018, January 25). Where’s The Innovation In Education Coming From? Retrieved from

discussion 3 

Strategies to promote productive, innovative practices are typically give their organization the impulse to ensure growth in a market that may be very competitive. Development begins with an idea, a strong idea can become a real basis for long term success for an organization. Creativity is a valuable resource in developing ideas, and is important in the success of innovation within an organization (Author,2020). Three strategies that would develop productivity and innovative practices are the following:

  1. Diversity: Diversity in terms of team composition is ideal for brand new ideas, that are not just new, but also fresh ideas that are practiced. Developing a group that has the ability to be innovative is high when the teams are mixed and consist of men and women of different age groups and backgrounds (Author, 2020)
  2. Creating free space: Creative freedom within an organization should be integrated into their day to day work. Individualized work would also create an environment that can create or inspire creativity for employees in an organization (Author, 2020).
  3. Input from the outside: Instead of using internal input or solutions, crowdsourcing is typically used when using innovative management. Involving for example customers and testers from external sources, valuable input can be increased many times over. This increases the ability for an organization to improve its ability to enhance their innovation ( Author, 2020).


Author, G. (2020). Promoting innovation: 10 ways to promote innovation successfully. Retrieved 14 February 2020, from

HR (DIV I/T WF U_5_5)


I have a written assignment due. I will attach the requirements needed to complete this assignment. Must use APA formatting.

 Note: Only up to 20% of content in the written assignment can be quotes from third parties.

Must be delivered as a word document:   

68 pages, excluding cover and reference pages



I have a written assignment due. I will attach the requirements needed to complete this assignment. Please be advised that there is a 300 word minimum for this assignment. Must use required reading for in text-citations. Must use APA formatting.

Note: Only up to 20% of content in the written assignment can be quotes from third parties. 

Human Resource


During the past 50+ years, the responsibilities of the human resource management profession have changed.  Based on the provided resources (and others you might wish to use), share your thoughts about:

 The differences between the past and current roles in this profession,

 How and why the roles have changed,

 What might the future hold for the field of HRM, and

 How might you envision and prepare for a future career in the HRM field?

 When you use a resource, please cite, reference, and format it in APA format. (Links are provided in Course Content to assist you.)

Interview Selection Process (Powerpoint)


The topic of this presentation will address job analysis and the different types of interviewing selection processes. It should reflect the results of your interpretation and critical thinking based on your textbook reading and research. Your presentation should cover the following points: Explain the nature and uses of job analysis in healthcare organizations. Discuss healthcare recruitment and selection. List the advantages and disadvantages of each interview type. Describe which interview has more interviewer biases, which one is more timely, which one is most costly, and which one provides more depth of information. The presentation is to be a minimum of six slides not counting the title and reference slides. You are required to use the textbook, and at least two additional sources. Feel free to use the slide notes to further explain your slides if necessary. 

Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2016). Healthcare human resource management (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Strategic T&D Report


Onboard Assignment


This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. It gives you an opportunity to investigate, analyze, and report on the strategic role of training and development in an organization. You must complete this assignment individually, without contacting other students, and you may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class or from another person. If you have questions about this assignment, please post them in the Ask the Professor discussion forum so that everyone can benefit from the answers. The assignment addresses Course Objectives 1, 2, and 3.

The Training Top 125 for 2019

For the past 19 years, Training magazine has ranked organizations based on their employer-sponsored training and development programs (Freifeld, 2019). The list below contains the top five organizations for 2019.



2019   Rank

2018   Rank


Dollar   General Corporation, LLC




Leading Real   Estate Companies of the World




Best Buy 








BNSF Railway   Co.



Details about the selection process and about all 125 organizations ranked by Training can be found at the magazines website at

You can obtain a link to a PDF with profiles of all of the Top 125 companies here (scan down to the bottom of the article):

You should also browse the website for additional articles related to the 2019 Top 125 list. The March/April 2019 issue, which you can find in Trainings , has feature articles on the top five companies for 2019. 



Choose one of Training magazines top five organizations and investigate the organizations strategic training and development initiatives

In addition to researching articles on Trainings website, you should explore the organizations web site for business information (hint: look for the organizations annual report, which can be a source of information about financial expenditures, company priorities, and competition) and use the UMUC library to conduct a search for references to the organization. Dont forget to look for YouTube videos by or about the organization.

Prepare a 3-5 page report based on your research

Using the criteria Training uses to rank organizations as well as information from your own research, prepare a 3-5 page report about strategic training and development in your chosen organization. Your report should include, but is not limited to, the following elements:

1. A description of the organization and its major products and/or services (a brief description — no more than two or three paragraphs). Try to find information about the organizations mission and/or goals and how its training function is organized. The organizations website and its annual report, particularly the letter to shareholders at the beginning of the annual report, are good sources of information. Be sure to cite the specific web page where you found information used in your report. 

2. An assessment of the characteristics of the organization that help it excel in training and development. Include factors such as (but not limited to) the total budget for or amount of money spent on training and development; the level of employee involvement in training and development activities; the type(s) of training and development opportunities offered; the organizations investment in and/or use of technology for training; and the availability of benefits such as tuition assistance. 

3. An assessment of how the TD function operates in the organization. How is the TD function organized? For a description of three training organizational models, read Organizational Models in Training (Training Industry, 2013), available at . Does the organization use training needs analyses (TNAs) to identify performance gaps or the need for new skills to support business strategies and initiatives? Does the organization employ the ADDIE, RID, or Agile approaches to design training? Does the organization embrace any of the TD competencies described in the ATD competency model mentioned in the Week 1 lecture? 

Support your opinions and statements with a minimum of four references from sources published within the last ten years.  You can cite scholarly and practitioner-oriented journals, course materials, newspaper articles, YouTube videos by or about the organization, the organizations annual report, and the organizations web site, but not Wikipedia, vendor websites, or other non-academic sources.  The UMUC library can help you identify appropriate sources.

Use APA format for citations, references, and quotations.  This means your list of references should start on a separate page, and should be double spaced, with a hanging indent and no spaces between entries. For help with APA format, please consult the Writing Resources module in the Course Resources section of our classroom. Your report should be three to five pages (not counting the cover or reference pages), double spaced with one-inch margins and a font size of at least 11 points.

Submit your assignment.

Please add the following statement to the cover of your paper:

This paper is my own work that I created specifically for this course and this section. All research or material I used in preparing this paper has been properly acknowledged within the assignment in accordance with academic standards for complete and accurate citation of sources.

Submit your assignment electronically via the Assignments folder.

Name your file this way: YourLastNameFirstInitial_TrainingReport

(Example: DoeJ_TrainingReport)

Due date: Sunday, February 23, 11:59 p.m. Eastern time

Please see the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.


Freifeld, L. (2019, February 26). Training Magazine ranks 2019 Training Top 125 organizations. Retrieved from  

Training Industry. (2013, May 23). Organizational models in training. Retrieved from  


Human Resources Management

Your topic should be related to the reading from the etext.  Once you have chosen a topic of interest, please email me so that I can approve. My suggestion is that you skim through the etext for some ideas. Choosing a topic that you are interested in will make this more enjoyable. You are not limited, you can choose anything related to Human Resources Management as long as it is appropriate.


6 slides

1st slide should include title (your topic of choice) and your name

slides 2 -6 should include one key word that relates to your topic and related picture(s).

Your heading will be the only text allowed on the slide (No bullet points). You will have to know your topic and present based on your research.


Slide 1 Title Page:  Biggest Mistakes made by HR Managers

Slide 2: Hiring

Slide 3: I-9 

Slide 4: Terminations

Slide 5: Compensation

Slide 6: Discrimination


In a 3 4-page report, explain current research on male and female communication styles. Specifically, differentiate between male and female communication styles and leadership behaviors. Respond to the following:

  • What impact does this have on workplace communication and interaction?
  • Do our communication styles differ depending on our personal and professional environments?
  • Do your personal workplace experiences either align or contradict the research outcomes? Discuss.

Use the Capella library to locate current journal articles on male and female communication styles. (See the Course Library Guide in the Resources.) Reference at least four resources, most of which should come from the Capella library. Note: If you use Internet sources, they must be credible. For example, Wikipedia and YouTube are not credible resources.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

For the following questions, you may want to refer to the Resources for links to the resources by Lieberman and by Ivanov and Werner:

  • How would you describe male and female communication styles?
  • What impact do male and female communication styles have on the workplace?
  • Do all males have the same sex chromosomes?
  • How does this relate to our communication style?


Assessment Instructions

Suppose you have been asked to write an article on interpersonal conflict for a local organization with which you are affiliated. You may choose any type of interpersonal conflict, such as between spouses, among family members, between members of a social group, or other, but your focus must be interpersonal conflict.


Search the Capella library and the Internet for scholarly, professional, or other appropriate resources that address the topic of interpersonal conflict. Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not considered an appropriate resource. You will need at least 2 resources to support your work in this assessment.


Complete the following:

  • Define the term conflict. Do not simply copy a definition from a source! 
    • What does conflict mean to you?
    • How does that compare with how others define conflict?
  • Describe communication behaviors that can lead to conflict.
  • Explain how the communication behaviors affect interpersonal relationships. Be sure to consider communication behaviors in a variety of situations.
  • Explain how differences in gender, age, culture, race, and so on can contribute to interpersonal conflict.
  • Recommend at least one strategy that can be used to resolve interpersonal conflict.

Because this is an article for publication, format your assessment following APA guidelines.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

  • What types of interpersonal conflict have you experienced?
  • When is interpersonal conflict constructive? What elements do you think need to be present for this to happen?