Category: Human Resource Management

Negotiation/Conflict Resolution


For the Unit III Project, you will create a negotiation planning guide for an organization to implement. In your planning guide, you will explain the ten-step planning process outlineWithin your project, include the following:1 define the negotiating goal 2 list the major issues in the negotiation related to acheving the goal 3. define their relative importance of each issue and define the barganing mix 4. define interest.5. define BATNA’s 6. define your limits, including a resistance point, 7. describe your understanding of the other parties goals and issues and resistance point, 8.Set your target goal 9. Asses the social context of the negotiation 9.set your target and open bid 10 outline how you will present the issues to the other party:What to say and how to say it

  • An introduction explaining the importance of planning goals and strategies during the negotiation process and a description of the difference between goals and strategies.
  • A planning guide that includes an explanation of each step in the planning, as well as a real-world example of how the step is applied. This example can be something you have witnessed, researched, or an original idea and should assist the organization in understanding how to implement this plan.

Your plan must be a minimum of 750 words or three pages in length (not including the title page and reference page). Within your plan, please label each step for clarity. Feel free to be creative, but keep in mind that an organization will be following your descriptions. You are required to use at least your textbook as a source. Remember to cite and reference all outside sources used.

Ass3 Hsa520

Assignment 3: Technology Assessment and Government Regulations

You are the senior manager of a large healthcare organization. The senior management team must select a Health Information Management System (HIMS) for the organization that will encompass several clinical and administrative departments. You will need to create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation that will persuade your CEO to purchase your chosen HIMS. Your presentation also must describe key aspects of HIMS (electronic medical record), such as implementation, interoperability, productivity, and support challenges. Use the work you did and the feedback you received from the Week 9 discussion when creating your presentation.

Create a ten to twelve (10-12) slide audio PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes (maximum of twenty [20] minutes) in which you:

  1. Justify to the CIO the need to integrate all clinical and administrative departments into a Health Information Management System in your health care organization.
  2. Select the most significant and current HIE, EHR, HIPPA, and HITECH regulations in your state. Next, determine two (2) ways these regulations could impact the integration of HIMS in your health care organization. Include three (3) potential solutions to address these regulation challenges.
  3. Propose three (3) privacy and security measures to help your organizations health care providers avoid security breaches and data loss, while better allowing them to concentrate on patient care. Next, develop an action plan to protect patient information that complies with HIE, EHR, PHI, and HIPAA legal requirements.
  4. Suggest three (3) key actions to monitor privacy and security violations that may occur after the HIMS implementation in your health care organization. Summarize in one (1) slide your key findings. Narrate each slide, using Kaltura or another device, as if you were actually presenting in front of the audience. For information on how to use Kaltura to record your presentation please view the .
  5. Use at least three (3) current (2015-2019), quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. The  is a great resource to locate current, quality resources. Include your references in one slide.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide with relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.) to ensure the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a title slide containing the assignment title, your name, the professors full name, the course title, and the date. The title and reference slides are not included in the required number of slides.
  • Make use of your speaker notes to clarify and elaborate on the information contained in your slides.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Propose a Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.
  • Propose how patient centric healthcare practices and technology and a HIMS can improve healthcare.
  • Determine best practices for avoiding HIMS failures and breaches.
  • Review concepts and theories related to healthcare information technology and systems, including ethical and legal standards, strategic information system planning, and methods for ensuring the security of patient information.

Assignment 2 Hsa520

Assignment 2: Healthcare Informatics and System Breaches

You are the Health Information Officer at a large hospital. You have learned a significant information technology failure or breach has occurred within your hospital. Using the Internet or the Strayer University library database, identify other health care organizations or healthcare providers that have recently had a significant information technology failure or breach. Write a report to your staff, notifying them of the failure or breach, who such failures or breaches have affected similar organizations, and how those organizations resolved the issue(s).

Write a four to five (4-5) page report for your staff in which you:

  1. Outline four (4) key factors contributing to the other organizations HIMS failures or breaches.
  2. Analyze three (3) ways the HIMS failures impacted the organizations operations and patient information protection, privacy, or personal safety.
  3. Diagnose the leadership teams reactions to the failures. Analyze whether the leadership teams took sufficient measures to address various stakeholder groups impacted. Next, consider whether the other organizations had sufficient resources in place to prevent these occurrences. If not, identify where most of the failures occurred.
  4. Suggest three (3) outcomes for the facility and state and explain whether you agree with the overall verdict or violation.
  5. Recommend at least three (3) best practices your hospital can adopt to avoid such HIMS failures or breaches in the future. Provide support for these recommendations.
  6. Explain one (1) current government requirement requiring all healthcare organizations to ensure health care and patient information is secure and information breaches and technology failures are minimized.
  7. Use at least four (4) current (2015-2019), quality resources in this assignment. The  is a great resource to locate current, quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or SWS format. Use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence syntax. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment length.
  • At a minimum, provide these headings within your report: summary statement, background information, and recommendations.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Propose a Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.
  • Determine best practices for avoiding HIMS failures and breaches.
  • Review concepts and theories related to healthcare information technology and systems, including ethical and legal standards, strategic information system planning, and methods for ensuring the security of patient information.

Assignment 1 520

Assignment 1: Patient Centric Healthcare Practices


Imagine you are the CEO of a healthcare organization. You would like to implement a patient-centric health information technology approach within the organization. This approach needs to take into consideration health care costs and safety. You need your executive team on board to ensure successful implementation of this patient centric healthcare technology information system. You plan to present a detailed report to your management team about the patient-centric approach, its benefits and challenges, and why your organization needs to embrace it.

Write a five to six (5-6) page researched report in which you address the following:

  1. Taking into consideration patient safety and health care costs, explain why a patient-centric approach is important in todays health care system along with the challenges involved in implementation.  Provide specific examples to justify your reasoning.
  2. Analyze the benefits derived by healthcare organizations that practice a patient-centric approach, stating their unique characteristics. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your ideas.
  3. Identify two (2) examples of a patient centric healthcare practice and propose three (3) ways patient-centric technology could increase patient access to quality healthcare.
  4. Suggest three (3) ways that HIMS can improve the patient experience within a healthcare organization or with a healthcare provider.
  5. Predict three (3) ways you would use patient centric healthcare practice principles to improve quality care measures within your organization.
  6. Use at least four current (2015-2019), quality resources in this assignment. The  is a great resource to locate current, quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence syntax. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Propose a Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.
  • Propose how patient centric healthcare practices and technology and a HIMS can improve healthcare.
  • Review concepts and theories related to healthcare information technology and systems, including ethical and legal standards, strategic information system planning, and methods for ensuring the security of patient information.

Hsa520 3dis

National Infrastructure” Please respond to the following:

  • Describe three (3) national infrastructures that require interoperability between all hospitals in the United States. Next, suggest two (2) ways that the use of an integrated delivery system improves the quality of patient services. Justify your response in relation to this week’s videos.

Hsa520 2dis

Government and EMRs” Please respond to the following:

  • Create an argument for or against governments role in EMR standards. Justify your argument with at least two (2) reasonable pieces of evidence for government intervention by referencing specific, recent, and relevant examples in relation to this weeks videos.

Hsa520 1dis

The Evolution of Health Information Technology” Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the current trends affecting the evolution of health information technology (HIT). Select a trend you believe is having the most significant impact on the expansion of HIT. Support your rationale for each of the factors identified in relation to this weeks videos.

Compensation 4 Discussion

  Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and  you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 

How can Pay for Performance be improved in your workplace or organization, based on the Compensation Programs used over the past 12 months (Exhibit 9.8 )?

Human Services Organizations


Human services organizations do their best to provide programs and services for those who need assistance. Sometimes meeting the needs of a given population requires the programs and services of more than one organization. For example, a homeless individual may first seek housing, but also may need health care, job placement services, clothing, and food. In order to meet the complex and multiple needs of clients, human services organizations form partnerships with other organizations. Partnerships can help organizations to maximize available community resources and efficiently deliver comprehensive services to clients. Human services administrators must be strategic in forming and maintaining partnerships. In addition, it is important that all organizations in a partnership maintain their missions to fulfill their original objectives.

Stakeholders may have needs related to the human services organization with which they are associated. These needs may originate from factors internal or external to human services organizations. For example, volunteers may need and demand a proper workspace to efficiently carry out volunteer duties. The needs of stakeholders can affect human services organization. It is up to human services administrators to identify and assess stakeholder needs as they make strategic plans for the organization. Knowing what questions to ask stakeholders for identifying and assessing needs is critical.

This week, you will work with your group to create a survey with Google Forms (or a comparable program). Google tools are widely used and can be beneficial to both your academic and professional career. If you are unfamiliar with this tool, please use your weekly Resources as guidance.

Coordinate with your group and identify two stakeholders related to your Final Project organization.

Then, develop a survey of five questions for each stakeholder to identify and assess stakeholder needs within Google Forms.

Once the survey is completed click File -> Send form -> and Copy the address under Link to Share.

Post the link the survey your team created in the groups assigned Discussion thread.

You will individually submit to the Instructor the survey created by your group in the Assignment area for a grade.


Assignment: Final Reflection

A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it.
Frederick Douglass (Douglass, 1999)

Like a great nation, an organization can only grow and succeed when the individuals with it take the time to reflect on lessons learned. Throughout this course, you have been given the opportunity to explore many topics related to how HR departments can become more strategically linked to organizations. Now it is time to reflect on what you have examined in this course through your Discussions and Assignments and Instructor feedback. Through reflections that includes observation, synthesis, and analysis, not only HR professionals, but every employee in an organization reaps the benefits.

For this Reflection:

  • Consider how your view of the HR profession as a strategic partner within an organization has changed since the beginning of the course.
  • Reflect on practical applications of Human Resources as a strategic business partner.
  • Consider how the various functions of HR support the strategy of an organization.
  • Consider how insights gained in the course will have an impact on your career.