Category: Human Resource Management

Discussion 6051

Heterosexism is defined as “the discrimination or prejudice by heterosexuals against homosexuals” ( and is predicated on the belief that being heterosexual is the norm and the only accepted type of relationship.

Everyday heterosexism is exemplified in our media, our policies, and daily practices. By making these assumptions, social workers can be in part culpable for the oppression and marginalization experienced by the LGBTQ community.

As a profession, social work embraces diversity and strives to ensure equal rights for all. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is committed to supporting the needs of these groups and, in turn, they created the National Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. During this week’s discussion you will be asked to consider how one’s own personal views on sexual orientation may clash with the profession’s stance.

Post a scenario of how a social worker’s personal, ethical, and moral values in relation to the LGBTQ community might conflict with those of their clients. Explain the distinction between personal ethics and values and professional ethics and values evident in the social work profession in addressing this community. Be specific and explain how this distinction relates to the scenario you posted. Also explain how prejudice and bias might create barriers to fulfilling your professional responsibility to the LGBTQ community.

Discussion 2 6200

Bearing witness to trauma has its own set of consequences. Watching repeated episodes of bullying can evoke strong emotional and behavioral responses from an adolescent. During the impressionable stage of social development in adolescents, these experiences can contribute to a change in perception about the ways people should and do treat each other. Furthermore, ongoing exposure to this behavior can jeopardize an adolescents healthy social development. For this Discussion, consider how the act of bullying experienced by one adolescent may change the experience of another who witnesses it.

Post a scenario that illustrates how bullying experienced by one adolescent may change the experience of another who witnesses it. Then address the availability of any social work intervention, skill, or practice that might change this cycle of events. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

Discussion 1 6200

Bullying is not a new phenomenon, but social media and communication technologies have introduced a breadth and depth to which public shaming, targeted taunting, and bullying have manifested. For this Discussion, consider how bullying has changed and how it has remained the same in light of modern technology.

Post an explanation of one moral development theory and its connection to the act of bullying. Be sure to frame your explanation within the context of cyber and other bullying that persists in social media and communication technologies used by adolescents. Also explain how bullying has changed and how it has remained the same in light of modern technology. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

2-3 Compensation

 -1. Are the three main elements of compensation systemsinternal consistency, market competitiveness, and recognizing employee contributionsequally important, or do you believe that they differ in importance? If different, which do you believe is most important? Least important? Give your rationale. 

use 1 online reference and 


Martocchio, J. (2017). Strategic Compensation: A human resource management approach (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. 

Discussion Strayer Week 1

Must Be In apa format 

1-2 paragraphs 

must use references 

Identify an organization that could benefit from the application of the I/O Model of Above-Average Returns (Figure 1.2 on page 15 in the text). Follow the five steps to justify your answer. Do not use Apple or Walmart in this exercise. Be sure to incorporate the relevant vocabulary or terms from the chapter and give us the “why”.

1-2 Compensation


Conduct an internet search finding a job you are interested (HR  Director) in that posts the salary range in the ad or recruitment firms description, place URL in thread area and then comment on:

Pros and Cons to putting salary information in a job ad

  1. Employer Perspective
  2. Prospective Employee Perspective



In each module in this course, your SLP assignments have built upon each other. For your SLP assignments have created an extensive PowerPoint presentation (PPT).

Remember, you have been named the Administrative Director at Trident International Hospital (TIH) and will be presenting your PPT to the Board of Directors at TIH for approval. TIH is restructuring to meet the current needs of their consumers.

There are several roles in a health care organization. Often, interdisciplinary teams are created to brainstorm or make important decisions. The key is to develop a team that will interact with one another effectively and being diverse views to the forefront.

Part 1:

We have discussed several types of departments/roles in health care organization, (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, clinical, non-clinical, etc.)  For your Module 4 SLP you are to create an interdisciplinary team of 5 or 6 six individuals that will discuss and development an action plan for the restructuring of TIH. In 5 or 6 additional slides, you are to explain to the board the following:

  1. Explain the importance of interdisciplinary teams
  2. Identify 5 or 6 individuals (titles of roles) and corresponding departments (i.e. Title: Inpatient Admission Director; Department: Inpatient) that you recommend to be a part of an interdisciplinary team to assist with the restructuring of TIH.
  3. Justify why these select individuals will be beneficial part of the team.

Part 2:

To conclude your PPT to the board of directors, you are to develop a new Vision and Mission of TIH. Your Vision and Mission should support or be interrelated with the selected 5 (five) of the pillars of success from Module 3.

At this point (with the continuation of slides from Module 1, 2, and 3 SLP), your total presentation should be at least 20-25 slides (not including the title and reference slide). Speaker notes are required.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your responses.

  1. Limit your response to a maximum of 25 slides (not including the title or reference slides).
  2. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 1-2 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: .
  3. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: .
  4. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source: .



According to The Institute for Health Care Improvement (2006), Continuing Education (CE) is a vehicle for spreading best practices and how to improve patient outcomes. In short, continuing education assists with keeping health care teams well-informed of current research, laws, regulations, and practices in the fields in which they practice.

Massoud M. R., Nielsen, G. A., Nolan K., Schall, M. W., Sevin. C. (2006). A Framework for Spread: From Local Improvements to System-Wide Change. Retrieved from

Review the following literature:

Belliolio, M. F. & Stead, L. G. (2009). Continuing Education Meetings and Workshops: Effects on Professional Practice and Health Care Outcomes. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 53(5). 685-687. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Filipe, H. P., Sliva, E. D., Stulting, A. A., Golnik, K. C. (2014). Continuing Professional Development: Best Practices. Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology. 21(2), 134-141. Retrieved from

Case Assignment

Based on your research of professional literature and the literature above, in a 3- to 4-page scholarly evaluation essay:

  1. Identify and describe the positive implications of Medical Research and Education.
  2. Explain the importance of continued education for health care professionals.
  3. Explain benefits of organizational/departmental training and staff development.
  4. Identify two current issues/problems in health care organizations and explain from a health care administer perspective how they could have been avoided with proper education.

For assistance on writing an evaluation essay, please review the following source:

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your position and answers to the questions.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 4 pages.
  3. Include an introduction and conclusion in your paper.
  4. Support your case with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
  5. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
  6. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:

Multidisciplinary Vs. Interdisciplinary Teams- DISC


Over the last few weeks you have learned about Inpatient and Outpatient Services, Ancillary Services, and Business Operations/Administration. These are all various sectors of an organization. Though they separate divisions of an organization, often it is necessary to build teams using individuals from various departments. For this discussion, you are to:

  1. Explain the functions of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams.
  2. Discuss characteristics of successful teams.
  3. Analyze the importance of teams in health care operations and delivery.



In each module in this course, your SLP assignments will build upon each other. For your SLP assignments, you will be creating an extensive PowerPoint presentation (PPT).

For your Module 3 SLP, read the following article:

Rodak, S. (2012). 10 Pillars of Success for Top Healthcare Workplaces. Retrieved from

Remember, you have been named the Administrative Director at Trident International Hospital (TIH) and will be presenting your PPT to the Board of Directors at TIH for approval. TIH is restructuring to meet the current needs of their consumers. The article discusses 10 pillars of success for top health care workplaces. In 5-6 additional slides, you are to:

  1. Select three of the pillars discussed in the article and present how these pillars are vital to TIHs consumers, support services, business operations, and administration.
  2. Research and select a health care model (i.e., Value Based, Volume Based, Fee-For-Service, Cost-Based, etc.) for TIH.
    1. Provide rationale how the selected model addresses the 3 pillars of success and will meet the current needs of TIHs consumers.

Your PPT should be professional and provide substantial information.

At this point (with the continuation of slides from Module 1 & 2 SLP), your total presentation should be at least 15-18 slides (not including the title and reference slide). Speaker notes are required.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your design of your department organization chart.  
  2. Limit your PPT to a maximum of 18 slides.
  3. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3-4 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: .
  4. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: .
  5. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source: .