Category: Human Resource Management

18 PP Slides And 6 Page Essay.


Strategic Human Resource Management

To start your Final Exam Essay/PP presentation you will develop an audio script. The audio script should be a detailed script and reflect what you would say to executives during the presentation. The script will be read/used to present human resource strategies to executives. The script will be the first part of the Capstone Project which will be added to the benchmarking and audit tools, detailed below, that can be used to assist an organization to transform the human resource function to a strategic business partner.

The introduction audio script needs to include the following:

  • An introduction to the Capstone      Project (Final Essay)
  • An assessment of the knowledge      and competencies that a global human resource leader should possess.      Describe how the denoted knowledge and competencies can be acquired and      why these KSAs are critical.
  • Create strategies for      transitioning HR from a transactional/process-oriented role to a strategic      partner role.

Your audio script will be the introduction to your portfolio and should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 2 pages in length AND 2      SLIDES AS WELL.
  • Be formatted according to      the APA format.

Build your Capstone Project to 18 slide Power Point presentation, which includes the following:

  • Audio Script Introduction that      recommends strategies for transitioning human resources from a      transactional/process-oriented role with an organization to one in which      it is a strategic partner in determining the future of an organization. 2      slides
  • Strategies for ensuring a legal      and inclusive workplace (Week 2 Assignment) 4 PP slides
  • HR Best Workforce Management      Practices Audit (Week 3 Assignment) 4 PP slides
  • Compensation and Benefits Plan      (Week 4 Assignment) 4 PP slides
  • Organizational Intervention and      Evaluation Plan (Week 6 Assignment) 4 PP slides 

Your project should meet the following requirements:

  • 18 slide power point presentation      (NOT including Title and Reference pages).
  • Include at least 15-17 different      scholarly sources.
  • Be formatted according to APA FORMAT      ONLY.

For the final project, write in a concise manner eliminate jargon and ensure that you include scholarly research as required. Draw the eye of the executives reading your proposal by including visuals bullet points, graphs for comparisons, figures, etc. NOT ALLOWED : no Wikipedia, Investopedia, small business chronicle or other .coms that are not relevant. The assignment final capstone project requires 15-17 scholarly sources.

6 page ESSAY: Employee Engagement in Organizational Change

For this assignment, you will create an organizational intervention and evaluation plan that focuses on technological and environmental impacts. Specifically, you will examine how to engage employees in organizational change efforts regardless of impact type.

Develop a well-written paper that addresses the following:

  • Conduct      an environmental scan and analyze at least two technological or      environmental influences that are impacting an organization/industry of      your choice.
  • Recommend      interventions or strategies that can be implemented to mitigate any      negative impact that a new technology/environmental factor may have on the      organization. Explain how the recommended strategies can be used to engage      employees in the change process.
  • Identify      an evaluation process for the intervention plan. Specifically, explain how      you will gauge the success of the plan.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 6      pages in length.
  • Include      at least 4 different scholarly sources not utilized previously.
  • Be formatted      according to the APA format.

NOT ALLOWED : no Wikipedia, Investopedia, small business chronicle or other .coms that are not relevant.

References that helpfu:

Northon, L. (2017). On the brink. HR Magazine, 62(3), 18.

Shuck, B., Adelson, J. L., & Reio, T. G. (2017). The employee engagement scale: Initial evidence for construct validity and implications for theory. Human Resource Management, 56(6), 953-977.

Warrick, D. D., Milliman, J., & Ferguson, J. (2016). Building high performance cultures.

Organizational Dynamics, 45(1), 64-70.

Tavakoli, M. (2015). Creating a culture of inclusion to attain organizational success. Employment Relations Today, 42(2), 37-42.

Cardinal, R. (2015) Five steps to building an effective team. Huffington Post. Retrieved from

Drory, A. (2017). A framework for strategic organization development. Organization Development Journal, 35(4), 9-18. Retrieved from

Hagen, M. S., Bialek, T. K., & Peterson, S. L. (2017). The nature of peer coaching: Definitions, goals, processes and outcomes. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(6), 540-558. Retrieved from

Martin, M. M. (2016). Taking OD back to the future. Organization Development Journal, 34(2), 61-80. Retrieved from

Mihiotis, A., & Argirou, N. (2016). Coaching: From challenge to opportunity. The Journal of Management Development, 35(4), 448-463. Retrieved from

Van Vianen, A. E. M., Rosenauer, D., Homan, A. C., Horstmeier, C. A. L., & Voelpel, S. C. (2018) Career mentoring in context: A multilevel study on differentiated career mentoring and career mentoring climate. Human Resource Management, 57(2), 583-599. doi:10.1002/hrm.21879

Warrick, D. D. (2017). The urgent need to educate present and future leaders in organization development and change. OD Practitioner, 49(3), 52-58. Retrieved from

Due In 20 Hours.

 Please take a look this assessment it is connected to assessment 1? title: Demand Management Plan Prepare a 7-page demand management plan, including a forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling analysis, as well as recommendations, for a provided  scenario or business of your choice.  


This portfolio work project, a demand management plan, will help you demonstrate competency in forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling.  


For this assessment, choose either Option 1 or Option 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one of these scenarios in the Requirements below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide. 

Option 1 

Wild Dog Coffee Company, a locally owned company with a single coffee shop location, serves a wide selection of espresso beverages, small breakfast and lunch menu items, and a limited evening menu. The company is planning to expand  the business by adding an additional location. While different menu items may be tested at the new location, their core processes will remain the same. You have been working on a process improvement in preparation for the expansion and are now turning your  attention to demand management.   

Option 2 

If you chose Option 2 for Assessment 1, use the same business for this assessment, or select a different business. Note that it is recommended that you use the same business for each assessment in this course, using the following  criteria for your selection: 

  • The company fits the assessment requirements and you have access to the information needed to complete the assessment. 
  • The business information is disclosed in the assessment for faculty’s reference. 
  • You can distribute the business data without disclosing confidential information. 

Your Role 

Option 1 

As an owner of Wild Dog Coffee Company, you and your business partners are planning the opening of a second location. You need to prepare an analysis and recommendations for demand management, including forecasting, inventory, and  scheduling, for your current location, so you can refine the model before opening the second location.  

Option 2 

Your boss, a director, has tasked you with a demand management project. She is relying on you to prepare an analysis and recommendations for demand management that can be presented to the executive team of the company. You completed  a special project for her a few months ago that went very well, and you are pleased to have received this new assignment. 


Include the following in your demand management plan: 

  • Assess the impact of advertising on product demand. 
  • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, the following basic assumptions will help you prepare a demand forecast: 

The other owners of Wild Dog Coffee Company handle the business’ marketing and sales functions, and they believe that advertising expenditures impact the sale of coffee beverages. They want you to confirm whether or not their advertising  dollars are driving sales. Here is what was agreed upon by all the owners:  Wild Dog Coffee Business InformationQuestionsResponsesHow many espresso beverages are made each hour?30, on averageHow many ounces of espresso beans are used for each beverage?1.5 ouncesHow many  hours per day is the coffee shop open?6:00 a.m.8:00 p.m., SundaySaturdayHow many days each month is the business open?364 days per year. The coffee shop is closed on Christmas day.  You have the following six months of data to work with for pounds of espresso beans (y) used each month and monthly advertising expenditures (x):  Espresso Bean Use and AdvertisingMonthLbs/Beans (y)Advertising Dollars (x)1987$1,05021,412$1,50031,020$1,00041,140$1,25051,322$1,50061,399$1,500 Interpret the forecasting  model for the selected product. 

  • Use a simple linear regression model to show your forecast. 
  • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, forecast the pounds of espresso beans needed for month 7 if the advertising budget for month 7 is $1,350. Interpret the model and respond to the following questions for Wild Dog Coffee Company: 
  • How many espresso beverages will the company need to prepare, on average, each day? 
  • How many pounds of espresso beans will the company need, on average, each day? 
  • To what extent do advertising dollars predict the need for espresso beans? 

Prepare an inventory management analysis for the selected product. 

  • In your analysis, include two different approaches to inventory management. What are the pros and cons of each system you analyzed?  
  • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, the following provides additional information you have gathered from the inventory management analysis: 
  • Since Wild Dog Coffee Company is small, the company must manage inventory very carefully. While larger companies can have lots of inventory on the shelf, Wild Dog simply does not have the cash to do that. As such, you have a number  of pressures for small inventories. Wild Dog does not have the ability to store a lot of beans, to cover the cost of capital, or to withstand unnecessary expenditures for taxes, insurance, and shrinkage. Shrinkage is important because roasted espresso beans  only maintain their optimal freshness for two weeks. 
  • Demand is approaching 1,400 pounds of espresso beans per month. 
  • Only one type of espresso bean is stocked. 
  • Demand is not constant on a daily or weekly basis. 
  • If you run out of espresso beans at any point, you will have to close the business until the next shipment of beans arrives. 
  • Espresso beans are shipped in 25-pound packages. (This is your base inventory unit.) 
  • The cost per pound of beans averages  $9.00. 
  • Espresso beans are delivered seven (7) days after placing the order and on any day of the week. 
  • Shipping is free on orders over  $250. Otherwise, shipping is $19.95 per order, regardless of weight. (This is the only ordering cost you incur.) 
  • Holding costs are 10 percent/year/unit. 
  • Standard deviation for  daily demand is 1.84 pounds. 

Analyze the business scheduling management. 

  • In your analysis, detail two different staffing scenarios for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business. What are the pros and cons of each staffing scenario? 
  • Use a Word table or Excel spreadsheet to show both staffing scenarios for each day of the week. Include the daily and weekly total staffing costs and number of hours worked for each employee. 
  • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, the following provides additional information you have gathered from the staffing analysis: 
  • Shifts have been scheduled according to who wants to work which shift. This has generally worked out well, but you realize you need to tighten up the scheduling process in order to optimize a staffing model. Two employees are required  to make a coffee beverage. One employee takes the orders, and a barista makes the coffee drink and hands it to the customer. 
  • Baristas are paid $14/hour, regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time. 
  • Full-time employees (up to 40 hours/week), other than baristas, are paid $12/hour. 
  • Part-time employees (up to 20 hours/week), other than baristas, are paid $9/hour. 
  • All full-time employees receive company benefits that equate to 15 percent of their hourly rate. (This is known as a benefits load.) 
  • All full-time employees are paid at 150 percent of their regular rate for all hours worked over 40 hours per week. Full-time employees can only work a maximum of 50 hours per week. The benefits load is not applied to overtime hours. 
  • All part-time employees are paid at 150 percent of their regular rate for all hours worked over 20 hours per week. Part-time employees can only work a maximum of 26 hours per week. 
  • It costs $500 to hire each additional employee, and it costs $250 to terminate an employee. 
  • Full-time employees are likely to resign if moved to part-time status. 
  • The coffee shop is open 84 hours per week. There are two additional hours allocated each day for one employee to perform opening and closing activities. (That is, one hour is allocated for opening duties and one hour is allocated  for closing duties.) 
  • Your current level of staffing for coffee beverages is as follows: 
  1. Baristas 1 full-time; 3 part-time. 
  2. Non-barista 1 full-time; 2 part-time.   

Recommend an inventory management system and staffing plan for a selected business and product.  

  • Detail the results of your analysis for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business’ product to substantiate your recommendations 

Deliverable Format 

  • The demand management plan is to be a minimum of 7 pages, not including the title, reference, and appendix pages. 
  • Use a demand management plan template of your choice. 
Related company standards: 
  • The demand management plan is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs. 
  • In addition to the title and reference pages, include the following in the appendix: 
  • Linear regression model for product forecasting. 
  • Word table or Excel spreadsheet for staffing scenarios. 
  • Use 23 scholarly or academic sources, where applicable, one of which must come from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or  MIT Sloan Management Review. 
  • Use APA formatting for citations and references. 


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria: 

  • Competency 1: Analyze how operations management theories and models effect the development and delivery of products or services to the marketplace. 
  • Interpret the forecasting model for the selected product. 
  • Competency 2: Use logistics and supply chain management tools to manage the distribution of products and services. 
  • Prepare an inventory management analysis for the selected product. 
  • Competency 3: Use data to evaluate the effect of operations management decisions on organizational goals. 
  • Assess the impact of advertising on product demand. 
  • Analyze the business scheduling management. 
  • Competency 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of operations management strategies to achieve quality and customer service goals. 
  • Recommend an inventory management system and staffing plan for a selected business and product.  
  • Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders. 
  • Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business profession

Safety Vs Ethical Decisions

When a restaurant employee slipped on spilled soup and fell, requiring the evening off to recover, the owner realized that workplace safety was an issue to which she had not devoted much time. A friend warned the owner that if she started creating a lot of safety rules and procedures, she would lose her focus on customers and might jeopardize the future of the restaurant. The safety problem is beginning to feel like an ethical dilemma. Suggest some ways the restaurant owner might address this dilemma. What aspects of human resource management are 

Sheryl Hogan

Leaders in organizations commonly supervise a number of subordinates who may also be referred to as their followers. Using the CSU Online Library, explore topics associated with leadership behavior, followership behavior, and how followers are affected by leadership. Then, select a company that is of interest to you, and respond to the following questions/topics.

  • Briefly describe your chosen company. Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might address if followers do not respectfully adhere to the demands of their leaders.
  • Explain how followers can influence the behavior of leaders.
  • Analyze how different types of leadership styles can affect the motivations, behaviors, and performances of followers.
  • What might this company do in the future to improve leadership training methods and performance measures for all workers? Include your rationale. 

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of two pages in length (not including the title page and the references page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the topics above. Your response must include a minimum of two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Human Resource Management Argumentative Paper

Argumentative Paper

The state workers compensation board that governs workers compensation for the state that your company resides and performs all of its business in, has decided to reject the four exceptions to the governing classification and single enterprise rule in your state.

Understanding this is a very big issue, your companys legal team has elicited your help to write an argumentative paper that will be presented to the workers compensation board during the public hearings scheduled for next week.

Compose a paper that defends the following list:

  • the Standard Exception classifications,
  • the Interchange of Labor rules,
  • the General Exclusion classes, and
  • the use of the Multiple Enterprise rule.

The legal department is depending on you to ensure that to help the board understand why the rejection of these exceptions would be so detrimental to your business. Make sure you argue your points based on a company with 8,000-plus employees, within seven different manufacturing sites and two major administrative buildings that are separated geographically from the plants. Your EMR for the trailing 36-month period is 0.94 and the gross revenue for your company is $1.3 billion.

Your paper must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title and reference page) and include at least two academic resources. All information from outside resources should be cited in APA format. Please include an abstract that summarizes the key points of your defense and/or argument.

Discussion Question 1 Week 1


Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Part A (Chapter 1)

1. Explain how human resource management and human resource information systems evolve over time.

2. Review the types of human resource information systems (HRIS) on pages 1112 of the textbook, then answer the following questions: Explain which HRIS types your current or previous employer utilizes. If your current or previous organization does not utilize a HRIS, which types would you recommend? How does the utilization of those systems promote transformational HR activities?

Part B (Chapter 3)

3. Why is feedback from HRIS customers/users important to a HRIS implementation team? Explain your experiences with HRIS as both an employee and non-employee. Next, explain how N-tier architecture or cloud computing has simplified HRIS usage and maintenance?

Quality Management Plan Controls:

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.

This assignment will ask for you to utilize information gained on previous course projects and reflect on the following quality management plan controls:

  • Discuss issues to be considered with the implementation of the improvement program.
    • Staff acceptance of change
    • Implementation time frame
  • Discuss issues involved in the collection and analysis of data.
    • Data collection
    • Data analysis process
  • Identify and describe a desired outcome of the quality improvement plan.

Submission Details:

  • To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
  • Your assignment should be addressed in a 5- to 6-page document.

Initial IOM (1999)

before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “,” the expanded grading rubric for the forum, and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the unit, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.

Action on the IOM Report

An Institute of Medicine (IOM, 1999) report was a wake-up call for both the general public and healthcare providers regarding the problem and tragic consequences of medical errors. According to the report brief, “At least 44,000 people, and perhaps as many as 98,000 people, die in hospitals each year as a result of medical errors that could have been prevented” (IOM, 1999, p. 1). The report recommends a four-tiered approach as a strategy for addressing this problem. Read the .

These actions have been evaluated in recent years through several approaches. For this assignment, read the initial IOM (1999) report and then evaluate how the healthcare system has responded to each of the four recommendations made in the report. Use two resources to find information about how the US healthcare system is acting on the four recommendations in the IOM report. You may use journal articles, government reports, reports or findings of public organizations, and other authoritative sources. The following are resources of information on the recommendations as well:

The first recommendation (about creating leadership) refers to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Use the website.

The third recommendation (about actions of oversight organizations, professional groups, and group purchasers of healthcare) identifies .

provides an overview of implementations of this report as well.

Respond to the following:

  • Which of the IOM recommendations do you feel provides the greatest impact on patient safety? Why?
  • Assess the US healthcare system’s actions regarding the four recommendations in the IOM report. Which recommendation provides the most impact on patient safety? Which provides the least? Justify your answer.
  • Provide an overall assessment of how the US healthcare system is performing with regard to patient safety in response to the IOM recommendations.

Submission Details:

  • To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the . As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
  • Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. S

Human Resource Management 6152 Discussion


Submitting a request for proposal (RFP) is usually a requirement for human services administrators who wish to pursue government grants. For example, the director of a homeless shelter might apply for a grant from the state government for supplies, such as cots for the shelter, to expand the program. Completing an RFP can be a long process that requires planning and collaboration. Before delving into the details of the RFP, it is wise for administrators to develop a strategy and an organized method for carrying out the steps of the process. Completing the RFP can be a challenge for human service administrators. Nevertheless, the effort is well worth receiving government grants for human services programs that might otherwise go unfunded.

In the same group to which you are assigned for your Final Project, you will participate in a Group Wiki. In your Group Wiki, you are expected to build on the Wiki posts your group has added.

By Day 4

Post the steps you would take to complete a request for proposal. Include where you might go for information, who you might talk to, and who you might enlist to assist with the process.

  • Continue to post through Day 7 any additional steps that are needed and potential challenges related to completing the RFP, including an explanation on how you might address the challenges.

Human Resource Management 6152


Resource development is a major responsibility for human services administrators. Identifying sources of funding for a particular program is an essential part of resource development. Grants are one of a variety of sources from which human services organizations draw funding for programs. If you search the Internet, you are likely to find plenty of information about a variety of available grants. Federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as private entities, such as foundations and corporations, offer grants. Search the Internet for available grants and identify one grant to use for this Journal Assignment. Think about human services programs for which this grant might be beneficial.

By Day 7

Post in your Journal a description of a human services program with which you are familiar. Next, post a link for the grant you identified. Explain why you believe this grant would be beneficial to the program, and how. Finally, share an insight you had or a conclusion you drew about identifying available grants.

Suggested length: approximately 250500 words (12 pages).