Category: Human Resource Management

Assignment 3

ASSIGNMENT 3: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 9 and worth 190 points 


In Assignment 2, you created a professional development plan using EI building blocks and motivation.  In this last assignment, you will examine how politics and power influence an organization and its culture. 


In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture and may hinder organizational productivity.  In your role as consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture. 


INSTRUCTIONS  Following SWS standards, write a 5 to 7 page report that addresses the following: 


1. Influence of Politics and Power Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. 


2. Sources of Power Explore the sources of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit the department and improve organizational performance. 


3. Leadership Behavior and Culture Make recommendations that support how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organizations culture. 


4. Leadership Influence Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior in solving the issue you identified. How does it influence organizational structure and performance? 


5. References and Citations Go to to locate at least two resources. In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source. 


6. Formatting and Writing Standards Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards. 


*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:   


Criteria Exemplary 100% – A 

Proficient 85% – B 

Fair 75% – C 

Unacceptable 0% – F 

1. Influence of Politics and Power 

Weight: 20%  

Completely explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. Accurately identifies the core issues and strongly connects them to the impact on culture. The explanation is wellsupported by research.  

Satisfactorily explains how politics and powerplay may have influenced the organizations culture. Identifies some core issues and connects them to the impact on the culture. The explanation uses research support. 

Partially explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. Identifies some issues but does not fully explore them or make a strong connection to their impact. Uses little research support.  

Does not explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. 

2. Sources of Power 

Weight: 20%  

Completely identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Uses relevant key concepts and makes valid connections to enhanced performance that are well-supported by research.  

Satisfactorily identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Most key concepts are accurately identified and there is a connection to enhanced performance with research support.  

Partially identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Not all key concepts are identified and there is a loose connection to performance. There is little research support.  

Does not identify the sources of power or describe how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. There is no reference to research. 

3. Leadership Behavior and Culture 

Weight 25%  

Provides excellent recommendations as to how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture. Recommendations are credible and relevant with a strong connection to the impact on culture backed by wellsupported research. 

Satisfactorily recommends how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture. Recommendations are clear and mostly realistic; there is a connection to the impact on culture. Research support is evident.  

Partially recommends how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture, but the recommendations are unclear or unrealistic. There is no clear connection to the impact on culture. There is little or no research support.  

Does not recommend how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture. There is no reference to research. 


Criteria Exemplary 100% – A 

Proficient 85% – B 

Fair 75% – C 

Unacceptable 0% – F 

4. Leadership Influence  

Weight 20%  

Thoroughly discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Relevant key concepts are presented with strong research support.  

Satisfactorily discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Most key concepts are presented with research support.  

Partially discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Some key concepts are missing and there is little or no research support. 

Does not discuss how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. There is no reference to research. 

5. Reference minimums; Reference quality  


Weight 5%  

Meets or exceeds required number of references; all references high-quality choices. 

Meets required number of references; some references may be poor-quality choices. 

Does not meet the required number of references; some references may be poor-quality choices 

No references provided or all references poorquality choices.  

6. Follows writing standards; Meets page minimums  

Weight 10% 

Followed all writing standards. Met page minimums.  


Followed most writing standards. Met page minimums.  

Followed few writing standards. May not have met page minimums.  

Followed few to no writing standards. Did not meet page minimums.  


Development Human Resource 4


Technology for Recruiting

There are many advancements in technology in regards to recruitment. Evaluate the many different technological tools used to recruit. Select five of these tools and explain their functionality as it relates to recruitment.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 700 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA style, see the example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Textbooks, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.  


Human Resource Management 15th Edition

by  (Author),  (Author),  (Author),  (Author) 

 chapter 7- 9


Discuss Board

This assignment has 2 parts.

  1. Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this Discussion Board (do not use attachments). An executive summary is a 10% synopsis of a larger document that outlines the purpose, planned processes, actual processes, findings, and recommendations for the project. Chief executive officers (CEOs) often read and assess executive summaries before deciding to read entire reports. Consequently, the summary must be a high-quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work, addresses all the important issues being undertaken the seven GP questions are important issues – shows, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and establishes the credibility of the resulting conclusions.
  2. Please review the executive summaries of other students, and provide an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of their finished reports.

Week 3 Project



Supporting Lecture:

Review the following lecture:

  • Forecasting Human Resources


The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


You are the VP of HR, and the CEO has inquired whether a succession plan and a talent development plan is right for your organization. You need to prepare your proposal for a succession plan, and a talent development plan to present to the board of directors. Research an organizational chart of organization of your choice and answer the following questions:

  • Why is it crucial for HR professionals in this industry to be fully aware of their organizations strategy planning and talent development?
  • What levels within the organization should be included in succession planning? Why? What levels would you exclude? Why?
  • What levels within the organization should be included in talent development? Why? What levels would you exclude? Why?
  • What positions are critical to the continued success of this organization?

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the . As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details

  • Present a 3- to 4-page paper in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources using the APA guidelines.
  • Name your file as SU_HRM5010_w3_Project_LastName_FirstName.

10 Dis

“EMRs in Rural Settings” Please respond to the following:

  • How satisfactorily do we serve rural communities? How has technology helped to provide health care access in rural communities? What prevalent challenges do health care professionals in rural communities face?

BHR 3352 DB 6

Pay and incentive programs are being used both for knowledge workers and in non-knowledge worker occupations. In every industry, from restaurants to construction and low-tech manufacturing, companies are using more comprehensive pay and incentive programs to attract and keep workers in a tight labor market.

Think about an industry you currently work in, have worked in, or would like to work in. What incentive programs do you believe would motivate you to perform at a higher level? Explain why that is a motivation for you.

Module 2: Portfolio Milestone

Option #1: The Recovery Plan Project Case

  • Read the Recovery Plan Project case (linked in Portfolio Project Option 1 in the Module 8 folder). Examine the project management issues detailed in the case, including those concerning procurement, contracts, and risk management.
  • Write an overview of one-half to one page (not including the required title and references pages) of the case and the project management issues to be covered in more detail.
  • Include one current scholarly source from the CSU-Global Library that you are likely to use in your final paper, exclusive of any course textbooks or lecture material.






Review your required reading by Yu-Chih Liu and Asri Rizki (2016). Examine Table 2 and Figure 1, and consider the discussion offered by the authors.

  1. Post your researched thoughts on how the risk factors mentioned in the reading impact ongoing projects with which you are familiar.
  2. Include your thoughts on the impact of these factors on international projects, or when international consultants and/or suppliers are involved.
  3. Support your positions with at least one current (no older than five years) scholarly source, beyond the course materials and textbooks. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources. Make sure to cite your sources following the .

Recommend A Plan That Centers On Total Quality Management

 Imagine your company is being considered for subcontracting the management of a project because of your firms excellent human resource and quality management skills. However, you find that you must first convince the contracting company that your company is worthy of the position. Recommend a plan that centers on total quality management (TQM) that highlights your firms experience with TQM and human resources.  

I Need A Discussion Done For Wk 8 And A Respond To 2 Peers


Inside Amazon

The New York Times article in this week’s readings discusses culture and leadership at Amazon.

  • Applying leadership concepts that we have covered so far in this course, what is your perspective on how culture drives results at Amazon?
  • The article was published in 2015. What evidence do we have of the impact that this kind of press has had on Amazon? Locate and post a more recent news article addressing either:
    • Steps Amazon has taken to make changes, or
    • Whether there were unfair biases in the original reporting

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.

I do not have the 2 response as of yet but will post on Thursday.