Category: Human Resource Management

Assignment Leadership

Need one page about your Leadership Reflection.

It should exhibit a personal reflection of your present leadership competencies and also possible adjustments that could be made to your leadership approach. Importantly, your Journal entry should be in light of the various concepts that have covered each week in the course. Also of importance, the Leadership Reflection should be far beyond a mere casual discussion. It should demonstrate a high level of understanding and should also provide adequate integration of authoritative sources with intext citation and in APA format. 

500 Words Due In 8 Hours.

 Human resources is charged with optimizing the human potential of an organization. Examine how human resources can add organizational value. Then, recommend two strategies that an HR department can take to become a more valuable resource/organizational department.

Answer the above using the question and answer (Q&A) format. The Q&A format should include the original question along with your response. Within your post, support your responses with information from at least 2-3 peer-reviewed/scholarly source (not older than 3-5 years) and provide the full citation at the end of your post. Use APA guidelines to format your references. 

NO Wiki, blogs, news article ONLY scholarly articles.

Naznin, H., & Hussain, M. A. (2016). Strategic value contribution role of HR. Vision, 20(2), 135-138.

Robinson, S., & Eilert, M. (2018). The role of message specificity in corporate social responsibility communication. Journal of Business Research, 90, 260-268.

Mayfield, M., Mayfield, J., & Wheeler, C. (2016). Talent development for top leaders: Three HR initiatives for competitive advantage. Human Resource Management International Digest, 24(6), 4-7.

Montealegre, R., & Cascio, W. F. (2017). Technology-driven changes in work and employment. Communications of the ACM, 60(12), 6067.

Human Resource

Initial Post Guidelines

Assume you are the senior HR professional at the nonprofit organization introduced in this unit’s vignette. While the employee in transition took a day of leave, you had talked to the agency director and decided that together you would develop an organizational policy addressing favorable and protective treatment of transgender members of the organization. This is currently in draft and needs the approval of the organization’s board, so it does not, at this stage, actually do much to support the employee.

  • What could you do as an HR professional to support and protect the employee in transition, until the new organizational policy is in place?
  • What action, if any, should you take to discuss the bathroom event with the transportation supervisor, remembering that there is no current organizational policy addressing transgender employees?
  • Would a townhall meeting be a good thing to do now or just prove embarrassing to the employee in transition? If you think it would be a good step to take, how would you approach it?

Discussion Post 300 Words

Workforce planning is an effective strategy used to align a companys workforce performance with the companys overall strategic plan. This acts as a plan to allow a company to better reach their goals and carry out their mission statements.

Strategic workforce planning allows a company to propose and delegate responsibilities to the HR department. These responsibilities include strategies that help align a companys workforce with the companys strategic plan.

  • Discuss two strategies that can be used in strategic workforce planning, in order to align a companys workforce to their overall strategic goals.
  • Discuss why strategic workforce planning is important.
  • Also, discuss the role HR takes in the process of strategic workforce planning.

Training And Development Case Point 1.2


Read the attached Case in Point 1.2: Extending Learning at Emerson. 

Based on Emersons account please find an example of an organization which is not a learning organization. Compare and contrast the key characteristics of learning organizations at Emerson with your example.  How does your example fail to meet the characteristics of a learning organization?

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

 Write between 1,250 1,750 words (approximately 3 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

 Use font size 12 and 1 margins.

 Include cover page and reference page.

 At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

 No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

 Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

 Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

 References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Multi-Generational Workforce Conflict


Imagine that you manage a department in a health care organization of your choosing. The organization recently merged with another, layoffs occurred, and departments are now being consolidated. Your department now has employees whose ages span four generations, three different cultural groups are represented, and conflict is brewing between them. The conflict is affecting performance, shift scheduling, and cooperation with other departments. 

Write a 700- to 1,050-word directive to address these conflicts. Do the following in your directive:

Assess the situation that your department is facing.

Create clear and reasonable expectations and goals to achieve cohesion, cooperation, and communication in your department.

Lay out a strategy to overcome these conflicts and improve workplace performance.

Explain how success will be measured based on your strategy and goals.

Consider using tables, matrices, or other visuals.

Evaluate what leadership traits you need to incorporate in order to lead your diverse department.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment. Textbooks and websites will not meet this requirement. Please take a look at databases such as ProQuest as an example. 


 3-4 pages, abstract, conclusion and reference

  • Write a paper that describes how teams are developed.
  • Explain the health care leader’s role in building, energizing, and leading teams.
  • Discuss what causes a team to be dysfunctional.
  • Additionally, you should include strategies that leaders can use to resolve the issues facing a dysfunctional team.


Week 1 Discussion

The Nature of Human Resource Management 

Human Resource Management (HRM) takes a strategic approach in developing and maintaining a qualified workforce to gain a competitive advantage. The role of a Human Resource Manager in the strategic process is to focus on the specific areas that will contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. If you were an HR Manager, on which would you focus? Give a rationale for your choice(s).

  • Knowledge workers  Seeking individuals who have the skillset to perform the specific functions of the job
  • Financial Crisis Ensuring the organization can meet financial obligations when the external environment (economy, laws) negatively affects the organization and prevents it from meeting forecasts for annual sales.
  • Ethically and socially responsible to the needs of society.
  • Work life balance for all employees.

Collaboration Leverages


Assignment Details (300 words and reference)

Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a health care team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than are generally possible by the efforts of an individual.

  • Describe the process you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.
  • Present a brief outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverable.
  • Review the processes and outlines of other students, providing objective feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished product.




(A 10-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.) 

Instructions: Select a company of your choice and review its website. Assume that the company you select has just created a department to manufacture and sell a new communications device that will significantly reduce the time and cost invested in all transactions made by telephone and computer. Make sure that you select a company to which the addition of this new department would make sense. The device will be called the Automated Communications Wizard (ACW). The president of the division you work for has chosen you, the Director of Training, to be in charge of the training function for the newly created department, located in Tampa, Florida.  

Your Stand-Alone Project requires that you complete two tasks: You will write a training program; then you will develop a presentation to sell your program to the president of the new division. Your report should be 15 pages in length, including a cover sheet, table of contents, and conclusion page. In addition, you must submit a minimum of 14 PowerPoint slides. Your Stand-Alone Project responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the project itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. 

(A 15-page, double-spaced response and 14 slides are required.)

Part A Report/Training Program: Based on the company you selected, set up a training program that incorporates the seven major areas listed below.  

1. Links: Explain the ways in which the training and development that you initiate will be linked to the companys strategic training and development initiatives.

a. Include the companys vision, mission, experience, understanding, innovation, cooperation, commitment, and the ways in which the training will be linked to these factors. 

b. Include the companys customers, organizational products, existing and the newly created products and services, research and development, business systems, continuous learning, and how the results will be linked to the strategic training and development initiatives. 

c. Include information about identification of needed knowledge, skills, abilities or competencies, ensuring that current training and development programs support the companys strategic needs. 

2. Roles: Explain, systematically, the role that you will play in the training process, from beginning to end, and who will play additional roles. All must relate to the companys strategic business direction. 

3. Type: Explain the type of training that you will initiate based on your needs assessment, including the use of a competency model. 

4. Model: Select a model that you will use to organize the training department, addressing the following.

a. The reasons for your choice 

b. The processes of learning 

c. External instructional events 

d. Forms of instruction 

5. Transfer: What are four (4) ways the training will transfer? 

6. Methods: What are the two (2) training methods that you will use and why? 

7. Evaluation: How will the training will be evaluated? Include data related to

 Return on Investment. 

Part B PowerPoint Presentation: Prepare a formal PowerPoint presentation in defense of your training plan for this new department. You will deliver this presentation to gain the support for your training program from the president of the division. Your presentation must include the following. 

1. Seven (7) slides, each summarizing and highlighting one (1) of the seven (7) components of your training plan 

2. Seven (7) additional slides presenting a total of seven (7) charts and/or graphs to support each of the seven (7) components of your plan, as described in your report 

Part C Conclusion: Use your written report, together with your supporting PowerPoint presentation and charts and/or graphs, as your sales presentation to justify the training program that you are proposing.