Category: Human Resource Management

Assignment 5

  • Prompt: Answer Critical Thinking Challenge #4 at the end of Chapter 9. Question 4 Design a management development program for the first-level supervisors in a mass-market retail company. What courses and experiences do they need?
  • Compare the program you create to your current employer or a former employers management development program. If your program is better, tell me why you feel that way. If not, what ways can you improve yours?
  • Requirements: 500 words minimum



Considering your research problem that you presented in the Discussion Board, locate 1 published dissertation (within the last 5 years) using each of the following: 4-6 PAGES

  • A study  described by the author as being a phenomenology or phenomenological  study 
  • A study  described by the author as being a grounded theory study 
  • A study  described by the author as being a case study 

For each dissertation and methodological choice, prepare a discussion of each dissertation source that includes the following:

  • Full APA  citation(s) in proper format 
  • Authors   abstract 
  • Your annotation, which includes an analysis of the following: 
    • An overview, in your own words, of the qualitative research design 
    • The population from which participants were recruited 
    • The sampling plan used by the researcher 
    • Brief description of the data collection procedures 
  • Your  evaluation of the effectiveness of the above.

Organizational Restructuring

A healthcare organization restructures its staffing system for over six months. Many employees and managers now work with individuals they have never worked with before. An employee requests a meeting with HR to discuss concerns about his new direct nursing supervisor. The employee alleges that the supervisor is a poor departmental leader, citing examples such as not responding to e-mails in a timely manner, not conducting performance feedback and disinterested and rude behavior during employee meetings. Before the restructuring, the supervisor had high-performance ratings and senior management considered him a valuable contributor. Serving in an authoritative role is something completely new for the supervisor. The HR manager considers what action to take in response to the employee complaint, realizing that senior management will probably resist any attempt to move the supervisor to another department. The situation seems to settle down, but a few weeks later, HR receives more complaints from other employees about the same supervisor. 1. What are the rights of employees in this scenario? 2. What is a potential harmful consequence of not taking action to resolve the conflict between the employee and his supervisor? 3. Considering the legal aspects of due process, what are the appropriate next steps the HR manager should take? Your case study paper should be at least two pages in length. In your response to the scenario, be sure to include academic sources to support your positions/conclusions. You are required to use the textbook and at least two additional outside sources. Be sure that your analysis is highly relevant, thorough, and on topic. Accuracy should be strong, with close attention to detail in all parts of the assignment. Writing should be clear and concise with solid sentence structure and should be free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA style. 

Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2016). Healthcare human resource management (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning 

HR Paper: Jim’s Review


Assignment 2: Annual Review

Due Week 7 and worth 150 points

Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jims annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine (9) months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes each day, either. It is starting to cause problems in the production line. In this assignment, write a summary of how you would approach your conversation with Jim. How will you address his recent performance issues while still praising him for his previous nine (9) months of good work? Your goal is to balance the negative and positive feedback so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best. This assignment should focus on your goals for the conversation, and which employee relations approaches you will use to address the situation .

You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link. Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. Youll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When youre ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.

Click the assignment link to start your assignment in ecree. Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome.

Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you:

  • Explain how you will address Jims recent performance issues.
  • Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • This course requires use of . Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    • Include at least 1 reference to support your paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain effective approaches to the broad spectrum of employee relations, including career development, fostering ethical behavior, discipline, labor relations, and dismissals.
  • Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

You can view the rubric for this assignment .

Discussion _Adapting To The Host Country

Must answer ALL questions :

The ability to adapt to a new environment is very important for ag global manager/leader. Not only is it important for them, but also those closes to them that may be required to adapt to a new environment. Take the given scenario below: 

You are an expatriate (with a spouse and a 6-year-old daughter) sent on assignment for one year to Hong Kong.

1. What should you do to prepare for departure?

2. What training should you or your family complete pre-departure?

3. What challenges will you face upon arrival?

4. What expectations do you have from your home and host country organization?

5. What are the dos and donts for an expat working in Hong Kong?

Support your answers with demonstrated practical examples and facts.

Discussion Week 6

Part 1: Post a Response

Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action. While we want to make rational decisions, sometimes we dont . . . sometimes we make non-rational decisions.

There are four steps in rational decision-making:

  1. Recognize and define the problem or opportunity-In business the problem can come in the form of customer complaints, supplier breakdowns, staff turnover, sales decline, etc. Organizations proactively seek opportunities to exceed goals, surpass the industry expectations and to expand and grow the business. 
  2. Identify and analyze alternative courses of action-Leaders should seek input from multiple sources to interpret and analyze the problem/opportunity to come up with as many options as possible to solve the issue. 
  3. Choose a preferred course of action-The group want to answer the following: (1) Is the action ethical?; (2) Is it feasible? (costs, technology availability; (3) Is it effective? If your answer to this question is the resolution is good enough you want to rethink this solution it will cause more harm than good. 
  4. Implement the preferred course of action-You need to the participation from all teams to successfully implement the action. 

On the other hand, non-rational decisions are generally the result of either Satisficing (going with the first available option without much research) or Intuition (using your gut or just your own feelings to make decisions).

For this weeks discussion, think about a time when you made a non-rational decision on the job or in your personal life.

  • Was it the result of satisficing or intuition? 
  • How would your decision have been different using the four steps for rational decision-making? 
  • How would the steps have helped you to make a better, or more sound, decision? 

Question 2 :

“Work-Life Conflicts”  Please respond to the following:

  • Using the information found in the e-activity, determine two (2) work-life challenges that either military personnel (e.g., Reserve and National Guard, etc.), individuals with accents or English fluency concerns, or gays / lesbians may face within any organization. Examine at least two (2) employment laws that protects your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination. 

Developing Human Resource Departments


Roles for Human Resource Departments

Analyze HRM functions. Describe and detail each one of these functions. Why are the specific roles associated with HRM important?

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 700 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA style, see the example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Textbooks, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.  


Mathis/Jackson/Valentine/Meglich’s Human Resource Management

Assignment 2



In Assignment 1, you conducted a research analysis of the company and proposed strategic solutions to the CEO.  As you continue your consulting role, the next task is to deliver a professional development program to the CEO of your chosen organization. 

It is important that your programs proposal be based on your research of emotional intelligence (EI) and specifically detail how a new incentive program, based on an EI management approach, will: Foster teamwork Strengthen interpersonal relationships Enhance communication Increase overall performance Benefit not only managers but the bottom-line 


INSTRUCTIONS Following SWS standards, write a 5 to 7 page, double-spaced proposal that includes the following components:  


1. EI and Motivation Which of the EI building blocks would impact managements ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction? Based on your research on motivational theory, describe which motivational theory  you would utilize to influence the members of the organization and aid in helping to resolve the issue. Provide examples to support your solution. 


2. EI and Social Skills and Decision Making Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the  decisionmaking efficacy of the management team. 


3. Effective Teams Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies you would implement to develop team dynamics that will benefit the organization. 


4. Reward Systems Create an effective reward system for this organization based on how you want to resolve the organizational issue. Determine the strategies you would incorporate to motivate employees and influence behavior. 


5. References and Citations Go to to locate two quality resources. In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source. 


6. Formatting and Writing Standards Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards. 


*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards: 

5-1 Discussion: Employee Evaluation

Assume you are tasked with providing written and verbal quarterly performance reviews for each of your employees. You have one particular review to do for an employee, Bob, whom you have a great working relationship with. One of Bob’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that each outgoing shipment is complete, all items are free of defects, and there are no discrepancies in inventory. In the past few months, however, several customers have complained about the shipments. In two cases, nearly every item in a shipment contained defects. Another concerning factor is inventory has several major discrepancies. Upon further investigation, the orders in question fall under Bob’s purview. Bob’s overall quarterly performance is poor, and you need to address the problems.

Assume the role of the plant manager. The corporate office has tasked you with addressing solutions for these issues with Bob. For your initial discussion post, identify one of Bob’s errors and propose a change that he must implement to avoid similar issues in the future. Provide a description of how you would support the employee through proposed changes using the principles of change management.

Diss 6


“Total Rewards and Managing Employee Benefits”

  • Analyze the legal constraints on pay systems and recommend that the government either repeals one (1) law or adds one (1) new law (of your design). Explain your rationale.
  • Use the Internet to research a company that you would like to work for, with a focus on that companys benefits plan. Determine how the company you researched can become more competitive in terms of employee benefits while still controlling costs. Provide two (2) specific examples to support your response.