Category: Government

Bolton Book

 The topic for this assignment is the Bolton book or Bolton revelation. 

Please compare and contrast the controversial issue listed above using the five media sources listed below. The purpose is to compare and contrast what and how five different popular media sources report on the same issue.  The complete/incomplete score helps faculty track activity only.   Citation support other than these five sources is not mandatory. This assignment is to be written from your perspective and opinion after comparing the sources. If you have a constructive response you would like to add, this is acceptable. Incivility is not acceptable.

Moral Criticisms

Topic: Moral Criticisms of the Market

Question/Prompt: This assignment requires you to read “Moral Criticisms of the Market” by Ken S. Ewert (found in the Reading & Study folder). Note that in his article, Ewert is defending the free market from “Christian Socialists.” He states their position and then gives a rebuttal. Do you agree with the critique of the market in Ewert’s article? Why or why not? Read carefully and offer cogent reasons. Your answer must be at least 250 words.

Consider the context of the article; the Berlin Wall fell months after the article was published. The USSR followed shortly thereafter.

Telling Patients The Truth

Read Mack Lipkins brief article On Telling Patients the Truth (Newsweek, June 4, 1979). He offers a number of justifications for lying to patients in at least some situations. Given what you have learned from the Reading & Study material, address the following questions about Lipkins article:

in 200 words or more pls

  1. Lipkin offers a number of reasons to justify lying to patients. What are these? Do you think they justify lying, or is there an alternative to lying?
  2. How would you ethically classify Lipkin: Utilitarian? Deontologist? Virtue ethicist? Support your selection.
  3. A nurse with over 20 years experience once confided to the instructor that nurses lie regularly to their patients. They are not usually big lies, just little things. Its often the only way we can get them to cooperate and do what we need them to do. Evaluate this claim. Do you agree? Why or why not?


In week 3 we are covering Chapter 22 that discusses the cost of living.  The Bureau of Labor and Statistics releases the CPI (Consumer Price Index) figure every month. CPI is the most popular measure of price inflation in retail goods. 

How many figures of inflation did you cover up to this point in your study?

What are the differences and similarities?

Which measure better reflects your cost of living?

In Chapter 19 and 20 we covered Productivity.

What relation is there between productivity and GDP?

What can the government do to raise the living standards in a country?

Please write an essay response (1,000 words or more) to (ALL) the above questions.  Be aware that plagiarism (copying from other papers, Wikipedia, books, article, and any source that is not your own original work) will result in a zero.  However, I encourage you to research and properly cite credible sources to support your paper.  I am expecting that this essay follows the standard format of Intro, Detail and Summary.  Remember, when expressing your opinion, it should be supported by fact and using the text as a source is perfectly fine.

This is the rubric for the assignment:


Possible Points



Needs improvement



(35 Points)


Student answers all questions with specific examples supporting his/her answers


Student answers all/some questions with/without  specific examples supporting his/her answers


Student answers some questions with/ without specific examples supporting his/her answers


(10 Points)


Essay well organized and to the topic with less than 2 spelling errors and less than 2 grammatical errors


Essay not well organized or off topic with more/less than 2 spelling errors and more/less than 2 grammatical errors


Essay is disorganized or off topic with more than 2 spelling errors and more/less than 2 grammatical errors

For the Comments:

When you leave a comment, you must use the following rubric and tell us how many points you would give the essay according to the rubric.

You need to explain exactly why. Be specific.

Your comment should also include why you agree/disagree with all points (and not just some).

Rubric for the Comments:

8-10 Points – Comment follows the directions and is well organized

4-7 Points – Comment follows the directions and is not well organized

1-3 Points – Comment doesnt follow directions and/or isnt well organized

American Government

I want to 500 words, within 48 hours, from chapter 1 of American Government And Politics Today. About the Bill of Right Assignment: Essay What if there was no Bill of Rights?
The name of the Textbook is American Government And Politics Today 2017-2018 Edition. 


Judith Jarvis Thompson

This statement just needs a reply to

Judith Jarvis Thompson makes her case for abortion in this article from 1971. It is still one of the most referenced pro-choice arguments, even today. While Thompson does not think the unborn is a person, she is willing to grant it for arguments sake. Even if the unborn is a person, she still believes abortion is justifiable in at least some cases, especially when a woman becomes pregnant against her will. When Thompson uses these stories to make her point, I think that the unplugging the violinist analogy helps to show her opinion in a removed scenario. The fact that she tells this story this way makes you think outside of the box. If I were to get up and unplug my back from him he will die, if I stay for nine months he will live it really takes you there to that situation. However, no it is not the same. God has no mistakes when he creates and allows a life to be formed in the womb.

          In section 4 we read about how Thompson argues that, if a woman engages in sexual intercourse voluntarily but becomes pregnant against her will she is still responsible to carry the child to term. This is when she uses the people-seeds analogy to argue her point.  I think that this argument once again is very eye-opening to read about a situation very similar. But again, this still goes back to my original point. God makes no mistakes. Her analogies are disanalogous by the fact that sex, windows, and their screens are not the same thing. There are other options for this child and mother besides abortion. If this person does not want children there are many people that do, that cannot.   

             In section 7 of the article, Thompson discusses that parents have an obligation to care for their children and not harm them. According to Thompson, that obligation begins when they do not try to prevent the pregnancy. Then they do not get an abortion and lastly, they bring the child home. I do not believe she argues this point as well as she argued the others. I think that parenthood has a large difference between pregnancy and the violinist illustration. It is hard for me to envision being kidnapped and surgically hooked to someone that is relying on me to live. However, I have had two miscarriages. Those two innocent lives that my body could just not hold. The emotions that my husband and I had to go through were nothing like the analogies that Thompson could toss into her argument. Now, I have a son that is three years old. I carried my son in my womb for nine months. For me, the moment that everything became real was when I first felt him kick. However, the first time I saw his cluster of cells he was my child, a child of God.

            Thompson does not believe all abortions are justifiable. In her mind, she says that someone that is raped it is justifiable. However, if there was a women that was seven months pregnant that wanted to take a trip aboard and wanted to have an abortion it would not be justified. She saves this piece of information until the very end of her discussion. She is pro- chioce, this that and the other then wham, pro-life.  

Psalm 13-14 tells us, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 


Thomson, J. J. (1971). A Defense of Abortion. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 1(1). Retrieved from,Fall02/thomson.htm

reflective seminar


Consider an example of yourself as a member of team (as a volunteer, as a member of a church group or mission team, study group, community group). What did you do in terms of interacting with others that went well? What did you do as you interacted with others that did not go well, or that had an unexpected effect ? Looking back on the last example, how might you interact with people differently? (Give a specific example.)


discussion 55


How would you define “efficiency” for a public agency? Would it be the same definition for public works as it would be for public safety?

Please remember to use references from the readings. You should respond to at least two other posts and they must add to the discussion. Discussions are graded as follows

basic reply to the following statement

Just needs 200 word reply to this comment!

Worldviews of the religious rights have changed dramatically since the time of our founding fathers. This nation was founded with God at the forefront so it is no suprise that most of our doctrines and views this country has is based on a religous belief with God guiding the way. In today’s society it has almost became unethical to even mention you have christain beliefs. We no longer seem to as a government make decisions based off the bibles guidence but instead by what is least offensive to others. We as christains are forced to hold our beliefs to ourselves while accepting that other religions are important such as the Muslim faith. One thing I love is that although this nation was founded on beliefs of those who followed and loved God they made it clear that everyone was to have their own choice. This is yet another part of our country and worldviews that is taken from biblical scripture. I hope that someday we as a nation can accept all religions. Our worldviews need to come back to those that were help by our founding fathers. Although the world has changed drastically i believe they would be dissappointed by not only how far this country has moved away from God, but how drastically we think we need to move even further. I dont believe they made a mistake when they used terms like inalienable rights given by our creator or one nation under God. Terms similar to these were place in almost every document of this countries Foundation. I believe this is because they always wanted us to remember that God needed to be remembered to keep this country looking at the correct world view that the intended the country to follow

PCE Beginning of Life


Beginning of Life

In many ways, this is the most important section, as much of what we think about medicine and human beings flows from our considerations on this issue. This section must include the following:

1. A statement on the moral status of the unborn: person, organism, or unknown. Include your overall view of fetal development in relation to the moral status of the unborn.

2. What does it mean to be human person? What are the necessary conditions that makes one a person?

3. Your general view on the moral permissibility of abortion.

4. Any justifiable exceptions to item 3 above, with reasons for exceptions.

5. Your view on imperiled newborns and infanticide: Is it ever justifiable? When and for what reasons.