Category: Government


  no references pls it just needs to answered thank you

300 words

In many ways, this is the most important section, as much of what we think about medicine and human beings flows from our considerations on this issue. This section must include the following:

1. A statement on the moral status of the unborn: person, organism, or unknown. Include your overall view of fetal development in relation to the moral status of the unborn.

2. What does it mean to be human person? What are the necessary conditions that makes one a person?

3. Your general view on the moral permissibility of abortion.

4. Any justifiable exceptions to item 3 above, with reasons for exceptions.

Your view on imperiled newborns and infanticide: Is it ever justifiable? When and for  

Historical Event

Choose a historical event that you believe had a significant impact on American government and politics. Create a 1-2 page summary of the event and your justification as to why you believe the event had a significant impact on American culture and politics. Reference ideas and theories from the course texts in correct APA citation. 

Post your paper to the Discussion Thread with a short, historical introduction of the event as well as your justification for choosing the event Spend time reviewing other students papers. Comment on at least 2 students papers by providing additional justification and/or a critique of their paper.

Review the comments provided by your fellow students and answer the following questions:

Did any feedback make you reconsider the historical event you chose? Why or why not? Did the feedback received help you make a stronger argument for your position or did it make you question your major assumptions? What other historical events did you read about that should be considered as having a major impact on American culture, government and politics?


 I need a 500 word Journal entry on the topic below.

Reflection Assignment: Organizational Vision and Extending Influence 

 Write a 500 word substantive journal entry describing the  analytical view. 


After reading Moral Criticisms of the Market by Ken Ewert, I find myself agreeing with the key points that are highlighted throughout the text about the market. Ewert points out that something non-living, such as an economic system, cannot be moral or immoral. We as humans will sin naturally, with all of it stemming from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Ewert states, Free market restrains human sin, it makes no pretense of purging people of their selfishness, materialism, individualism, and drive for power. The sin of man, as taught through Biblical teachings, cannot be morally challenged through any human system. This includes economic systems, meaning it does not matter if the economic system is that of a free market. Evil will exist in any economic system and in a free market; individuals are allowed to pursue their goals instead of their needs. This can lead people to be self-centered. Ewert says that we are not only able to choose unselfish values and priorities, but we are also able to create the wealth necessary to practically fulfill them. Ewert acknowledges that there are a range of problems within the free market and its religious criticisms. However, the church should not be involved in the economic decisions within a community. In a free market we are not only able to choose unselfish values and priorities, but we are also able to create the wealth necessary to practically fulfill them (Ewert, 1989). Man must accept responsibility for their actions and understand how those decisions impact the economy and in turn, the community.  In my opinion, we should allow individuals to have the free will to handle their money as they morally see fit. We should not force others to worship the idea and power of money, but instead encourage others to turn their praise to God.

Ewert, K.S. (1989, March 1). Moral Criticisms of the Market. 

2nd Progress Assignment

In about 200 words for each question answer the following:

  1. How do we learn about objects of interest to intelligence through matter/energy interaction: emission, reflection, refraction, and absorption?
  2. Describe resolution, discuss how this applies to intelligence, and define the principle measures of resolution used to analyze and evaluate collected information.
  3. Describe the four types of satellite orbits and identify what types of collection are principally done from each orbit type.
  4. How does synthetic aperture radar work and what advantages does it have over optical imagery?
  5. Describe the three major branches of ELINT. Provide one real-life example (dates/places) of each–do your research!

Please use the assigned course readings attached.

To earn points you MUST demonstrate that you’ve read and comprehended the content of the material linked below!


INTL 301 Assignment #2

In a 6-8page essay (double spaced) answer the following research question:

The DIA is an all-source defense intelligence agency that is designed to prevent strategic surprise and deliver a decision advantage to warfighters, defense planners, and policymakers.  In this day and age of massive budget deficits and increased Congressional Oversight has the DIA become redundant?  Consider the Intelligence Capabilities of the Regional Combatant Commanders, the individual services and the NSA/CIA in your response. 

American Government

I want to 500 words, within 48 hours, from chapter 2 of American Government And Politics Today.  Assignment: Essay explain the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
The name of the Textbook is American Government And Politics Today 2017-2018 Edition. 

DBA Business And Government And Society



For this portion of your course project, you will be adding information about the importance of legal, regulatory, and political issues and identifying those present in your chosen firm. How do these issues impact your firm? In addition, this section should meet the criteria below.

  • Explain the impact of government on business.
  • Articulate the need for appropriate regulatory oversight of business.
  • Identify the classes of political strategy.
  • Illustrate the application of political strategies and their importance.
  • Summarize how corporations influence government decision-making.
  • Evaluate how your chosen firm uses lobbying strategies.

A good source of information to assist you in addressing these questions is the annual report(s) of the firm.

This section of your project must be at least two pages in length. You must use at least one academic source, and any information from outside sources should be cited in APA format.

Policy Implementation Plan

Your recommendation in the policy brief (Curbing the homeless crisis in California State)

you presented, has been accepted by the committee, taken through the legislative process, and is now ready for implementation. Create an action plan for implementation. Once you have your ideas outlined you will prepare an implementation presentation for the legislator to communicate to all stakeholders. Your 10-15 slide presentation should include:

 Any stakeholders (any individual or group that would be impacted by the policy)

 Required resources and who provides them (what is needed to implement the policy)

 Challenges that might be encountered

 Time Frame (time frame should be reasonable)

 Evaluation processes (how will you ensure the policy is effective)

 Summarize how agencies, personnel, and public involved in the implementation of the policy will be impacted. Include a description of the considerations needed for seamless implementation of the policy for all stakeholders.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include 50-75 words per slide.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, including an APA formatted reference slide. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to turn-it-in. 

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 3.3 Analyze the impact of policies or regulations on agencies, personnel, and the public.

Ethics, Professionalism & Morals


This writing assignment will deal with the terms; ethics, professionalism, and morals. 

First, define each term. 

Discuss how the three terms overlap and even impact each other in general and then specific to criminal justice. 

Explain and discuss why each of these terms is important to the criminal justice professional. 

Include a positive example of professionalism in criminal justice; then a poor example of the same. 

The assignment should be 3-5 pages in length, using proper grammar, spelling and APA formatting.