Category: Government


Assignment 4 – Write an essay of at least 500 words aligning the following two objectives with your topic.

Some students make the assignment more complicated than it needs to be.  Imagine the assignment in this way – there is no capstone paper, you have only been given a topic and program objectives. You then answer the question of how that topic relates to the program objectives. That is all you need to do.

1)Analyze the trends affecting security and loss prevention and determine the approaches to reduce losses facing businesses and institutions

2) Evaluate from a multidisciplinary approach, non-traditional approaches to crime prevention

Federal Govt-1000 Words Essay


Chapter 4 in your textbook goes over a wide variety of civil liberties. On pages 115-120, the freedom of religion is explained, with emphasis on the establishment clause and the free exercise clause.  For this assignment, you will need to read the above-mentioned pages, in addition to the following web links and then answer the questions below in essay format:

1.) What do you think the founders original intent with the first amendment, specifically the freedom of religion, was?

2.) When Congress passed the RFRA in 1993, what was this designed to do? How have the many states reacted to this? Does Texas have any laws with regards to RFRA?

3.) In 2018, Congress introduced FADA.  What is the purpose of this law?  What current events and judicial court decisions may have lead to such a bill being introduced?

4.) What recent decisions did the Supreme Court make with regards to religion and politics?

5.) What civil liberty and/or civil rights issues may arise as a result of these most recent laws?  In your opinion, are civil liberties/rights in danger?  

6.) Now having a decent amount of knowledge on the 1st Amendment, RFRA and FADA, what are your thoughts on these laws and proposed bills?  How might these impact our culture, politics, rights, etc?

This assignment must follow MLA guidelines, be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and be a minimum of 1000 words with a works cited page.  The works cited are not included in the minimum word count. Any videos/ articles given in the assignment prompt MUST be used within your paper and cited in your works cited.  You must also use additional sources, as indicated in the prompt.  For more information on these topics, view the 4th Amendment folder in the current news and controversies folder, under Student Resources. 

Federal Govt-1000 Words Essay


Chapter 4 in your textbook goes over a wide variety of civil liberties. On pages 115-120, the freedom of religion is explained, with emphasis on the establishment clause and the free exercise clause.  For this assignment, you will need to read the above-mentioned pages, in addition to the following web links and then answer the questions below in essay format:

1.) What do you think the founders original intent with the first amendment, specifically the freedom of religion, was?

2.) When Congress passed the RFRA in 1993, what was this designed to do? How have the many states reacted to this? Does Texas have any laws with regards to RFRA?

3.) In 2018, Congress introduced FADA.  What is the purpose of this law?  What current events and judicial court decisions may have lead to such a bill being introduced?

4.) What recent decisions did the Supreme Court make with regards to religion and politics?

5.) What civil liberty and/or civil rights issues may arise as a result of these most recent laws?  In your opinion, are civil liberties/rights in danger?  

6.) Now having a decent amount of knowledge on the 1st Amendment, RFRA and FADA, what are your thoughts on these laws and proposed bills?  How might these impact our culture, politics, rights, etc?

This assignment must follow MLA guidelines, be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and be a minimum of 1000 words with a works cited page.  The works cited are not included in the minimum word count. Any videos/ articles given in the assignment prompt MUST be used within your paper and cited in your works cited.  You must also use additional sources, as indicated in the prompt.  For more information on these topics, view the 4th Amendment folder in the current news and controversies folder, under Student Resources. 



Economics Analysis Essay

For this assignment, you will write a 4-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document.

 the Republican Party and the Democratic Party  



Read Aaron Ridleys article Ill-Gotten Gains: On the Use of Results from Unethical Experiments in Medicine (Public Affairs Quarterly 9, no. 3 [July 1995]). Ridley examines the question of whether to make use of beneficial results that were obtained unethically from medical experiments performed on human beings. While many would probably say that such benefits should not be withheld, Ridley suggests it would be inappropriate to make use of such results. Given his article, address the following questions:

  1. In your own words, explain Ridleys argument based on utilitarianism and the Ideal Experimenter. According to Ridley, how might the Ideal Experimenter effectively be persuaded to conform to non-utilitarian standards of experimental practices?
  2. In the end, do you think Ridleys argument succeeds? Suppose some researchers performed experiments on children in which many of them suffered and died, but in the process, the researchers obtained information that could wipe out cancer. Should they use that information?
  3. Ridley presents two reasons for not using the results of unethical experiments that he believes are not effective: respect and condoning. Why does he think these fail? Do you agree with him? If not, give an example in which you think an appeal to respect or condoning would be successful in arguing against the use of such results.

Discussion Board

 How do you think a firm can position itself to appeal to current and prospective employees? Why do you think this? must be 200 words

Book refernce: Textbook:

Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press

this is due feb 22, 2020

DBA Business And Government And Society

This assignment is due Feb 25, 2020

Book Reference:  Textbook:

Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press.



This portion of your course project will examine employee relations within your chosen firm. How does your firm handle employee relations? Areas to discuss are listed below.

  • Why are employees important to a business?
  • What legal issues involving employee relations affect your chosen firm?
  • Why is work/life balance important? What does your firm do to encourage work/life balance for its employees?
  • What benefits are offered to the employees of your firm?

This section of your project must be at least two pages in length. You must use at least two academic sources, and any information from outside sources should be cited in APA format.

Before 9;00). Reflection Paper About Acticle What The Framers Couldn’t Know”

Please submit a one page reflection paper to the article “What the Framers Couldn’t Know” by Robert Dahl. The reflection paper should focus on your response to the ideas in the article. Do you agree or disagree with the author?  Explain why.  What ideas presented do you think are most important or significant? Why? What points may be missing or need further development?

The paper must be one full page, double spaced, 12 inch font with 1 inch margins and submitted as a Word or PDF file.  

Papers submitted late will receive only partial credit. All work submitted must be in your own words. Papers found to be plagiarized will receive a grade of zero. Note that the VeriCite app will check you submission against online sources. 


or the proper format for an annotated bibliography, see:

Past research is always referred to in past tense

For each citation:

The first 1-2 sentences establish the credentials of the author/source.

The next 2-3 sentences discuss content in brief.

The last 1-2 sentences establish a link between the capstone topic and the source

An annotated research bibliography of a minimum of six references (no older than seven years) to be used in your paper/project is due in week three. Examples include credible WWW reports and sites, books, manuscripts, theses, dissertations, journals, newspapers, magazines, etc. Submit/upload in a MS Word document. Ensure you follow the APA style and each reference is thoroughly summarized and evaluated.

           Conducting Research: Upon topic approval conduct research before proposal submission. Your starting point is the APUS Online Research Center and the talented staff of librarians

           and archivists available to assist you in your efforts. Resources include:

Bibliographic resources

Web-based resources

Web search engines

Other resources


Your search strategy focuses your search efforts and makes efficient use of your time.

You must discuss search strategies first with your professor and secondly, with the experts in the APUS Online Research Center.

There will be 100 possible annotated bibliography points (10% of your final grade). Late submitters will be penalized 10 points per day.

Foreign Intelligence Against US

Compare and contrast Chinese, Iranian, and Russian intelligence organizations. Of the three nations, which one do you think poses the greatest threat to U.S. national security?  Be sure to fully support your position using multiples examples from the course readings or your own research.

     General Requirements   1. Document Format. a. MS Word document b.  One-inch (1) margins (double-spaced) c. Times New Roman Font d. Twelve (12) pitch   2. Citation Format: Chicago. All assignments for the School of Security and Global Studies (papers, essays, exams, and Forums) must follow the Chicago citation method. An online copy of may be found at:    3. Graphics are allowed and encouraged (but they dont count on length).   4. Students must (1) employ imaginative approaches to answer the question being asked; (2) display an impressive command of the subject matter beyond the immediately obvious; (3) demonstrate a high level of critical thinking y reflection current and world views, and genuine intellectual development; and (4) excel in explaining all major points using multiple examples from the course readings or individual research.       

Title Page.  (a) Title of the paper (b) Student Name. (c) Course Number. (d) Instructor Name. (e) Date the paper was completed. Length: Minimum of six pages, no more than eight pages (double spaced, not including the title page and Selected Bibliography). Section I: Introduction.  (a) Clearly state the purpose of your paper along with the approach youll be taking to answer the question.  Section II: [China, Iran, or Russia].  (a) Identify China, Iran, or Russia as the country posing the greatest threat to U.S. national security. (b) Compare and contrast each of the five intelligence disciplines (HUMINT, MASINT, SIGINT, GEOINT, Cyber) between the three countries, reinforcing your position as to why you selected your particular country.  (c)  Pay close attention to organization of paper. Section III: Conclusion. (a) Succinctly summarize why [China, Iran, or Russia] represents the greatest threat to the US and the potential impact is.  Section IV: Selected Bibliography.  (a) Contains all sources consulted and cited in preparing your paper. At least five sources- more is better though.