Category: Government

Voters responsibility

Write a 2 page essay discussing whether and how (a) The act of voting is the personal responsibility and (b) Citizens have a social responsibility to consider how his or her individual vote will affect the diverse interests of the broader community.

12 Font
Times New Roman
1″ margin
Double spaced



Can there be an objective reality that is the same for everyone? Give examples of them, or of why there can’t be.

Please remember to use references from the readings. You should respond to at least two other posts and they must add to the discussion. Discussions are graded as follows

Week 8 Discussion


  • 1. MNCs, IOs, NGOs, and the European Union are nonstate actors in the role of pushing foreign policy to combat terrorism. Discuss 1 or 2 ways in which the national strategy influences any of these nonstate actors.
  • 2. Analyze the benefits or disadvantages for the United States with regard to the agency’s position on foreign aid. Provide 1 or 2 examples to support your response.



Hurricane Sandy As It Happened

Time passes much too quickly and we have seen many more events since Sandy. Take the totality of your exposure in this term, let’s look forward. Where do you think Emergency Management is headed and why?


Preview the document

Preview the document

Video Links:

Hurricane Sandy: Super Storm Slams East Coast States

Hurricane Sandy Superstorm

Hurricane Sandy: As It Happened

Unit III Course Project

make sure its your own work and not copy and paste

Book reference: Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press. 


For this portion of your course project, you will be adding information about the importance of legal, regulatory, and political issues and identifying those present in your chosen firm. How do these issues impact your firm? In addition, this section should meet the criteria below.

  • Explain the impact of government on business.
  • Articulate the need for appropriate regulatory oversight of business.
  • Identify the classes of political strategy.
  • Illustrate the application of political strategies and their importance.
  • Summarize how corporations influence government decision-making.
  • Evaluate how your chosen firm uses lobbying strategies.

A good source of information to assist you in addressing these questions is the annual report(s) of the firm.

This section of your project must be at least two pages in length. You must use at least one academic source, and any information from outside sources should be cited in APA format.

the company is Nescafe

Individual Terrorists


For this midterm you will write a college level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; not terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden). You are to sate the topic in your paper.

Note: you will address different radicalization processes/models in the final paper such as Moghaddams Staircase, so you only need to research and discuss individual psychological and behavioral factors in this paper. Also remember that “psychological” does not mean “psychotic” and we are only addressing those of sound mind who deliberately choose violence for a political purpose, or retribution or to instill fear (not crazy mass shooters).

Assignment Specifics:

  • The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:
  • A brief (defined/stated) introduction, with the topic and your thesis
  • A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis
  • A (defined/stated) conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely

Make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned questions. This assignment is , so you need to use scholarly sources to support your .  Make sure you use APA style  at the end of every sentence where you are quoting anothers ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para. 14). Citations are required for paraphrases as well, but not the page or paragraph number in that case. I highly recommend you use the APUS writing guide which can be found in the university library or at this link: . You are welcome to use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use only scholarly and credible sources (do not use open websites and you never want to use wikipedia for a college level paper). Also, dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as general news sites (like CNN, FOX News) are not appropriate for college level research papers. Also, see the  for good sources, as well as the  and the . For formatting, the best option is to use the attached example paper as a template (for formatting purposes only).


  • Written according to the APA style and format (parenthetical in-text citation formats only; not end notes or footnotes);
  • Use Times New Roman 12 point font;
  • 1 inch margins on all sides with no paragraph indentation other than the first line by .5 inches
  • – The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:
        –  A brief introduction, with the topic and your thesis
         – A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis
         – A conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely
  • Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section headings and no added font sizes or lines either)
  • A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content (a minimum of 2 new scholarly sources per page in a research paper is acceptable). Use those academic and credible sources provided to you throughout the course, as well as other scholarly material obtained from conducting your own research. Freely utilize appropriate and reputable academic sources, summarize in your own words and cite accordingly.
  • The paper must be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors (make sure to proof read before submission)
  • Turn your paper in as a Word Document and title your assignment “Lastname_Midterm

 Finally, be mindful of excessive direct quotes as the paper should not contain just a string of quotations from sources. Make sure you comply with all academic integrity standards expected by APUS and as slide 14 of the APUS  presentation posted in course syllabus (and the week 1 introduction forum) states Quotes cannot make up more than 10% of the text of your assignment. So paraphrase where you can and provide your own analysis and synthesis of your research (direct quotes only when necessary to support your thesis). The bottom line for academic integrity is to write an original work for this assignment (not copied from anywhere on the internet or recycled content from your own previous papers) and to properly cite your references.

DBA Business And Government And Society

Must be your own work and not copy and paste.

Book reference: Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press. 


For this portion of your course project, you will be adding information about the corporate governance that is present in your chosen firm. This section should meet the criteria below.

  • Explain the governance structure of the organization.
  • Analyze the connection between businesses and society.
  • Detail how this connection affects the corporate governance of the organization.
  • Examine the future of corporate governance globally. How does your chosen firm compare with global trends? 

This section of your project must be at least two pages in length. You must use at least one academic source, and any information from outside sources should be cited in APA format. 

the company is Nescafe



 Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words.  

Discussion QuestionsWhat were the key characteristics that OBL possessed that allowed him to have such influence upon the minds and actions of members of al Qaeda and its affiliates? Also, what were the leadership secrets of OBL described in the required reading by Hoffman, and how did they help him lead the al Qaeda organization?  

 Please respond to these post. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. 

1. Unfortunately, Osama Bin Laden actually possessed many great characteristics, he simply didnt use them for great purposes.  As David Hoffman and Dawson write, Bin Laden was actually charismatic.  It is a characteristic few would think of when picturing a terrorist but when putting it in context it actually makes a lot of sense.  We have seen why some people become terrorists, because they feel excluded in some cases or other cases because they have a strong sense of religion or politics.  A charismatic leader can make you feel welcome or convince you that what youre doing truly is right.

            Authors Charles and Mara also bring up an interesting angle on things in terms of Bin Ladens leadership traits.  Specifically, they reference how high he scored in terms of his distrust of others.  At first this seems like it wouldnt be a good trait but for Bin Ladens cause it was.  It made him question everyone around him.  In some cases, someone who is seeking to belong may work even harder to earn that trust or would be less likely to question anything as it could create a divide.  This creates more blind followers.

            When you combine these two traits it easy to see how Bin Laden was able to rise to power.  A charismatic figure who was very careful in who he chose to allow by his side.  It created a dangerous yet powerful leader who unfortunately used these traits for evil.

            Finally, we come to the writings of Bruce Hoffman and Osama Bin Ladens secrets ironically these tricks of the trade arent so secret and more so that he look at Al Qaeda as a business and applied the proper techniques for that.  Its seen in the fact that its work has unfortunately continued despite the loss of their CEO Bin Laden.  He was well educated and had experience in running a business.  Unlike many terrorists he was well organized and make good business decision.  He was even good at branding you could say as he knew how to advertise their and for lack of a better word, market their attacks.  He even diversified the way many businesses do and this is seen as Al Qaeda has been difficult to full defeat years after his passing.

2.  Unfortunately, Osama Bin Laden was a highly educated and wealthy individual. Bin Laden was one of many children to a billionaire father. He was father himself to many children, but more importantly he was very influential and successful leader. Bin Laden attended King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah. He studied civil engineering and business management. Business management helped prepared and provided him with the leadership traits to take on his family business that his father started. From this weeks reading I learned that Bin Laden was very charismatic person. Typically charismatic individuals are great communicators, which is paramount when leading a group especially a terrorist organization. Charismatic leaders utilized their wisdom and knowledge that they have gain over the years to ensure that they achieve their goals. Throughout this course we have learn that individuals become terrorist for many different reason, however if you have charismatic leader like Bin Laden he would convince you that you are doing the right thing and make you feel very welcomed. I personally believed that is one of his greatest strength. Bin Laden also had trust issues, which only makes sense when you are leading one of the most feared terror groups in the world. Bin Laden trust issues actually benefited him more than anything. It allowed him to gain the most out of his workers, because his workers would go the extra mile or two to ensure that they gain the trust of their fearless leader. According to an article titled, A leadership Trait Analysis of Osama bin Laden on the run the authors stated that Bin Laden did not trust the local people he demanded complete loyalty from his aides and body guards  (Charles & Maras, 2015).

Lastly, the article titled, The Leadership Secrets of Osama Bin Laden, the author stated that, Osama bin Laden is perhaps best viewed as a terrorist CEO (Hoffman, 2003). Like I mentioned earlier in this forum Bin Laden was a highly educated man who ran a terror organization like a business. According to Hoffman, in the 1990s he did what the executives of transnational companies did throughout much of the industrialized worldnamely, design and implement a flexible new organizational framework and strategy incorporating multiple levels and both top-down and bottom-up approaches. In his top-down mode bin Laden has defined specific goals, issued orders, and ensured that they are carried out (Hoffman, 2003). The success of Al Qaeda with out doubt hinged on Osama Bin Laden and his skillset, and the ongoing success of Al Qaeda without his presence is due to him as well.

Unit I Course Project



During this course, you will create a company profile. You will begin this project in this unit, and new sections will be added in Units II, III, V, and VII. For this first section, you will select a company, describe it, and develop a report on the social responsibility efforts of that company.

The paper should give a background of your selected company (fast facts). For example, what is the name of the company, what does it produce, how big is it, and where is it located?

In addition, include an overview of the corporate social initiatives of the firm. Sources of information for this component are an annual report of the firm available at the website of the company. Be sure to do the following things in your overview:

  • Illustrate the concept and application of social responsibility.
  • Explain the benefits of social responsibility.
  • Apply the four Is of the nonmarket environment to your selected company.
  • Identify the nonmarket influences on your chosen company.
  • Describe the impact of nonmarket action on your company.

Your paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, and you should use at least two academic sources. All sources used must be cited and referenced in APA format. You should also format your paper in APA style to include a title page and reference page.

Note: We will build on this selected firm throughout the course. In Unit VII, you will submit a final report on the firm.

Book Reference: Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press. 

The paper will be on Nescafe

Discussion 7


reading entitled ‘Barriers to Change”. Describe the key obstacle to implementing your recommendations in the issue study.

Please use this link: