Category: Environmental science

NEED WITHIN 2 HOURS (Environmental Ethics)


review the reports or advertisements(link above) about environmental views, beliefs, values, and practices of environmental groups or corporations in the Puget Sound area

Make sure you apply the theories and categories you learned so far, especially how they use the metaphysical, epistemic or communicative paradigms in combination with anthropocentric, psychocentric/zoocentric, biocentric, ecocentric or hoslistic considerability. Please use these categories to evaluate the environmental engagement of these organizations as expressed in their communication practices (websites, documents, videos, etc).  

-1 paragraphs will be enough, shouldn’t be too long

-please don’t use more than 1 outside source, just the one(link) above. Attached are some of the theories and paradigms for this assignment(see which apply)

Find References

Now that you worked on your project, defined your question, and began to think about a possible answer/action, you will start thinking about the “justification” for your action. To support your choice of a paradigm and a sphere of moral considerability, you now need to find complementary information to guide your project. Please identify at least six references that relate to your chosen Project topic, including:

– Two (2) Books

– Two (2) academic (peer-reviewed) articles

– Two (2) links to the internet or social media sources on environmental issues related to your proposed answer (find examples of actions similar to what you are proposing)

-give title and links please

System Theory


  • Watch the video lecture on Systems Theory. The link is listed below:
  • After watching the lecture, choose an important or well publicized ecological disaster such as the Fukushima, Japan nuclear reactor meltdown following a large earthquake and tsunami, or the the Chernobyl, Ukraine explosion and fire diaster in 1986, or the BP Oil Leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Then prepare a commentary showing how your chosen case study could be analyzed using systems theory…use specific terminology from the lecture.
  • There is no word limit.


Find a NEWs article that addresses an example of evolution ( A new article is an article from a media source like a newspaper or magazine tsuch as the New York Times , Fox , The Was Post , Vice etc. that addresses a current event. It does not include  sources like Wikipedia, ehow , dictionarlies , academic journals, or other information websites) 

2. Write a 300 word essay that essays that answers the following questions 

a. What is the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory?

b. What evidence is there to support the theory ?

c. How does the article you chose exemplify the theory of evolution at work in the world today ? 

3.Your essay should 

be a total of 300 words or more 

the 300 word limit Does Not includ the questions , names , titles , and references 

it also does not include meaningless filter statements 

have factual information from the textbook and /or appropriate articles and websites 

be originalwork and will be checked for PLAGIARISM 

you will receive a zero if substantial portions of your work are taken from other sources without proper citation

cite your sources type references accordin to the APA Style Guide 

type your essay in a word document .

Hazards Vulnerability Matrix


Assignment Instruction

Hazards Vulnerability Matrix

Developing a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis document takes significant time and coordination with the local community partners and organizations. The intent of this assignment is to get you on the path to developing an HVA using the fictitious city called Bobsville. The document on Bobsville is intended to provide to you a snapshot of many small towns in America.

To fully complete the HVA process you would need to ensure that you have coordinated with your community, county, and state partners to evaluate the hazards in your community. If you were going to do the entire process from start to finish you would have to complete the following 4 Steps to completing the HVA:

There are 4 Steps to completing an HVA:

1. Identify the Hazards

2. Profile the Hazards

3. Inventory the Assets

4. Estimate the Losses

Since you will be working on your own, and due to the amount of time we have as a class, you will only be completing the first two items: 1) Identify the Hazards; and 2) Profile the Hazards.  There are 4 worksheets (adapted from FEMA course IS559) associated with these 2 steps.

This week you will complete Worksheet 1 Hazard Vulnerability Matrix. I want you to develop one worksheet for each types of hazards (natural, technological, and human). You will use the fictitious town of Bobsville to complete the assignment.

This is the first step you will use to complete the HVA. You will use the HVA and associated documents as a resource document for your next class  EDMG220 when you develop your Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Be thorough and ensure that you are as meticulous as you can since missing information will impact the EOP.


  1. Download “Welcome to Bobsville.docx” for information on the location you will evaluate.
  2. Download the EDMG101 HVA Matrix.xlsx.  This contains a cover sheet and 3 blank tabs to fill–Natural, Technological, and Human.
  3. Fill out your name and date on the cover tab.
  4. Fill in each tab with hazards you identified from the location being assessed.  Many columns have drop-down menus with standardized values.  You do not have to fill in every row in every tab, but be thorough.  If you need to copy additional blank rows you can.
  5. Add your first initial and last name to the filename. ie: AJones HVA Matrix.xlsx
  6. Submit here in the classroom.

Supporting Materials

  • (17 KB)
  • (15 KB)
  • (24 KB)

Peer Review


    Ben Hinshaw
   Caroline Scheibel

Peer Review them one of each person

give me back comments .. 40-60 words for each

The Blue Sky Mine and Corporate Social Responsibility


The Blue Sky Mine and Corporate Social Responsibility

In response to wartime demand, the Blue Sky Mine was opened in Western Australia in the early 1940s and operated until it became unprofitable in the mid-60s.

The mine and its aftermath became the subject of a smash hit by the Australian rock band, Midnight Oil, who recently have returned to the global rock music scene. The song is emblematic of the issue of corporate social responsibility and is part of the Oils’ vast catalog of songs on environmental and social justice issues. 

When you get a chance, you may wish to listen to these music videos: Dead Heart, Beds Are Burning, and Dreamworld.

A. To prepare for your original posting, do some online research about the Blue Sky Mine and then view the official music video “Blue Sky Mine” by Midnight Oil in order to:

1. identify (and post using 1a, 1b, etc to identify your answers) –

  1. a. what was mined here and for what purpose the material was/is used
  2. b. how the Colonial Sugar Refinery treated its miners during and after the mine operations
  3. c. whether or not the company demonstrated principles of corporate social responsibility (look this term up if it’s unfamiliar to you) 
    1. if they did demonstrate corporate social responsibility, describe at least two example of how they did demonstrate CSR 
    2. if they did not demonstrate corporate social responsibility, describe at least two examples of how they could have demonstrated CSR 
  4. who is responsible for ensuring corporate social responsibility in any setting in any nation and why

2. describe (and post) how Midnight Oil uses music (speed, tone, volume, key, etc.), lyrics, and, importantly, images to tell the story of the Blue Sky Mine