Category: Environmental science

Galaxy Classification

 Edwin Hubble’s discoveries in the 1920s led to the understanding that the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the Universe. In a 2 to 3 paragraph essay, describe the five types of galaxies within Hubble classification system. Select one of the galaxy types and search online for an example. Include a picture of your example galaxy. 

Final Project Outline

Week 4 Assignment – Final Project Outline (the paper information is help with the outline)

The purpose of this assignment is to create an outline, abstract, and reference page for your Final Paper. The outline must be two to three pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style.

Address all of the following parts of this assignment:

1. Prepare a two-page, double-spaced outline of your Final Paper. 

2. Generate a strong thesis statement that you will use in your Final Paper.

3. The outline must contain the major sections that will exist in the Final Paper, as well as a brief description (two to three sentences) of what will be discussed under each heading. 

4. The outline should include an abstract of one resource using the Annotated Bibliography Guidelines below:

a. Provide a summary/abstract/annotation of the article, which means to list the major topics discussed in the article. 

5. The outline must be accompanied by a reference page that includes at least eight scholarly sources. 

Final Paper Details:

Imagine that you have been hired as an Environmental Compliance Manager for a multinational corporation named ABC, Inc. The corporation that you work for is a manufacturer of pesticide, agriculture fertilizer, and herbicide. Prepare an eight- to ten-page Final Project (excluding the title and reference pages) that addresses each of the following three parts from a business perspective. All three parts of this assignment should be submitted as one document.

Part I

Create a systemic approach (e.g., steps, flow chart, or directions) for ABC Inc.s compliance with the following federal statutes. 








You may prepare Part I of your project as a table, a flowchart, an outline with necessary steps listed in order, or in paragraph format.

Part II

Create a step-by-step plan for ABC Inc.s risk management and for minimizing ABC Inc.s liability exposure from environmental liability.

You may prepare Part II of your project as a table, a flow chart, an outline with necessary steps listed in order, or in paragraph format.

Part III

Evaluate the duties, leadership opportunities, and risks associated with environmental regulation for multinational corporations such as ABC Inc. in global business.

Part III of your project must be in paragraph format and should be a minimum of five pages.

Writing the Final Project

The Final Project:

Must be eight double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and references pages, and formatted according to APA style.  

Must include a cover page that includes:

o Title of paper

o Students name

o Course name and number

o Instructors name

o Date submitted 

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. 

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 

Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. 

Must use at least eight resources in addition to the course textbook

Must use APA style to document all sources. 

Must include, as the final page, a reference page that is formatted according to APA style. 

Emergency Response Plan

Week 4 Discussions and Required Resources

Assignment: Must be at least 200 words unless otherwise noted. Please read all attachments and follow ALL instructions.

Emergency Response Plan 

Using the Internet, locate and read the Emergency Response Plan for your local community. Evaluate whether the plan seems to be sufficient as an emergency planning tool. Why or why not? Does it place undue burden on business? Does it place undue burden on individual members of society? Does it satisfy the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Acts requirements?  Regardless of whether you believe the plan is sufficient or not, provide two suggestions for improving it. (If you cannot locate your local Emergency Response Plan, choose any citys plan to evaluate instead.)  

Required Resources


Read the following chapters in your text, :

Chapter 10: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)

Text: Schroeder, K.L. (2008). . Retrieved from

Recommended Resources


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. . Retrieved from .

Need Assignment Done For SCI207 Dependence Upon Our Environment Footprint Document Attached


  • Response posts to fellow students (optional) are due by Day 7. Prior to beginning this assignment, please listen to the podcast, .
  • Throughout this course, we have been exploring environmental issues and challenges, such as fresh drinking water scarcity and biodiversity loss. But what would our own lives be like without nature? How might nature experiences benefit us? In this activity, you are asked to spend time in nature, record your experiences, and then share your reflections with the class. This project is due on Day 3 (Thursday) of this week. Incorporate feedback that you have received and complete the sections below.
  • Note: You will not be able to view others projects until you have posted your own.
  • Go Outdoors: Find a place outside where you can be in nature for at least one hour. This could be a national, state, or local park, a city square with trees and gardens, an old cemetery, or even your own backyard. Be creative. For those of you who may think there is no nature whatsoever around you or you will not have the opportunity to get out into nature, the podcast will give you get a sense of creative ways to complete this assignment, particularly if you are living in a highly urbanized setting.
  • Observe: Once you are outdoors, choose a comfortable spot where you can stand or sit quietly for at least 1 hour of uninterrupted solitude. Turn off all electronic devices. Quietly take in your surroundings. What do you notice? Use your senses of sight, hearing, smell, and feeling to take the world in. Be as still and quiet as you can.
  • Please note: You should plan to complete this step no later than Week 4.
  • Write: Either while you are outdoors or as soon after your return as you can, set aside at least a half an hour of uninterrupted time to write about your nature experience. It should include both what you directly experienced during your time outdoors and your feelings and reflections on the experience itself. In your writing, consider this question: Are human beings a part of nature, or apart from it?
  • Please note: You should plan to complete this step no later than Week 4. It is not necessary to share your journal work with anyone, but taking the time to write about your experience will provide you with valuable raw material for the next step.
  • Create: Choose a creative means of sharing your nature experience, and what you learned from it, with the class. This could take the form of a series of photographs with captions, a poem, a song, a brief personal essay, a work of art, the design for a board game, a video of some kind, or any other creative avenue you can think of. The work should be entirely your own product.
  • Please note: You should plan to start on this step by Week 4 at the latest.
  • Share: Share your completed creative project with the class by uploading it to the Nature Experience Project discussion board by Day 3 of this week. If your work is entirely visual or auditory (e.g., fine art, photography, music, etc.), please include a brief statement of 100 to 200 words that (1) relates your work back to your original nature experience; and (2) relates your work to the question of whether you feel you are a part of nature or apart from it. Upload visual or auditory content to an online repository that allows you to share a link to the content with others. Follow the directions for uploading your video to YouTube (; ) or other web-based video platform to obtain the link to share with others. Audio can be recorded or uploaded in Vocaroo (See for more information).

Reflection: Climate Change

In this reflection, you are preparing a scientifically informed response to someone who expresses a question, or incorrect assumption regarding climate change.  You will identify the situation and audience, then write a narrative that informs your audience. 

Begin with a section title Situation and Audience, followed by a brief description.   Examples:

Situation and Audience: While at dinner, Uncle Joe remarks that the question of climate change is just a political one.

Situation and Audience: Hometown librarian requests a mini talk at the library on climate change.

Be creative, yet try to make this reflection something you could try out in the future.

After identifying the situation and audience, your reflection should include at least three (3) scientifically based points that explain the reason for, or nature of climate change. Write about each in a separate paragraph that includes a clear topic sentence that identifies your point. Follow each topic sentence with several sentences of supporting or explanatory text or graphics.  You should include evidence gained from our text and the links provided in the guided notetaking:  this reflection is not intended as a research project.  You are welcome, however to include additional resources. 

In a fourth paragraph, identify one effect of climate change that you believe might be most important to your audience, followed by supporting or explanatory text.

Finally, while no one person can solve the problem of climate change, suggest what you personally plan to do or think others might do in relation to the problem.  It is ok if you think the action is exceedingly small.  It is a first step.

Include references where appropriate.  Cut and paste of links is acceptable for website citations.  You may cite our course text as Environmental Chemistry (4th edition) by VanLoon and Duffy. 

There is no specific length requirement for the reflection; however, my estimate is it will take 500-1,000 words to do a good job.  VIEW THE RUBRIC before you begin so that you understand how points will be awarded.

Sustainability Video Evaluation


At the end of this quarter you will be reporting on your action. To fulfill this task, you will have to communicate. Business, political parties, NGOs, and other actors do the same thing as they communicate with us.

Businesses, political parties, NGOs, and other actors in environmental discussions definitely use the “communicative paradigm” and master the use of syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, hermeneutic, and semiotic tools in their discourses. Here is one example discussed in class.

Watch and reflect on this video on sustainable practices by the Weyerhaeuser Corp. Consider how communication and presentation matters and evaluate how you should best communicate your environmental paradigms, values, theories, and principles. For example, observe what drives this production, including issues related to syntactics, semantics, pragmatics, hermeneutics, and semiotics (scripting, factual statements, use of imperative verbs, contextualization, soundtrack selections, visual presentation, etc). Send a brief comment responding to the following question (already discussed in class): What, in your opinion, is the message here?



The book is Media of Mass Communication

John Vivian

chapter 2,5,6

This assignment will assist in examining the effects technology has on digital media.

Describe the role technology has played in electronic and digital media in a 525- to 700-word paper.

Discuss the historical and contemporary roles of media in society.

Describe how the electronic technology of photography, recording, and transmission has advanced from initial discovery to the present.

Describe how today’s mass media uses these technological innovations.

Analyze how the development of digital technology has affected the content and distribution of electronic media.

Discuss how the role of mass media has changed with these technological developments.

Cite readings and at least two peer-reviewed sources.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Use Riverpoint Writer or the CWE Title Page Template to get your formatting correct.

Submit your assignment.

Hazardous Materials

 1.Describe some ways that the Emergency Response Guidebook is used when responding to incidents involved the release of hazardous materials.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 

2.  Describe how the chemical characteristics, production methods, uses, and associated unique hazards of sulfur can affect the safety of an environmental health and safety (EHS) and fire science (FS) professional.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length 

3.  A nursing home is installing their own bulk oxygen system due to their large volume of consumption. OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.104(b)(2)(iii) requires owners of bulk oxygen systems to provide noncombustible surfacing in areas where liquid oxygen might leak during operation of the system or during the filling of a storage container. If the nursing home provides an asphalt surface in areas where oxygen could potentially leak, will it be in compliance with the workplace regulation regarding oxygen? Explain your answer.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 

5.  Although coal is no longer the favored energy source, U.S. coal mines still produced close to a billion short tons of coal. Detail 5 different forms of coal, including activated carbon, and chemical products and health hazards related to each different form. Describe DOT recommended response actions to incidents involving a release of coal and/or carbon.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 

Unit 4 Assignment


In this unit, you became familiar with sources of municipal solid waste  (MSW), beneficial uses of MSW, and MSW landfills. 

For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the  components  listed below.     

Discuss   the sources and beneficial uses of municipal solid   waste.    

Describe   the differences between garbage, rubbish, and trash.    Elaborate   on the four characteristics of optimum routing of MSW   collection   trucks.   

 Explain   the purpose of transfer stations.    Provide   two positive and two negative aspects of incinerators.   

 Describe   the purpose of composting.    

Discuss   four differences between dumps and landfills.   

 Address   the following question: If each person in a city of 20,000   people generates 5   pounds per day of MSW, how many pounds of MSW are   generated in a year in the   city?    

Address the following question: In a   different city, if the landfill   volume required per year is 300,000   m3, and the average fill depth is 15 m,   what is the required   landfill area (m2) per year? 

Your essay should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful  transitions. It should be at least three pages in length, not counting the  references page; a title page is optional. Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU  Online Library. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to  use the  textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU  Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and  use APA format. 

NEED WITHIN 2 HOURS (Environmental Ethics)


review the reports or advertisements(link above) about environmental views, beliefs, values, and practices of environmental groups or corporations in the Puget Sound area

Make sure you apply the theories and categories you learned so far, especially how they use the metaphysical, epistemic or communicative paradigms in combination with anthropocentric, psychocentric/zoocentric, biocentric, ecocentric or hoslistic considerability. Please use these categories to evaluate the environmental engagement of these organizations as expressed in their communication practices (websites, documents, videos, etc).  

-1 paragraphs will be enough, shouldn’t be too long

-please don’t use more than 1 outside source, just the one(link) above. Attached are some of the theories and paradigms for this assignment(see which apply)