Category: Engineering – Electronic Engineering

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As we progress as a society, so too does  our technology. Innovation and invention are cohesive, and our species  has a natural instinct to create and improve. At some point humans drew  their attention towards improving something else, the very food that we  consume. Genetically modified organisms (or GMOs) are nothing new,  Humans began genetically modifying plants to provide food more than  10,000 years ago. For the past hundred years or so plant breeders have  used radiation and chemicals to speed up the production of genetic  changes. (Nina Fedoroff). GM foods are important in todays society  because of the necessity of food due to the large population of people  on the planet. Some places have harder times growing food than others,  and GM plants can be reprogrammed to grow in areas with unproductive  soil.   

   With the ability to alter and change  the very genetic code of an organism, there are sure to be benefits and  drawbacks as a result. There are many positive aspects of GM foods such  as resistance to disease, high nutritional value, environmental  benefits, and even health boosts. On the other hand, there are negative  effects as well. Most GMOs tolerate the pesticide glyphosate, but this  genetic alteration remains controversial because this pesticide might  cause cancer. and The GMO side effects on humans also remain a  concern. New genetic technologies have the unwanted effect of the added  gene possibly entering the host’s genome causing a permanent alteration  in its basic genetic structure. (Janet Renee). Whether GMOs are good or  bad can be open to interpretation but there are definitely both valid  arguments for either side.   

  There is a stigma associated with GM  foods; many people are gullible to rumors and false information which  makes people believe they are awful. I do believe GMOs are unnatural, as  is anything thats man-made, but I do not believe they are dangerous.  Of course, there are some negative side effects but GMOs can provide a  source of food to places previously unable to grow.  

  Both conventional crop breeding and GMOs  share the same goal, to produce crops with improved characteristics by  changing their genetic makeup. GM achieves this by adding a new gene or  genes to the genome of a crop plant. Conventional breeding achieves it  by crossing together plants with relevant characteristics, and selecting  the offspring with the desired combination of characteristics, as a  result of particular combinations of genes inherited from the two  parents. However, with conventional breeding there are a couple of  downsides such as the amount of time it takes to cross breed and also  some of the characteristics and genes desired may not be available. GM  is more time effective and desired genes and traits can be engineered,  but we still dont fully understand all of the side effects. If the same  result can be desire from both methods which one is the better option? I  side with the conventional method because it is a more natural  approach.  

  I feel as though GMOs is such a divisive  topic because of tradition and lack of understanding. For many  conventional breeding is the back in my day method and people tend to  be stuck in their ways. Also, GM foods are relatively new and we learn  more about them every day, and the lack of understanding scares some  people. When people envision food, they want to see farmers behind them,  not men in lab coats.   




Harri Daniel 


Janet Renee 

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GMOs  or genetically modified organisms have become a topic of discussion in  recent years because of the break-through in the food industry. Still,  looking back at human history, we have been genetically modifying for  thousands of years. Not till 1973, scientist Herbert Boyer and Stanley  Cohen conducted the first successful genetically engineered organism  where they specifically cut one gene from one organism to placed it in  another. This process brought along different methods that were tested  on animals such as mice and plants, introducing DNA that helps create  resistance or correcting a deficiency.

Even though there are always two sides to everything, GMOs have  several benefits that contribute to the way we live in many ways. From  vegetables that have Bt Toxin gene such as in corn, which is a  pesticide producing crop to Golden Rice having an increased nutritional  value with vitamin A. Even with these positive advancements, there are  always drawbacks. At the same time, not all proven, but they have been  linked to GMOs as Antibiotic resistance in germs claiming 23,000 deaths  per year. Also, strains linked to food allergies and cancer, but further  research is needed to back up these claims; it is a concern for the  population.

The Common perception of GMOs is that it is unnatural, or it brings  an unbalance to nature, but I am on the side of progression and the  benefits they bring. In vegetables, as I stated earlier, the GMOs have  herbicide-resistant, pesticide producing, and nutritionally enhanced  crops. The advancements in medicine were made safer and cheaper in large  part to the benefits with GMOs.

Some genetically modified crops are achieved by the conventional  means with crop breeding and still have the same effect, which to some  people, would be the preferred way. I can understand the view on that  because it is not something made in a petri dish, but if they yield that  same results, I can see no difference if it makes one bad or good.

Overall the divide between people and GMOs will be around for a good  while until more research is available for the short term and long term  effects of GMOs on the human body and the environment. Once we get more  information to back up, all the added benefits GMOs have it will bring  down the walls people placed because of how unknown they have been.

“Genetically modified organism – GMOs in medicine and research.” .

“From Corgis to Corn: A Brief Look at the Long History of ….” 09 Aug. 2015, .

“GMOs – Top 3 Pros and Cons –” .

6G impact of this technology on society. The technology can be one that exists in an alternate world, one that hasnt been invented yet or one that is in the process of being developed. There are no limitations on your technology idea.


Start by brainstorming various technologies that interest you. The technology can be one that exists in an alternate world, one that hasnt been invented yet or one that is in the process of being developed. There are no limitations on your technology idea.

You may decide to create a car that uses water as fuel. Remember, there are no financial limitations and no bad ideas. The intent of the project is for your team to assess the impact of this technology on society.

Synopsis of Project Topic should include the following:

  • Topic of the Team Project: Identify your proposed topic.
  • Rationale: A brief explanation of why your group chose that topic (it could be joint expertise, interest in the topics or some other reason) including a brief background of the environment and need for your technology.
  • Research Plan: A brief paragraph that covers WHERE and HOW you will obtain information about your topic, what TYPES of sources you will be considering, and (if you have gotten this far) list any sources of information you may have already identified.
  • Project Plan: A brief paragraph to layout the plan of the project. This includes what deliverables you need to develop by when, milestones to be achieved by when, required tasks to be accomplished, how they will be accomplished and by whom.


Your report and presentation will need to address the following:

  • How will the selected technology provide benefit?
  • How might the selected technology produce harm?
  • Will the technology be “gendered”?
  • What might be malfunction risks?
  • How might the technology introduce cause and effect relationships?
  • What criteria will be used to evaluate the successes or failures of the technology?
  • What political considerations exist?
  • Discuss pros and cons of the new technology versus refining an existing technology.
  • How might one find a receptive market?
  • Discuss if the technology applies to science.
  • How will the technology impact the environment–short term and long term? Consequences?
  • Discuss ethical considerations.
  • Discuss occupations generated and potential jobs lost.

Support your discussion points using appropriate sources that are properly cited. The synopsis should be at least 1 page

Short Paper Should They Be Saved?


In 1990 Helga Wanglie, an 86 year old woman, suffered cardiopulmonary failure. She was put on a respirator, fed intravenously and injected with antibiotics. Although she remained in a vegetative state, her family insisted that she be kept alive. For the next 17 months $800,000 was expended on her maintenance. As we continue to make breakthroughs in medical technology, we increase our ability to extend life in situations that previously guaranteed death. Consider the above situation, similar to the more recent Terri Schiavo case. Consider the abilities weve gained with stem cell technology, which has now allowed us to grow new organs. The rapid advancement of medical technology has helped humans to gain enormous control over life and death. But with great power become great responsibility and brings to light considerable ethical concerns.

After reading the module notes and all supplemental materials, respond to following:

  • What arguments can be made in favor of prolonging life? 
  • What arguments can be made against it?
  • Just because we have the technology, should it be used? Where is the line drawn?
  • Should there be regulation? To what extent?

Support your position using appropriate sources that are properly cited. Your paper should be 2 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). It must be formatted according to   [PDF, File Size 131 KB], 6th edition, including title and reference pages.

Frankenfoods The role of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our food production has been an increasingly trending topic in current events.


The role of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our food production has been an increasingly trending topic in current events.  As further research is conducted on the long-term effects of this technology, we are seeing increased protest from groups claiming this technology is unnatural, labeling the products of GMOs  Frankenfoods. Alternatively, the use of GMOs is promoted by an equally large group of supporters that insist that the scientific research backs the reliability of genetically modified foods from a health standpoint, while providing significant advantages in addressing our population and food shortage problems. 

After reading the module notes and all supplemental materials, perform an internet search on Genetically Modified Organisms and their role in our food production processes, keeping in mind the guidelines addressed in the Excelsior Library on online research and appropriate sourcing. Then respond to the following:

  • Give a brief background on GMOs. What are they? What role do they play in our food production?
  • What are the Benefits/Drawbacks?
  • Do you think genetic modification experimentation is unnatural or interferes with the balance of nature?
  • Some genetically modified (GM) traits can also be produced by conventional crop breeding. In such a case is the GM crop bad and the conventional one good? 
  • Why do you think the use of GMOs is still such a divisive topic?

Support your position using appropriate sources that are properly cited. 

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A topic that has interested me is that of bio-fuels and bio-fuel technology.  It isn’t something that is discussed heavily in the mainstream, but it is an industry that has grown significantly over the last two decades, is helping reduce the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels, and is proving to be a profitable industry with the potential for continued exponential growth.

Give a brief background on your subject of research.   Bio-diesel fuel is a renewable energy source manufactured through animal fat, vegetable oils, or even used grease from restaurants that is utilized in equipment or vehicles which operate on diesel fuel.  Bio-heat fuels are a blend of bio-diesel and ultra-low sulfur heating oil which is a better fuel for heating homes.

Is your subject purely science or technology? What is the basis of your decision?  For me, this was a hard question to answer for this topic.  I do not believe it is purely one or the other, but a combination of both.  Bio-diesel fuel is created through a chemical process called transesterification, which is the science aspect.  But the manufacturing and implementation of bio-diesel for use is accomplished through the use of current and advancing technologies.   

Has science had an impact on the development of this technology? If so, what sciences and how? Absolutely!  It is through science, specifically chemistry, that the creation of bio-diesel fuels is possible.  Chemistry is used to split oils into two separate parts, esters and glycerin.  The esters are the chemical name for bio-diesel and glycerin is used in a variety of products such as explosives or soap.

Dunn, Collin. (2007). Biodiesel: How It’s Made, Environmental Impact, Where to Find a Fueling Station, and More.  Retrieved from

Biodiesel. (2020, January 16). Retrieved from

Biodiesel Basics. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Biodiesel. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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As discussed, science and technology are not mutually exclusive but certain aspects are intertwined and one can and often does drive the advancement of the other. Robotics for example began as science fiction and has evolved into a reality because of advances in both science and technology.  Recently the emergence of Soft Robotics has melded the two into an almost indistinguishable area of study.  One where both technology and science play an integral role.

Various sciences have had significant impact on the advancements of soft robotics.  More specifically materials science, biology and physics (continuum mechanics).  Nearly every field of engineering plays a role in the technological advancement of soft robotics. Mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering and fluid dynamics are just to name a few areas that without their application of technological advances in-of-themselves we soft robotics would not be where it is today.   

The word Robot comes from the Slavic root word rabota () meaning to work.  It first appeared in a Czech play in the 1920s and was further developed into other works of science fiction.  Human beings have forever been fascinated by the fine line between Science Fiction and Science Fact.  We have used science fiction to catapult our imaginations into a tangible reality.  Our desire to reach further and further into space has also sped up the evolution of soft robotics as seen in new space suits under development and the exploration of our nearby planets. The data collection that these robots will provide to further scientific research here on earth will prove to be invaluable in the future.  Further employment of soft robotics in existing industries would create the supply and demand effect needed to fund further research and development. 


Rus, Daniela and Michael T. Tolley. Design, Fabrication and Control of Soft Robots. Nature 521, no. 7553 (May 27, 2015): 467475. 

Hines, Lindsey; Petersen, Kirstin; Lum, Guo Zhan; Sitti, Metin (2017). “Soft Actuators for Small-Scale Robotics”. Advanced Materials. 

Mather, P. T.; Qin, H.; Liu, C. (2007-04-10). “Review of progress in shape-memory polymers”. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 17 (16): 15431558.

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  Often, we interchange science and technology.  Science is the natural drive from humans for the pursuit of information which create desires in us that create a hole.  We fill that desire using technology as a means to an end.  To have advanced to where we have today, it would not have been possible without the generation of power.  Our means to provide power has adapted through the ages from things like steam turbines, nuclear power plants, conventional power plants, etc.  As our species advances and expands, our demand for power increases dramatically as population increases as well as technology itself demanding more.  That brings me to the future, Fusion.  Although not from the last decade strictly speaking, viable fusion reactors that are viable have been created in the last decade.  Its not a matter of if, but when.  It has been science for the last 80 years or so when it was presented that fusion has been powering the sun.  He stated that the sun generates the energy equivalent of 100 billion nuclear bombs in one second.  This sparked the near century old desire of mankind to create a near limitless supply of clean energy that in my opinion, will advance humans to the next technological age.  Think of it, think of all the money saved in our daily lives for energy being invested in other ways.  The possibility of altering what we know of space travel, removing the conflict for the control of oil.  We are on the verge of something truly game changing, and it is within our grasp.

            The advancement of fusion technology has been held back due to having to establish the conditions here on earth similar to the internals of the son.  You have to develop high enough temperature and pressure which is extremely difficult and expensive.  Advances in other technology have made this possible however in areas such as Magnetic Confinement.  By the use of strong magnetic fields, scientists are able to confine the plasma and more importantly keep it from coming in contact with the reactor walls.

            As is often the case, in my opinion technology breeds technology.  As an example, in the first week we learned about the discovery of the wheel.  This discovery led eventually to where we are today with inventions such as the electric car.  Think about that for a second and apply that same advancement to something like the fusion reactor and imagine 100 years from now where we will be when fusion is no longer a dream, no longer a science, but a fully developed technology.


Haider, Q. (Oct 2018). Nuclear Fusion : Holy Grail of Energy. Retrieved from

a written agreement among members, will identify the teams purpose and its members mutually-agreed upon expectations and contributions.


Your team charter, a written agreement among members, will identify  the teams purpose and its members mutually-agreed upon expectations  and contributions. By developing this charter, each member will clearly  understand his/her team responsibilities.Team charters encourage members  to build more trusting relationships with one another. Although team  charters may vary, the basic components include the teams mission,  goals, performance agreement, and evaluation standards. Working  collaboratively, your team will develop a charter using your assigned  discussion board.

Start your assignment by reviewing the requirements outlined in the for  the Final Team Project. You will work on the paper and presentation in a  collaborative environment to reach the team project milestones. A Team  Charter is the first of six milestones.

Your team charter should include the following elements:

  1. Mission Statement A mission statement states the purpose of your team and identifies what your team must accomplish.
  2. Team Vision Clearly and concisely state the ideal outcome of your teams efforts.
  3. Team Identity Team identity includes a team name and  logo (optional) that represent the composition of your team, as well as a  roster of each members name, phone number, email address, an  assessment of each members strengths (include the role that each team  member will perform during the team project).
  4. Boundaries Clarify the values, policies, and  procedures your team supports that cannot be violated; the decisions the  team can make on its own versus needed permission from others; the  activities that are legitimate for the team to engage in; and the  stakeholders affected by the teams activities.
  5. Operating Guidelines Describe your team structure and  the processes you will use, including how the leader(s) will function;  how decisions will be made; how work will be allocated (such as who on  the team will be responsible for submitting the upcoming M4A2  Assignment: Outline); how team members will communicate; and how  conflict will be managed.

Please download the attached  [DOCX, File Size 16.2 KB] to develop your Team Charter. Your final team charter should be 1-2 pages in length. Use APA formatting with Times New Roman, 12-font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.

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  Traditionally, technology has been associated with  rationality,  objectivity and structure; traits oft considered  masculine in the  traditional societal definition of gender roles.  While some technologies  have largely been male-dominated, throughout  history, women have had an  often unrecognized presence in making  significant contributions to  these technological advancements. One such  technology would be the  digital computer. While its development is  generally viewed as a product  of male logic and rationality, much of  the progress in this area has  required an intuitive, interactive and  generally less structured  feminine approach. These culturally  appropriated gender  characteristics as well as historic gender roles  have had a significant  influence in consumerism and technological  development. In this  activity, you will explore technologies that may  be gender-specific and  evaluate technological innovations that have  shaped current society.   


Technology as it has progressed and advanced through the decades has been linked very closely to gender, from its surprising beginning to now as we continue to push forward. From the early 1800s with a seamstress resistance against a sewing machine, early 1900s with the start of cinema, to now gender has played a key role. This isnt to say gender alone was in the drivers seat for technology, it had other key influences making the twist and turns that we are at today. Marketing! We saw marketing give technology its main push by exploiting gender to sell all these great inventions. Advertisements focused on women to sell household items that made their lives easier painting a happier picture of a family home, while men had an image to uphold so anything portraying a sense masculinity is thrown their way. Technology focused and grew around these gender marketing plans shaping how they improved to appease the targeted gender.

Automobiles or heavy machinery in general is a predominantly masculine technology focused on the thought strong or the ideal man figure. Being able to improve or fix a car is deemed to be a mans job, with the auto mechanic average being 98% male workforce( machinery such as in construction or earth moving operation 94.1% of degree earners are male( Women on the other hand have traditionally been viewed as caretakers of the household. On this side of the gender sphere it is normal to associate stoves, ovens, sewing machines and the telephone for a woman. Even to this day cooking and cleaning is viewed by some as a womans job to take care of the family while the man of the house provides at work.

Let us not be confined to these walls that were built so long ago by a aging market, technology is ever growing.  21st century technology has been working to push past gender barriers because well we as a society have. Women in Computer Science areas of study are fewer than 4% by the time they go to college, but with programs such as GIRLS WHO CODE women are being shown early on that these fields arent just for men. Just looking around technology has been made to not attract just one gender, take for instance colors of devices we use computers, tv, and cell phones. Most high end devices sell in simple tones of black or white to not push away any consumer.

Right now in this day and age I feel we are seeing more openness to the ideas of everybody regardless of their gender thanks in large part to the internet. Anyone can learn to cook a 3 course meal or replace a timing belt on a car regardless of your sex thanks to YouTube. Many people can just post a photo or a video in a instant through social media showing a march for equality on their timeline. With all the information that is within our grasp technology itself is breaking down the barriers that were placed around it.


“Automotive service technicians & mechanics | Data USA.” (Links to an external site.).

“Construction, Heavy, & Earth-Moving Equipment … – Data USA.” (Links to an external site.).

“Removing the Stigma Faced by ‘Girls’ Who Code – TriplePundit.” 18 May. 2015, (Links to an external site.).