Category: Criminal Justice

Active shooter policies

Write a 250-350 word paper that describes the policy-making steps and analyzes the current status for active shooter policies for Public policies for juvenile justice / Health allied agencies.  For issues that are still in progress, comment on what will have to take place for the process to be resolved for. 

Assess Personnel Management Approaches in Public Administration

For this assignment, reflect on what you have learned about public administration so far and incorporate that knowledge with what you have read this week. You will use these results to prepare an elevator speech for your interview for the position of Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X. An elevator speech is concise, focusing on the most important aspects of the results of a conversation. Here, that conversation is your interview.

Assume you are now in your hypothetical interview for the position of Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X. The interview question is prompt. Reflect on the following statement and construct a winning elevator speech based on your combined knowledge from previous courses and the current weeks readings.

Prompt: The job of a public personnel administrator is to manage human capital within the organization.

Police corruption

WHAT TO DO: Write a proposal – Proposals should include a research question or topic, why this topic is important for research, policy, or practice, and a basic outline or summary discussion of the papers argument. The paper must have an argument; the paper should not be a simple summary of a topic CHOOSE A TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT: – Papers may combine policing or a salient feature of the police role (e.g. surveillance, force, legitimacy, discretion) with a students particular interests (e.g. race, probation and parole, procedural justice, gender, youth, prisons, schools, violence, etc.) to consider other facets of the criminal justice system and society more broadly.

Witnesses and their testimony (constitutional of defendants regarding witnesses, credibility of the witness, direct and cross examination)

You can cite cases, any other type of publication, including: Journals, Books, Internet Articles, etc.

The paper must:
APA format

Be double-spaced
Include 1.25 inch margins
Use Times New Roman 12 point type
It should include:

A title page
An introduction
Body of paragraphs with subheadings
A reference page with 10 citations

Juvenile Justice Policy

1.You are expected to be professional and creative.
2.Your policy brief should be approximately 2,000 words; this does not include references.
3.Your brief must draw from a minimum of five sources, which must be cited correctly in the text and be documented correctly in the reference section. Of the total works cited, at least three should be articles from academic journals. Do not include theses or dissertations as references. 
4.Works cited and the references must be in APA format.
The brief should include the following sections:

Consider the following structure:
I.  Introduction
a) Introduce the topic.
b) Supply background information on the topic.
c) Explain the findings and provide a thesis statement.

II.  History
a) Explain the need for the policy.
b) Express how the policy began; were prior attempts made? What is the current law and  how was it enacted.

III. Analysis
a) Is there evidence of its effectiveness or ineffectiveness?
b) Did the policy achieve its desired goal?
c) What is your personal view on how it could be changed to reach the desired result.

IV. Conclusion
Tell me your findings based on evidence and give your own conclusion for changes that need to be adopted.

v. Cites

Week 8 Discussion


Terrorists Versus Freedom Fighters

Respond to the following prompt in two to three well-developed paragraphs.

You are a severely oppressed ethnic group known as the Wannabees residing in the state of Terristan. Terristan is run by a vicious dictator and his small tribe of extremely loyal followers who control the military and the secret police, and political imprisonment and torture abound. You are tired of being persecuted in your own land (you lived here long before his tribe did), and you want your own country back under your control. You do not have much money, and you will not hesitate to use violence, if you deem it necessary. You also need to get the world’s attention and support for your plight.

How are you going to accomplish these aims–in detail, please. I would like to see a lot of interaction among everyone in the group on this topic in particular. Do you consider yourself a terrorist or a freedom fighter in this scenario and why?
A particularly lively discussion on this topic is expected, but you must post substantive replies to at least two other students’ responses.

Remember, your posts must:

be a minimum of 150 words.
include supporting evidence (from personal experience, documentation, quotes from the readings, etc).
use correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and other writing conventions.

Science and the Courts Presentation

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you discuss the following:
The role that the behavioral sciences plays in a criminal investigation
The requirements necessary to obtain expert witness designation and acceptance of expert witness testimony
Court rules with regard to the acceptance of evidence and testimony related to the behavioral sciences
The areas of forensic science and psychological profiling that may be challenged during court proceedings
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Mock Behavioral Health Research Paper

Select a serial murder case from the following list for review:
John Wayne Gacy
Jack the Ripper
Wayne Williams
Jeffrey Dahmer
Herman Mudgett
Richard Ramirez
Gary Ridgway
Aileen Wuornos
Ed Gein
David Berkowitz
Hamilton Howard “Albert” Fish
Ted Bundy
Analyze the case to identify specific psychological characteristics and patterns that might be inferred about the individual.
Document your findings in a 1,350- to 2,100-word paper that includes the following elements:
Behavioral variables, including a review of signature and modus operandi
Repetitive patterns evident in criminal acts
Possible issues in development and life experience that may be identified as possible causes for prevalent criminality and psychopathology
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Explore and Critique a Needs Assessment and Managerial Strategies

In order to fully explore this important concept, we will return to our selected department or governmental agency. Develop a comprehensive paper on your departmental or entitys needs assessment and management strategies by identifying and analyzing human and non-human resources, including capital projects, technology, and facilities. Provide major justifications or rationales for capital project needs.

To conclude, compare and contrast existing problems in the federal, state, and local public policy approval processes that affect the needs assessment and management strategies. Relate your findings to your department or entity as an example, being as specific as possible.

minimum of five scholarly resources.

Assess Ethical Issues and Research Methods within Public Budgetary Procedures

Develop a comprehensive paper that examines the budgetary policies and procedures of your selected department or governmental entity. Be sure to include the following:

Provide the micro- and macro-level trend-lines of revenue and expenditure for the last 3 fiscal years.
Assess the accuracy of these figures to the best of your ability (support your assessment by interpreting foundational research methods in this field).
Discuss ethical dilemmas faced by officials for such practices, and then determine their impact on program evaluation and personnel performance evaluations. Provide specific examples where appropriate.
Justify the need for ethical and professional codes of conduct, especially for public employees, within budget and finance positions.