Category: Business Finance – Operations Management

HLTH400 Unit-3 IP – managementperformanceplan


HLTH400-1203B-01 Healthcare Management
Assignment Name: Unit 3 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 23 Pages

For this unit’s assignment, you are to complete the following portions of your strategic plan:

Create a management performance plan that includes the following information:

* Define a management performance plan that links action plans to the following issues:
o Motivation
o Empowerment
o Training
o Coproduction with patients and families

Create and employee hiring/training/retention plan that includes the following information:

* Define an employee hiring/training/retention plan that links action plans to the following issues:
o Motivation
o Empowerment
o Training
o Coproduction with patients and families

Identify how your action plans are linked to the following within your organization:

* Vision statement
* Mission statement
* Service strategy

Acquire Speedy Solutions To Your Gmail Issues At Gmail Number


Email became unresponsive?  Are you unable to open to check any mail at all? Sometimes, while using a Gmail, suddenly the account gets frozen and commands or any clicking anywhere doesn’t work, at such times dont miss to contact troubleshooting team at . They are pleased to help at the time something went wrong with your Gmail Account.


Please search about 15 to 20 potential project in regards to supply chain management. I have attached the slides from this week meeting for reference. The template is attached what that assignment need to be done on.    

By completing this assignment, you will record your activities for the discovery of a potential project topic, and you will narrow the search to two possible project topics of interest.

Create a Business Culture


Imagine you are creating a new and innovative technology company. In this assignment, consider the culture, management, and leadership of your organization. Remember that your company should be a place that people want to work.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the characteristics of the people you would want working at your company, in relation to the culture you are trying to cultivate.
  2. Identify two (2) leadership qualities you would look for in employees. What does their background and previous experience look like?
  3. Discuss your companys organizational culture. What are the ways you can help ensure that the companys culture fosters creativity and innovation among employees?
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: MLA Format

2.Need Response to below discussion


There are multiple phases in decision-making, namely 1. Identifying the problem 2. Generating alternative solutions 3. Evaluating those alternatives 4. Making the right choice 5. Implementing the decision 6. Evaluating the outcome. As a part of todays discussion, I will be talking about the decision that I have made at work.

Identifying the problem: 

We use Agile as our framework while we do Program increment planning AKA PI planning. It helps enable to take quick decisions in the unforeseeable environment. The organizations, which can adapt quickly and flexibility to changes in the environment. So, as a part of the planning team of scrum masters, developers and product owners will be identifying the existing issues and planning for any product changes. In the last sprint, we could not predict the number of production issues that are going to be raised, which led to a lot of confusion on how to fix this as we were already allocated with our work which includes the production defects too, but not in huge numbers. Now the team as a whole wants to analyze why this issue has happened.

Generating alternative solutions:

As a part of the analysis and the discussion, there were many ideas on how to go about this issue. Some of them were hiring additional resources, allocating 75% of hours to the development and the remaining for issues like this, reduce the number of meetings and loan resources. There were many other ideas, which would lead us into the rabbit holes.

Evaluating those alternatives:

Now that we have alternative solutions in place, it is time to evaluate the solutions by doing a SWOT analysis. At first, looking at hiring additional resources would solve the problem, but the problem includes hiring takes time, increases the budget and making them get used to the environment and the workflow will be time-consuming. However, the advantages are down the lane you will have a team, which can handle the worst-case scenarios.

The second alternative is to allocate only 75% of the work hours during the sprint, so the team can take up the production defects on time and resolve them. The problem with this alternative is the work that needs to complete will take longer than before. However, we will have reduced the stress on the team, which leads to a quality product.

The remaining alternatives are reducing the number of meetings would change the workflow and these scrum calls cannot be avoided as a part of the Agile framework and loaning resources would take a similar time as hiring a new resource except for the paperwork.

Making the right choice:

After evaluation, those alternatives, Allocating 75% of the work to development and the rest for unexpected production issues like this would increase the efficiency of the team and the application that we are building and supporting on the go. Not only this would reduce the amount of stress on the employee, but this can also be helpful for the team to be creative and learn new things if we do not have more issues as expected. This alternative does not affect the existing workflow in a way that we have to reduce any meetings or to increase the budget.

Implementing the decision: 

Once the decision has been taken by the team as a whole, it was communicated to the program managers and Release Train Engineers by showing the SWOT analysis for the alternatives and make them understand why this is the right choice for the problem. Then they have provided us with the green signal, we started writing stories and creating features for the coming sprint by allocating only 75% of the work by taking holidays and PTOs into consideration.

Evaluating the decision:

Once the Program increment planning was done, the team started developing the application and as we have predicted we have faced production issues. However, this time as a team we are prepared for it, the development team has enough time to analyze, fix and validate the issue. Nonetheless, we had delivered on time for the sprint by within the milestone dates and have delivered a quality product, which would lead to fewer defects going forward.

Need Response to below discussion


Phase 1: Identify and diagnose the problemRecognizing problems as opportunities 

I ‘m Network engineer working for a manufacturing plant. Our organization manufactures Al coils  and on average production of 50,000 tons.  In order to perform the tasks, operator needs to run applications for tracking the stages of its production and document for faster, reliable and accurate results.

We have identified the problem to be Wi-fi Issue. The reasons for  weak signals and packet drop/loss inside the plant are material absorption, signal reflection from the walls. 

Phase 2: Generate Alternative SolutionsReady made & Custom made not best one

The possible solutions are increasing signal strength by having high gain and low loss omni directional antenna rather than directional antenna. In general, Organizations try to boost the signal strength by increasing the Access points & antennas . This can be considered as ready made solution available in the

market. When we considered this case, increases the cost of hardware inventory all over the plant . This is not effective solution even though we might reduce the signal loss.

phase 3: Evaluating Alternatives – out of all options which are best  for great profit . Source : 

Second possible alternative,  we can come up is  wired connectivity rather than the wireless technology. but, in our scenario the operator needs to be moving to  different locations in the crane.  There are various steps that are involved for transferring the coil, such as  slab to coil conversion which is hot  needs to cooled

and next need to be shipped and packaged as per the customer requirements . Thus, wired connectivity doesn’t seem to help my situation. 

Third alternative, we have identified is implementing the latest technology such as 5ghz that are much faster than 2.5ghz for stronger connectivity. But, they got its share of cons. As part of this project we have invested to work with Ekahau tool to reduce the cost by identifying the exact locations and type of antenna

including tilt,distance, angel also calculate the losses.Thus, this choice seems to be more reliable and advanced technically  out of all available options 

phase 4: Making the choice: consider multiple scenarios raises what if questions for decision makers and highlights the need for contingency plan.  

Out of all available options, it took lot of research includes time, energy and money. We have accepted the combination of  5ghz technology combined with tool that satisfy reaching the goal in optimizing way. 

phase 5: Implementing the decision: Be prepared that things will not be as expected as the circumstances are not the same.  Source : (Bateman, Snell, & Konopaske, 2019, p. 80)

In this stage, we have implemented the plant wide graph and added all the wireless devices, antennas, walls . Thus, we got the output for the best quality signal coverage all over the plant . This is helpful as we are not making any changes in the production environment.

but, tool gives almost same output when implemented in your live network that reduces the cost, time and human power.

phase 6: Evaluating the decision: Consider the feed back and try all 6 steps again in case of not expected outcome . 

After implementing the changes applied in tool and 5GHZ we could see there is reliable connectivity of wifi all over the plant. The only downside we found was the 5GHZ is also being used by AGVS which causes the interferences. The possible solution is to move to different channels than the existing one to have smooth

no signal loss.This was not expected but, we could say that we have reached our goal and are in better position than previously. We consider this to be successful as, all the 6 phases have been executed  and best decision in our plant network with the available conditions.

Business Statistics

Touring a Process. Select a place of your choice (for example, a supermarket, doctor’s office, library, post office, department store, et cetera) and observe one or more key processes, the associated suppliers, inputs, process steps, outputs, customers, the measurement systems, and how the measurements are used to manage and improve the process. Include these items:

Company visited.

Process observed.

SIPOC elements.

Process measurements.

Process management systems used.

What Makes ______ the Best Place to Work and Why?


Assignment 1: “What Makes ______ the Best Place to Work and Why?”

Choose 1 company that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement and work involved. Go to to research. 

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Evaluate the fundamental driving forces that shape the organizational environment of the selected company. Be sure to address the following: competing in a global marketplace, workforce diversity, ethics and morality, and technological innovation.
  2. Examine the selected company’s specific practices or policies. Speculate on the major influences that these practices or policies have on individual and organizational outcomes.
  3. Determine which practices related to work attitudes in U.S. organizations are most strongly affected by diversity and suggest a strategy to address the effects.
  4. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  5. Your selected company may not be Google, Facebook, or Verizon. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • This course requires use of new . The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


Analyze the role of sustained employee motivation, and distinguish it from other significant factors that affect organizational performance. Recommend the most effective process for determining the right rewards for employees in support of better performance. Support your response with at least one example of the benefits of the recommended process.

Compare the dynamics of various types of teams within a health care organization. Analyze the major reasons why the leadership team within a health care organization should pay close attention to team dynamics. Support your response with at least two examples of the potential consequences should the leadership team not take notice.

Week 2 Project



Incorporating Innovation and Entrepreneurship into Corporate Strategy

The president of your company has recently announced the need for a greater effort to incorporate innovation and entrepreneurship into organizational strategy.  The president has asked you to research the requirements necessary for this to happen. Your initial list identifies the following requirements:

  • Ongoing environmental monitoring
  • An entrepreneurial climate
  • Encouragement of entrepreneurial behavior
  • A strong customer/stakeholder focus

Analyze why each of these is important along with your plan for achieving them.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your answers in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Name your document: SU_MBA6710_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.