Category: Business Finance – Operations Management

A4 – Cyber – Security Risks in the Cloud


Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (350-500 words). Once again, it is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the Internet).

These two links may offer some additional information for this assignment but you are encouraged to use additional sources for your project/assignment.

Discussion forum on chapter readings

Required Textbook:

Arun, J. S., Cuomo, J., & Gaur, N. (2019). Blockchain for Business. New York: Pearson Addison-Wesley. 

1. How can blockchain increase human resource management efficiencies? 

2. How and why is blockchain a disruptive technology in human resource management?

You are required to cite this weeks assigned readings in your paper. (see the attachment)

Tapscott, D., & Tapscott, A. (2017, Winter). How Blockchain will change organizations. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(2), 9-13.

Use the following headings to organize your paper: 


Question 1, 

Question 2,



Your response to the discussion prompt should contain a minimum of 500 words.

Writing Requirements for all Assignments:

References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.

Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions.

Your paper must have headings in it. For discussion posts Introduction, Prompt/Question, and Conclusion will suffice as headings.  

Provide the EXACT web link for all online sources do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK I check all sources

No abbreviations, no contractions write formally . 

For phyllis young assignment


Please read all the Requirements, Instructions /Format!!

Check your grammar!


If anything goes wrong, I will contact you again to revise it.  

Please do it properly!

Due in 24hours!





Question 1: 


What does Lee mean by the term, “Triple-A Supply Chains?” Explain Lee’s use of this concept to explain how supply chains can give companies a sustainable competitive advantage.

What are the forces that prompt or cause movement along the Triple-A Supply Chain?

Do you have any personal experience with these forces operating in the Triple-A arena, either with your firm or among your firm’s suppliers or customers? Please elaborate

Question 2:

Fisher essential says that based upon product types–functional or innovative—supply chains require either an efficient or responsive supply chain or risk being mismatched. Do you agree or disagree with Marshall Fishers viewpoint? Please explain your position.

He also implies that there is a trade-off between an efficient and a responsive supply chain. Do you agree? Explain

Question about – Schmidt from google

 Similarity Below 15%

Brief Leadership background| 300 words with 3 sources 

For full credits, you need to use sources in text and list them in reference in APA format.

US News stream:ProQuest from SSU library database | SSU | 11477

Academic Journal :ProQuest from SSU library database | SSU | 11477

Statista from SSU library database | SSU | 11477

Business Operations

Company Name: Uptown Swirl


Describe the day-to-day operation/functions of Uptown Swirl. The response must be detailed and answer the primary question and subpart of the primary question.  Write clearly, concisely, use proper grammar and writing mechanics. You must use APA format and cite (3) references. Additional details for this essay are attached.

How will Uptown Swirl operate/describe the operation practice? You must describe in detail the below areas for Uptown Swirl. The response must be detailed and answer the primary question and subpart of the primary question.  

>  Facilities

> Production Process (How will you produce the product)

> Inventory Control (How much inventory you will have)

> Distribution  (How will you distribute the product)

> Customer Service (How will you handle customers and returns/refunds)

> Research and Development  (How will you improve the product and how will you continue to search for new combinations/flavors)


You must show (Cost) in the (4) four subpart of the primary question/areas listed below.

> Facility

> Production Process

> Inventory Control

> Research and Development

Remark: Write clearly, concisely, use proper grammar and writing mechanics. You must use APA format and cite (3) references.

Organizational Leadership


The culture analysis table outlines the top three (3) cultural issues for a company.

Organizational Culture Issue

Poor Communication:

  • Too much “red tape” for reporting concerns, which can slow down and reduce communication effectiveness
  • Inconsistent messaging among staff
  • Problems take too long to resolve

Ethics and Leadership Integrity:

  • Inconsistent financial reports in circulation
  • Leadership expenses unexplained
  • Leadership strategic plans constantly changing
  • Staff not involved in any level of the decision-making process

Conflict Management:

  • Issues in conflict for resources management, such as department spending and finance department priorities
  • Issues go unresolved

Based on the information above, submit a minimum 3-4-page report that proposes what actions to take to improve the organizational culture issues. In your paper, elaborate on the following:

  • Discuss how leadership can set a cultural tone. Use examples from the culture analysis table to support your discussion.
  • Explain the importance of culture and change management within organizations.
    • Why does a cultural tone need to be in place?
    • How does culture impact workers in an organization? Use examples from the culture analysis table to support your discussion.
  • Discuss key elements that can influence cultural change (positive and negative). Use examples from the culture analysis table to support your discussion.
  • Summarize recommendations for maintaining and improving the culture climate.
  • Include an APA formatted title page and reference page to document your sources.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Project Proposal


There will be more parts to this project.

Project should be about launching a fitness program for the workplace which will take place onsite.

Throughout this course, you will work in each unit to build a project plan. Eventually, you will begin creating components that will cumulatively make up your final project plan. 

The outline below represents how your final project plan should be organized.

1. Project Overview (Units II and III)

o 1.1 Purpose, Scope and Objectives, and Business Case

o 1.1.1 Scope

o 1.1.2 Statement of Work (SOW)

o 1.1.3 Business Case

o 1.2 Project Deliverables

o 1.3 Project Organization

o 1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

o 1.4.1 Task Description Documentation

o 1.4.2 Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)

o 1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

o 1.6 Work Authorization

o 1.7 Work Charter

2. Risk Assessment (Unit IV)

o 2.1 Risk Identification

o 2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative)

o 2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative)

o 2.4 Mitigation Strategies

3. Quality Management Report (Unit IV)

4. Project Schedule (Unit V)

o 4.1 Activity Duration Estimates

o 4.2 Gantt Chart

o 4.3 Activity Network

5. Project Budget (Unit VI)

o 5.1 Project Resources

o 5.2 Other Costs

o 5.3 Cost Estimates

o 5.4 Time-Phased Budget

6. Communications Management (Unit VII)

7. Tracking and Status Updates (Unit VII)

o 7.1 Tracking Method

o 7.2 Notification Record

o 7.3 Control Systems

8. Project Closeout (Unit VIII)

o 8.1 Close Cost Accounts

o 8.2 Lessons Learned

Take the considerations below into account.

1. The projects timeframe should be about two months in duration. In other words, building a hotel would not be considered an appropriate project for this course because it would likely take at least 6 months to build.

2. The project team should include at least six people from different areas of your chosen organization.

3. The scope of the project should be neither too simple nor too complicated. An information technology (IT) project that involves replacing the desktops in the customer service department would be too simple because it would likely only involve a couple of employees and one or two tasks. An IT project involving an organization replacing all of their legacy systems across its U.S. operations would likely be too complicated. Find some middle ground, and remember that you will need to break down the tasks and assign responsibilities to team members.

4. Your project may be initiated from any functional unit (e.g., IT, operations, accounting, customer service, product development, marketing, sales), but be prepared to create your team using employees from multiple functional units.

For this units assignment, include the components listed below in a minimum of a one-page document using proper APA formatting.

1. Include the title of your project.

2. Provide a description (abbreviated scope) of the project.

3. Specify the project timeframe.

4. Identify those involved in the project.

D3 – Cyber- Information Security Principles of Success

If you were asked by your employer to develop a new Information Security Policy, where would you turn to find resources to build this policy? List the two most important items you would include in this new policy and explain why you felt these were most important. (500 Words)



1. Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue.

2. 2. Is the price elasticity of gasoline more elastic over a shorter or a longer period of time? Explain.

3. 3. Determine whether each of the following is an explicit cost or an implicit cost:

a) Payments for rented manufacturing equipment

b) A firms use of a warehouse that it owns and could rent to another firm

c) Wages paid to the firms workers
d) The wages the firms owner could earn if he worked for another company

4.  Consider the following information in the table for Pats Pizza Restaurant and answer the questions below.
Marginal Product of Capital 4,000
Marginal Produce of Labor 100
Wage Rate $10
Rental Price of Pizza Ovens $500
a. Is the owner of Pats Pizza Restaurant minimizing cost?
b. Should he rent more ovens and hire fewer workers or rent fewer ovens and hire more workers? Explain.