Category: Business & Finance – Marketing

470 exam1

 PICK A PRODUCT OR PRODUCT CATEGORY ON EUROMONITOR AND WRITE A 600 WORD REPORT ON CONSUMER TRENDS FOR THAT PRODUCT OR PRODUCT CATEGORY USING DATA FROM FIVE COUNTRIES. (The countries should be from different regions and have different levels of economic development) THE REPORT SHOULD INDICATE: o What the overriding trends are for the product; o In what type of country is the product doing well or poorly and why; o Where are sales for the product projected to grow and decline; o What do Euromonitors written assessments and reports tell you about the product? 


The enclosed link will lead you to the Euromonitor Passport database containing consumption data from many countries around the world. (You will need to enter your information to access the database A-Z as it is provided to us through our university library). Euromonitor is one of the world’s leading market research firms. I encourage you to explore the database as it provides a wide array of both quantitative and qualitative research on consumption patterns from several countries. It shows, for instance, which countries have the largest markets for goods such as beer, soap, shoes and clothing. It also shows per capita consumption levels.

Identify an Opportunity with Euromonitor

Target Market


Create and submit a 12 page memo (excluding cover and reference pages) that fully explains (details and specifics) the market segmenting process (all four segmenting areas) and chosen target market (out of the four segmenting areas) for MMs new product including an in-depth discussion of the four different segmenting characteristics and detailed description of your targeted market (out of the four segmenting areas) including justification for (why chosen) selecting the target market. You also need to remember to include your recommendation for or against marketing globally.

  1. What are the demographic characteristics of your target market and why are they important?
  2. Where is your target market located geographically and why is that important?
  3. What psychographic characteristics define your target market? How do these impact your marketing strategy?
  4. What behavioral characteristics are shared by your target market? Why are these important?
  5. Are you recommending to go global or stay domestic and why?


Marketing Exercise

This exercise is designed to illustrate the numerous and diverse opportunities that companies/brands have to build awareness and brand equity with current and potential consumers by using audience contact points to reach their target market.

Each of these audience/consumer contact points is an opportunity for marketing communications, and to assure that these communications are integrated, thereby presenting a unified and consistent brand image. Audience/ consumer contact points also provide an opportunity to build relationships with relevant audiences both internal as well as external. 


  • Choose a well-known company (category examples airline, automotive/ car manufacturer, bank/ financial institution, chain restaurant, supermarket, pharmacy, hotel chain, department store) and analyze how they are reaching their target audience.
  • List all consumer contact points/ touch points ranging from simply seeing the company brand /company logo/signage or advertising to actually experiencing the brand/product/service offered by the company. 
  • Use the examples presented in Instructor Announcements and in Chapter 1 in the textbook as a reference.
  • Prepare a written analysis using the format specified in the Individual Worksheet. 
  • The worksheet is in MS Word.
  •  Save it to your desktop and use the format to answer each question using the space required to express your ideas concisely.
  •  Your assignment submission should be no more than 2 typed pages.
  • Follow the format provided. (question & answer)  Exercise 1 submitted using any other format will not be accepted.

Mobilogics inc.


This case involves you, as a salesperson representing MobiLogics (a leading provider of large-scale, multi location technology hardware and software solutions), and Gage Waits, Director of IT for HSK, PC (a prominent Dallas-based national law firm specializing in corporate litigation). HSK is in the planning stages for a move to larger facilities across town. As part of the move, HSK wants to completely update their technology across the new offices, conference rooms, teamwork areas, and mobile platforms. MobiLogics has established itself as a major competitor in the technology marketplace specializing in value-added systems solutions for business and government entities nationwide. This
past year, Houston-based MobiLogics has added sales and distribution centers in Dallas and San Antonio, Texas. 


As an integral part of their move to new and larger
facilities, HSK want to replace their computers, telecom,
and information technology systems including laptop/ desktop/mobile combinations for each of their 21 attorneys, desktop systems for their 10 staff members, along with archive and e-mail servers. MobiLogics specializes in this type of systems selling and uses their network of hardware and software providers in combination with their own in-house engineering, programming, and systems group
to consistently provide higher-value solutions than the competition. 

In preparation for an initial meeting with Gage Waits, Director of IT for HSK, youas the MobiLogics sales representativeare outlining your information needs and 

developing a draft set of needs discovery questions. These needs discovery questions will be the focus of the meeting with Gage Waits and enable MobiLogics to better identify and confirm HSKs actual needs, desires, and expectations in relation to new and expanded computer and information technology capabilities. 


1. What information do youthe MobiLogics salespersonneed in order to fully understand the technology needs of HSK? 

2. Following the ADAPT methodology for needs discovery questioning, develop a series of salesperson questions and anticipated buyer responses that might apply to this selling situation. 

General Psychology part II

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Friday, January 31, 2020, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:


For this assignment, you will begin by reviewing Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Paying Attention to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorderon pp. 8788 of the eTextbook.

Now, imagine that you are a university psychology professor. One of your students, John Doe, was recently diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), combined presentation. He has e-mailed you and requested your advice and assistance with better understanding his circumstances, diagnosis, and prognosis. You will reply to John by writing an e-mail in which you will offer him advice in the following areas.

  • Indicate structures of the brain that are involved and biopsychology factors that could impact his emotions, learning, memory, and motivation related to your class.
  • Describe ways in which his brain can perceive information from the outside world that could in turn impact his performance in your class.
  • Identify suggestions that you have for John to increase his chances for success in your class as well his other courses.

Your e-mail must be a minimum of 600 words in the body of the e-mail. You must use at least two sources, one of which may be your eTextbook, to support your advice. All sources used must be properly cited. Include the references at the bottom of the e-mail for your students reference. Please include a title page for the homework. The title page, citations, and references must be formatted in APA style.

By the way, I’ve attached a Study Guide & Pages 87 & 88 to help you with this assignment! (Attachments 2 & 3 is pg. 87 & attachments 4 & 5 is pg.88)

Data Visualization Critique

You will be responsible for posting to the Canvas Discussion Board example of data visualization being used in the wild. This can come from a news source, social media, think tank report, YouTube commercial, academic article, or virtually any other source that has some relevance to your life. Your assignment is to post a link to the source and critically reflect on the visualization using some aspect of either: 1) DIgnazios framework for implementing feminist data viz (see reading & discussion for Jan 13); 2) Cairos framework for evaluating the qualities of great visualizations (see reading for Jan 15); or 3) some amalgamation of the two frameworks. Prior to the first due date, we will practice evaluating data visualizations using this framework so that you have a general idea of how to approach the assignment. I expect your reflections to be about 500 words (~1 single-spaced page).

Each post is worth five points. You will receive full credit if you post a link and provide a ~500 word (or longer if you desire) narrative that represents a meaningful attempt to reflect on the example using some aspect of Cairos framework. Two points will be given to those who simply post a link without a narrative, and three points will be given to those whose narrative lacks any meaningful reflection. My standard for what constitutes meaningful will increase as the quarter progresses, as I will be looking for growth in the depth with which you are able to critically reflect on the technical and contextual details of data visualization.

The following represent suggestions for how you might structure your critique:

  1. Start by discussing the background of the visualization, such as information about the publisher, source(s) of data used, and the general context of publication (i.e., What was happening in the world that motivated or gave meaning to the visualization?).
  2. Who appears to be the target audience(s) for this visualization? What qualities about the visualization and its context (i.e., where it is published) support your conclusion?
  3. What story – or stories – is the author of the visualization intending to tell? What insights were gained by visualizing the data in this way that text alone could not accomplish?
  4. What are some alternative ways to interpret the visualization that may not have been intended by the author? In what ways, if any, is the visualization potentially misleading?
  5. How, if at all, might the interpretation of the visualization change depending on who is reading the visualization? What factors might influence these changes (e.g., the identities of the reader, level of education, cultural familiarity)?
  6. What else strikes you about the visualization? How might Cairo and/or DIgnazio suggest that it be improved based on their respective frameworks for creating visualizations?

I do not expect that you will go into the same level of depth for all of these questions. Instead, I offer them here as a guide to help you structure your analysis. Ultimately, I am looking for you to move beyond simply looking at data visualizations and begin the practice of reading them.

quantitative and qualitative research Due in 8 hrs


Now that you have evaluated the marketing environment and established some marketing goals for MM, it is time to get started with the new product plan. The first step is to research the mobile phone market. Without knowing who is buying phones in certain market segments, Michelle wont know how to market MMs new product. She needs your help to determine who the market is for the new product.

Primary Task Response: Read the dialogue below. Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Michelle knows that MM needs to determine who the target customer is for the new product. She knows that marketing research needs to be done as part of this market segmentation and product development processes, but she is not well-acquainted with some of the details that are involved in the processes. She has stopped by your office to ask some questions.

Thanks for canceling your other meeting this afternoon, she says.No problem, you say. I rescheduled my meeting with multimedia; it actually works out better for them, too.
Ive heard about quantitative and qualitative research, but Im not sure I really understand the difference between the two, she begins. Im sure there are advantages and disadvantages to each of them, but without knowing, Im not sure which type of research we need to conduct. What do you think?
Before you can respond, Michelles cell phone vibrates.
Excuse me, I have to take this, she says.
Michelle takes her call and then stands up.
Well, Im sorry to do this, but I have an emergency that I have to deal with right now, she says. Would you do me a favor? Send me a memo that explains the two types of research and include brief explanations about the advantages and disadvantages of each as related to how they could be used by MM. Id like to be able to speak intelligibly to this at the next board meeting.
Sure, you respond, thinking that this will make for a pretty lengthy e-mail. I’ll also include how each method can help us define our target market. Will that help?
Yes, great idea, she replies.
Ok! Ill get that to you by close of business tomorrow, you say.

ANALYSIS of Under Armour Marketing Strategy

Help writing   6-7 page Capstone paper and  should be written from a Marketing Strategy  perspective and recommendations should be data driven, rooted in the research and directed toward Marketing o UNDER ARMOUR Help writing   6-7 page Capstone paper and  should be written from a management analysts perspective and recommendations should be data driven, rooted in the research and directed toward marketing using   Marketing. (13th ed.) by Roger A. Kerin (Author), Steven W. Hartley (Author) New York:  McGraw-Hill/Irwin.  ISBN:9781259573545 as main reference for your Marketing Terms and Concepts.

 Copy of book is not provided.  Must have SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) table  in the beginning.   Attached  is a sample of good paper. Also terms and concepts that are to be used for (SWOT Analysis is attached. Bold all terms and concept and provide reference. please see attached paper as to how paper should look.

Marketing Plan

Virtual reality (V/R) suit with a helmet that acts like a super karaoke machine that triggers all five of your senses so that you can experience any recorded concert in history.
Geographic location to market to CA, NV, and AZ
Advertising Plan (Mandatory) in addition to your Marketing Plan Presentation
Create an accurately estimated working budget that will utilize the provided $2 million in funds fully and effectively. Choose the best ad-running start date, and plan from that date.
State why you chose the media that you suggested.
Create a social media strategy.
Explain or demonstrate what it would be like.
Explain how the company is to properly use at least three social media tools (services).
Mandatory: Explain how the company can create and then sustain an online social community
Offer at least one creative marketing strategy to help the company break through the market by creating positive word-of-mouth or viral moment.
Create two public relations press releases. Present those releases and explain when they are to be released.

Marketing Management


After reviewing Chapter 4 from the textbook, post a 500-word synopsis of your understanding of the marketing concepts. In your posting, include questions about any marketing concepts that are unclear.

This initial posting should be completed by Thursday at 11:55 p.m.

By Sunday at 11:55 p.m., post a meaningful comment (150 words) to the postings of three (3) classmates.