Category: Business Finance – Management

Sheryl Hogan Principles of Management 5

For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. In a paper of three to four pages (750-1000 words) of text, offer your ideas for a promising HR assignment, development plan, and sustainment plan to support the strategy of an organization expanding to open offices in sub-Sahara Africa. Drawing from appropriate sources, develop a scenario that provides the business of the organization, identify how much expansion is taking place, and identify the countries in which the expansion is taking place.

  • A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country.
  • Will the organization need to establish a commissary (for grocery purchases), banking and currency exchange, and limited urgent-care stations?
  • Should the organization set assignment lengths of one year or two with families? What does research say is the optimal time period?
  • If there are families, what would be the children’s school arrangements?
  • How will the employees be housed?
  • Do they need an increased housing allowance, or does the organization need to procure its own compound of apartment housing?

Your homework assignment must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. Your homework assignment response should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

Sheryl Hogan Principles of Management 3

Review the motivational ideas or theories addressed in the readings for Unit III. Using yourself as an example, do you feel that one or more of the ideas or theories are particularly effective in motivating you, or is there a better way you can be motivated?

  • Engage the reader in the topic with some form of creative hook (such as a story, quote, or example).
  • Provide an example of a situation in which a leader used one of these theories to successfully motivate you.
  • Next, provide an example of a situation where an attempted motivational tool did not work.
  • What was it about the second example that did not work? Explain your answer.

Your essay submission must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. Your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

Sheryl Hogan Principles of Management 2

Are you motivated to succeed in business? It is time to develop a mini business plan! Prepare a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation will be a business venture you want to launch. You can use the information in the required readings and information from other reliable sources. You may use the slide notes function to explain slide contents, if necessary.

  • Describe what you want to do (this is a strategic plan) (five slides).
    • Identify the goal.
    • Explain why the opportunity is promising.
    • Make an estimate about how long you think this will take.
    • Make a statement about the advantages of your business and the desire to pursue it (vision/mission statement).
    • Distinguish strategic planning from other managerial actions within your strategic plan.
  • Describe why you will be successful (three slides).
    • Describe your past performance (company history, if any, what you have done and are doing).
    • Explain the tools or services available (investors? services? local association?).
  • Describe what you need in order to do this (three slides).
    • Estimate the necessary capital.
    • Estimate the necessary staff (organization chart); include why the staff you designated will best fit the plan.
    • Describe necessary approvals/licenses.
  • Describe the products and services you plan to offer (one slide).
  • Identify management (three slides).
    • Are you the manager (other owners/officers, board members, consultants, or attorneys)? Describe why these choices best fit the plan.
  • You are required to use at least one outside source to support your PowerPoint presentation.

Evaluate the role of strategic planning within the decisions you will be making for the company.

Sheryl Hogan Principles of Management 1 part 2

Visit the CSU Online Library, and locate an article that addresses one of the following best practices tied to management: planning, organization, staffing, or directing. The ABI/INFORM Collection database features a number of excellent articles covering these concepts. In order to find these resources, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the ABI/INFORM Collection database within the CSU OnlineLibrary.

After reading the article and briefly summarizing the purpose for the article, answer the following questions:

  • What is the main point?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • Do the arguments within the article support the main point?
  • What evidence supports the main point?
  • What is your opinion of the article? Do you agree with the findings?

Your article review submission must be at least one page in length. The article review should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

CSU Library Login:



Sheryl Hogan Principles of Management 1

This first course assignment has you demonstrate the applications of the important components dealing with business management. In this assignment, explain the importance of planning, organization, staffing, directing, and controlling for effective business management. Share your own experiences tied to management skills, principles, and strategies you have implemented that have or have not worked in your past or current careers. If you do not have any experience tied to management skills, address what you like to see in managers who you have worked for in the past. Your essay submission must be at least two pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation.

Your essay response should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

2-3 pages 500-750 words


Identifying Channels of Distribution

For this weeks assignment pick a product with which you are very familiar with or take the time to go through your clothes closet and try and find a product made in the USA, or one that you can anticipate being able to research easily.

Map the supply chain of your product as far back as is feasible. A simple example is a diamond sold by a local jewelry store, purchased direct from diamond wholesalers in the Netherlands, bought by wholesalers from diamond centers in South Africa, and brought out of mines owned by a company in South Africa. Identify as many participants in the channel as possible by company name and location.

Identify the mode of transportation used between each stage in the channel.

Identify by name and location the component parts of the product if any.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:  

Write between 500 750 words (approximately 2 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

Attempt APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1 margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.  Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc.  Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, etc. are not acceptable.

Examples of interesting products that have been researched by past students include:

Bricks produced by a local brick manufacturerthe kiln from a company in Germany; the clay from an open pit mine in Weir, Kansas; the water from Baxter Springs, Kansas; the sand from Kansas City; the manganese sulfate and iron oxide from Springfield, Missouri; and the color additives from St. Louis.

Diamonds sold by a local jewelry storepurchased direct from diamond wholesalers in the Netherlands; bought by wholesalers from diamond cutters in South Africa; brought out of mines owned by a company in South Africa.

75-100 discussion question


Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 

Supply Chain Management

  • Supply chain management is instrumental as it pertains to marketing as marketing plays a key role in integrating supply chain processes and promoting collaboration between stakeholders.
  • In this weeks discussion focus on the benefits of supply chain management, how does the implementation of supply chain management result in enhanced customer value? 

To get you thinking about what happens when supply chain management is absent do some research around the global toy recall by Mattel in 2007. It was discovered that some toys manufactured in China contained toxic lead paint and a design flaw which caused a safety hazard, Mattel had to recall 20 million toys that had been distributed and sold around the world.

75-100 discussion question


Motivation and Leadership

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers.

This week you have learned about the basic models of motivation and how leadership traits and behaviors can impact the organizations effectiveness and performance. To demonstrate how motivation and leadership traits and behaviors are applied in the workplace, this weeks discussion forum will involve researching an article using one of the following sources:

  • USA Today (
  • Wall Street Journal (
  • New Your Times (
  • Forbes (
  • Bloomberg Business Week (
  • Inc. Magazine (
  • Economist (
  • Entrepreneur (
  • Harvard Business Review- (

Your task is to choose a current article (published in last 60 days) from one of the above-listed sources that relate to how managers are able to effectively lead and motivate.  

  • As a manager, would you prefer the people you manage to be extrinsically or intrinsically motivated? What type of leadership behaviors would you want to emulate and why?  Explain your thoughts.
  • What key points in the article support your statements?

Copy and paste the URL address of the article so it can be easily shared with your classmates.

Business Strategy

General Information about Assessments please review all attachments for all Requirements. also a lot of these assessments requirement information from each other.

Assessment 1 

Write a 3-4-page academic paper that analyzes the key components of a strategic planning framework, assesses the value of using a strategic planning framework, and explains the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.

Assessment 2

Complete a VRIO or Value Chain analysis, a PESTLE analysis, and a Five Forces model for an organization. Prepare a 3-6-page executive report that analyzes the internal and external environments of the organization and recommends a course of action based on the analysis.

Assessment 3

Prepare a 4-6-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies.

Assessment 4

Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses. Your presentation must also include a SWOT matrix for the company and your recommendations for strategies to move the company forward, that align with organizational structure and governance, and reflect ethical responsibility.



Examine various roles in change management.


Organizational change initiatives are a team effort. It is the job of the leadership team to ensure that transition is a success. To do so, the right leaders must be put in place, and each must hold a thorough understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Examine the , then analyze the following:

  • What are the challenges facing Delta Pacific?
  • What change initiative would be most effective to implement within this organization? (Use the Rasmussen Resource Library if you need assistance with identifying change models.)
  • What type of change leaders need to be put in place? (Ex.: Change Lead, Change Managers, Change Analyst, etc.) 
  • What departments, areas, and stakeholders will each leader be responsible for?
  • Where will each change leader be most effective?
  • What roles will each change leader need to play at their level of influence?

Leadership Structure Plan

Utilizing the above information, create a Leadership Structure Plan that includes the following:

  • At least three change leader positions to be put in place for the change initiative.
  • Description of each change leader’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Account of departments they will lead.
  • A short description of how each position will effectively aid in the success of the initiative.

Note: When creating your plan, think in terms of a job description and job analysis, and the detail used to specifically identify the roles and responsibilities of each particular job assignment.  While this particular project does not have a page requirement, keep in mind that a thorough plan should be no less than 3 pages in length.

The paper should include an APA formatted cover page and reference page.