Category: Business Finance – Management

management information systems

Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems

As an IT manager, discuss how you would use the materials in Chapter 11 of your textbook communicating IT information to other department. 

Book: Information Technology for Management, Turban/Volonino/Wood, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015; ISBN: 978-1-118-89778-2 (hard cover) or 978-1-118-99429-0 (looseleaf).

Learning objectives if you don’t have textbook


Data visualization and learning

Enterprise data mashups

Digital Dashboards

Geospatial Data and Geographic Information Systems

Instructions: Instructions: 2-3 APA citations & matching references, 300 or more words.

Need paper 2-3 pages -3 with 3-4 APA citations in paragraphs

Part-1 :

This chapter’s opening scenario illustrates a specific type of incident/disaster. Using a Web browser, search for information related to preparing an organization against terrorist attacks. Look up information on (a) anthrax or another biological attack (like smallpox) , (b) sarin or another toxic gas , (c) Low- level radiological contamination attacks.

Part-2 :

Using a Web browser and a search engine , search for available commercial applications that use various forms of  RAID technologies, such as RAID 0 through RAID 5. what is the most common implementation ? what is the most expensive ?

Business Strategy


 “Analysis write-up of Disney documentary – Part #1 

Link To The Documentary –

Your analysis should be framed around the vocabulary & concepts of the First essay: What is Strategy ? By Michael E Porter HBR’S 10 MUST READS….some themes to analyze could include from the Ideas in Practice shout out box (Attached below in attachments) including:

#1 Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities

#2 Strategy requires you to make trade offsin competing – to choose what not to do

#3 Strategy involves “fit” among a company’s activities

Part one of “Walt Disney” explores the complex life and enduring legacy of Walt Disney, from his early days creating Mickey Mouse through the triumph of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

Journal Entry 3

**Write As if You Are Writing in Your Journal (1st Person)

Your Thoughts And Intentions.

What challenges do you face (i.e., bad habits, weaknesses, etc.) that you need to address to move forward as a leader? How can you begin to address them? (Be sure to make personal application and make it practical).

Discussion Question

** FYI:  Discussion Question  Not A Paper  1 page maybe.        

Why is it important to lead yourself well first? Please include examples of some things you should do to lead yourself well.

Case Study

Submit Case Study Chapter 6 “Yakkatech, Inc.”

You are to provide a summary of the case and respond to the questions given.

You may incorporate the knowledge gained from the text. You are also welcome to provide your personal insight and reflection and also add scholarly research in your responses.

Need help with a Project Management Paper


Ethics in Project Management

The hallmark of a well-functioning society is the ethical behavior of its members. Ethics is the cornerstone of growth. Lack of ethics leads to increased oversight and decreased trust which diverts productive resources towards implementing additional controls. Therefore, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has dedicated a section on its . PMIs website offers multiple articles on ethics.

The PMI has developed  [PDF, file size 4.12 MB]. This code presents the ethical standards under four values Responsibility, Respect, Fairness and Honesty. The course textbook shares some of these standards on Page 23.

To facilitate ethical behavior, PMI has developed  [PDF, file size 442 KB]. Following the five steps in this framework will make it easier for project managers to decide on the most ethical choice. An article, ,, explains this framework in detail.

In the first four modules of this course, you were introduced to project management and you have learned about initiating and planning projects. This midterm test will evaluate your ability to apply the ethical standards in initiating and planning projects.

Write an essay explaining the consideration of the PMI ethical standards during the project initiation or planning processes. Include an example of an ethical dilemma in the project initiation or planning processes. To obtain this example, you may search the internet for ethical dilemmas in project management or you can choose one from your experience or create one with your imagination. Then, apply the EDMF to arrive at an ethically appropriate decision for this dilemma.


  1. A Turnitin similarity index of 20% or higher for your work (excluding references) will result in a redo and resubmit decision, with a grade penalty applied. 


 use the Apple company you previously used, and analyze how the company has implemented a corporate strategy or a future policy rollout. Consider strategy development, and the implementation phase. In your essay, address the following questions.

  • What are the stages of a corporation’s life cycle? How can a corporation’s life cycle be extended? What stage is your company in?
  • What is strategy implementation? What questions must strategy makers consider to begin the implementation process?
  • It is important to assess the strategy-culture compatibility when implementing a new strategy. Do you think that culture follows strategy, or does strategy follow culture? In your response, use your company to illustrate your points. Justify your answer.
  • What is Six Sigma? Why would a company want to implement it?

Your essay should be two pages in length, double-spaced, and in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The title and reference pages do not count towards the minimum page length. To complete this assignment, a minimum of two reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced. . Use APA style guidelines

Linking the Organization Strategy to Compensation – Applied Learning Paper (8 pages)


Assignment Specifications:
Select an organization or industry you are familiar with.

Write a 8 page (double spaced) proposal in APA format that analyzes and defines suggested improvements to their compensation system and/or compensation techniques and policies.

You will need to review or define the organizations compensation policies, procedures, and techniques (i.e. the Pay Model Exhibit 1.5, attached ) to identify specific areas of improvement in an effort to ensure the compensation system is aligned to achieve the organizations compensation objectives. 

     a) If compensation objectives are not defined, suggest what they should be based on the organizations goals and objectives. Your suggestions should be supported by research (the books/resources in this class and outside of this class) and/or discussion with other HR professionals.

Topics that must be addressed include (Note: ensure that your paper uses the text in bold below as section headings):

 a) Overview of the current Compensation System using the pay model framework (the Pay Model Exhibit 1.5 ) outlined in the Milkovich book (4 points)

b) Definition of at least four (4) recommendations for improving the current Compensation Strategy and/or Compensation Policies. (3 points per recommendation. Total of 12 points)

Each recommendation must include, at a minimum; 1)  Detailed definition of the recommendation with supporting data.
     For example, the current and proposed pay scales, pay structures, job evaluation policy, external competitive analysis, or pay for performance policy. 2)  How the recommendation would be implemented, i.e. a list of tasks and what areas or people would be responsible for implementation. 

Writing and presentation (5 points total): a)The paper must have a cover page that includes: a) course name, b) student name, c) assignment title followed by name of the organization analyzed in the proposal, d) date and e) professors name. (.5 points)
b)  The paper must not have any spelling or grammar errors, use a 12 point times new roman font and be double spaced (3 points ). 
c)   Must use at least 3 external sources and the sources need to be formatted using APA style (.5 points).   

Answer the following questions

CH-6 (p.231) Questions 1-7  & (p.234) (Minicase) Questions 1-3

CH-7 (p.269) Questions 1-4  &  (p.271) (Minicase) Questions 1-3

It has to be in APA format. It needs to be brief but should answers whatever the question demands. I have attached the textbook with it!!!