Category: Business Finance – Management



Technology, as an integral component in today’s business world, is often the focus of communication strategies. This assignment will explore the role of communication and technology in the leadership of an organization. In a minimum of 2 pages, please do the following:

  • Discuss the role technology plays in leadership of the organization.
  • Explain the influence of social media in the organization’s leadership and communication strategies. Why is it important to understand evolving technologies, such as social media? Provide an example.
  • Explain why there is an increasing need for technology users of the organization; provide examples.
  • Include an APA formatted title and reference page to document your sources.

Case Summary Articles


I need two copies. One for my and one for my friend. Total 6 pages. It’s 3 Pages each. I attached the articles. You can choose any of the articles but choose separate articles. Read the Instruction what you required to do. 

Due in 12 hour.

Question in below description

Quebecor Printing is a commercial printing company that is expanding, acquiring ailing printing companies, and moving into international markets. They have completed more than 100 mergers and buyouts since 1972 and have focused on customized service by using “selective binding” to print. Apply strategies from Porter’s model to make Quebecor Printings business more profitable.

600 words

 no copy and paste

journal articles

Recommend Exemplary Leadership Behavior

In a case study, identify an organization, and then describe the specific behaviors leaders (CEO, senior members, etc.) exhibit for each of the Five Fundamental Practices of Exemplary Leadership outlined by Kouzes and Posner.

In addition to describing the behaviors, explain whether employees positively or negatively view the leadership behaviors. Recommend specific behaviors/actions leaders should consider using or improving to more successfully inspire and motivate employees and colleagues.

Support your case study with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your case study should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

PowerPoint Presentation



In this unit, we are delving into effective leadership strategies commonly used by healthcare managers in the health services setting, including adaptation, transformation, communication, and conflict resolution. Select one or more of the points below and provide a personal example (does not have to be related to health care) you have seen of a leader who was effective with:




conflict resolution, or

any other leadership principle.

What was it the leader said or did to make him or her effective? How will you do the same as a leader?

Unit II PowerPoint Presentation


Consider that you are a healthcare manager or supervisor in a skilled nursing facility. Create a presentation on leadership strategies that you can share with your colleagues. Each slide must list one strategy and an example of a situation in which it would best be used.

The presentation will need to be a minimum of five slides, not including title and reference slides. In addition, a minimum of four scholarly sources must be used, cited, and referenced

Unit I Literature Review



In this lesson, we are delving into the components of a healthcare system. Our U.S. healthcare system is one of the most complex and expensive in the world, and meaningful change is needed. Perhaps you will try to change our entire healthcare system, but most likely you will be involved in bringing about change in your part of our healthcare system and in making your part of the healthcare world a better place. In support of this, your textbook readings set the stage for why and how healthcare organizations need to change and the first steps in employing strategic intelligence to get result. Describe what you like best about our U.S. healthcare system, what you like least, what three things you would change, and how you see yourself contributing toward these changes.

Unit I Literature Review


You are required to complete a research paper for this course, which is due in Unit VII. The research paper is a significant portion of your grade, so you should consider it a very important activity. The final research paper must be a minimum of six to eight pages in length, including at least the following sections (you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate):


2.Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic)

3.Review of the Literature

4.Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems

5.Recommended Solutions

6.Implementation of Solutions



The topic for the research paper must relate to this course. Some possible titles for your consideration include:

Components of the U.S. Healthcare System

Commonalities and Differences Between Health Services Organizations

Effective Leadership Strategies Used by Healthcare Leaders

Managing Conflict in a Healthcare Organization

Concepts and Strategies with Negotiation

Strategies for Increasing Employee Motivation

Effective Organizational Structure in a Specific (your choice) Health Service Organization

The Role of Strategic Alliances in Health Care

The Importance of Having a Culture of a Learning Organization in Health Care

Approaches for Quality Improvement in Health Care

Strategies to Achieve a Successful Healthcare Organization

If you do not find a course project topic of particular interest on this list, you are permitted to propose your own topic for approval. You are encouraged to use personal examples and focus your paper on a topic that will help you at work or help you personally.

For this assignment, you will select a topic for your research paper and conduct a literature review on your chosen topic. You must include at least five outside sources for your research paper, beyond the course textbook. Web resources and professional journal articles will be key sources in researching your topic. APA 6th edition formatting is required. Each scholarly reference should be summarized in one paragraph. Your assignment is to select a topic for your Final Paper. Submit a Word document indicating which topic you have chosen, why it interests you, and how the concepts will help you as a healthcare leader.

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations per APA guidelines.

Business Strategy WSJ

Q. Please select a business article focused on Business Strategy from the Wall Street Journal.

Analyze your article using  elements around “Competitive convergence” OR ” Strategic positioning” from Porter’s essay “What is Strategy”  to frame your analysis of your selected WSJ article

Questions that ask What is strategy?
1. Where do we compete?
2. What unique value do we bring?
3. What resources / capacities do we utilize?
4. How do we sustain unique value?

Business Strategy Discussion Question


In Chapter #1 of “On Strategy”, Idea in Brief is a shout out box describing “competitive convergence“. Using a Wall Street Journal  article as a reference (title/author/date) please analyze a “competitive convergence” article and its highlights.

I am attaching IDEA IN BRIEF BOX BELOW and some notes below 

Name Of Book- “What is Strategy? By Michael E Porter, HBR’S 10 Must Reads

Please I need this tomorrow

The company I chose is “a taste of home cooking”




– Goldbelly

 – BistroMD

 – GreenChef

  – EveryPlate


Please read the instruction and fill out the attached template at the bottom….

Make sure to fully read and utilize the attached Template for  complete layout and explanation of what is required for the second part of your team’sCourse Project. Also, you can refer to the complete Course Project Template 

Download the attached Course Project template. This will be used to complete Part 2 of the Course Project to include:

1. Distribution for Year One

Distribution is broken down into two components: The first year which is the crux of this independent plan and from year two on where you foresee how to gain a greater audience.

Distribution Year One focuses on the manners in which you will distribute to and communicate with your potential consumers. While online aggregation allows the best ability to reach consumers, Brick and Mortar establishments within the target market city can raise the visibility and prospects for an independent project. And whether the consumer is considering purchase or already purchased the project, the website can provide more incentive for purchase as well as assistance once acquired. And for those who’ve purchased, the Customer Relationship Management System you set up not only will keep consumers happy with this project, but also incentivize future purchases related to the current project.

Present how the invested funds from this proposed plan will be utilized to distribute the project independently. Keep in mind throughout this project that every proposed action needs to be reflected within your Budget for the project.

The first years plan will depend greatly on your Target Market for deciding where and how to focus within your target city:

  • Theatrical (only include if project is a film) –   Which indie theaters within your Target Market City would be best for  your film (Large Exhibitors such as AMC and Regal generally wont work  with independent artists)
  • Brick and Mortar –  Which independent businesses within  your Target Market City would work for and with (Big box businesses  such as Target/Wal Mart/Best Buy/Starbucks generally wont work with  independents) your game, app or film? 
  • Aggregator – It is important to include the 21st century planning. Therefore, include the aggregator selected from your  aggregator assignment) which you will use to get your project online.
  • Project Website Search for an available website domain address, walk us through the projected site. What would you see on the Home Page? Which pages could you go to? And what would you see on them? 
  • Customer Relationship Management System Now that youve introduced us to the projects consumer website above,  its time to explain how it will benefit your customers. Make sure the website is not your only method you contact with your customers. While it can be a thoroughfare, you have to make sure it connects beyond its pages such as Social Media. How will you use it to collect potential customer data to communicate and form a relationship? How will you handle customer complaints and suggestions? 

The subsequent plan for after the first year concludes should  exhibit, from your research, the best approach to reach major  distributors or publishers in your projects field. First, include  which companies would best work with your project based on their body of  work distributed. Then, propose how you will gain their awareness  enough to earn an opportunity to pitch. If this is a short film,  which festival may best showcase the project for potential studios? If  this is a game or app, is E3 or another trade-show best?

2. Distribution for Year Two

Distribution Year Two exhibits forethought in future partnerships with large publishers or distributors that would fit with the project as well as innovative ways you will gain exclusive audience with them.

Map out how your company could eventually execute a plan to raise the projects awareness enough to get it considered by a leading distribution and marketing company in the projects said media field.

The subsequent plan for Year Two should exhibit, from your research, the best approach to reach major distributors or publishers in your projects field. First, include which companies would best work with your project based on their body of work distributed. Then, propose how you will gain their attention enough to earn an opportunity to pitch. If this is a short film, which festival may best showcase the project for potential studios? If this is a game or app, is E3 or another trade-show best?

Using the provided excel spreadsheet within the template, break
down your sales projections in two sections, Retail sales and Wholesale sales. Under each section, make sure to include any forms of possible sales along with a price, projection of units sold and projected net revenue. Remember that under Retail, this should be 100% profit since you are selling direct to the consumer. But under Wholesale, make sure to reflect a price to the amount received after your split with retailers. Since each could vary, note the percentage split projected from each item.

3. Sales Projections / ROI

Sales shows the client not only that you can crunch numbers but also find multiple ways to profit from distribution.

Using the spreadsheet within the template, break down your sales projections in two sections, Retail sales and Wholesale sales. Under each section, make sure to include any forms of possible sales along with a price, projection of units sold and projected net revenue. Remember that under Retail, this should be 100% profit since you are selling direct to the consumer. But under Wholesale, make sure to reflect a price to the amount received after your split with retailers. Since each could vary, note the percentage split projected from each item.

ROI is where you will indicate what you see as not only the Return on Investment, based on the above Sales Projections, but also a low end and high-end projection to bookend it based on your findings of the best plus/minus ratio to utilize. Refer to your studies in the Business Finance course to revisit these elements, if necessary. 

4. Marketing

Marketing is the bookend to Distribution as one needs the other. You could have the greatest distribution engine in the world but without any marketing, nobody knows it’s available. Conversely, the greatest marketer in the world couldn’t raise a cent if there is no way to get it to the consumer. With the Marketing component, you will flex your promotional muscles with a detailed plan of action to market the project from the day the plan commences until the last day of the investment year.

This section will be broken out into a few separate portions just as marketing itself is never as simple as a single objective. 

Marketing Tools

 Provide fifteen marketing tools youll  utilize in Promotions below (i.e. ad design, signs, flyers, trailers,  etc.) Account for each cost for these items in your budget.


This should be extensive and detailed as it  is the core of how you plan to enact your marketing plan. This should be broken down into three phases: Pre-Release, Release, and Post-Release. Under each phase, first state the general time frame in month ranges for each to encompass your total one-year plan. Follow with a few sentences explaining your strategy for this period. Then break down your tactics. There should be five (or more) for each phase along with description of each tactic in researched detail.

Include all references attained through research for all components of Part 2 of your team’s Course Project. Failure to include research to validate statements made within the Course Project may lead to grade reductions for not exhibiting an ability to justify. This will continue into your professional career though the ramifications normally could mean rejection of work in its entirety rather than a reduction in confidence in your work.


Be sure to use the Course Project Template for Part 2 found below to follow the required structure.

Be sure to collect your resources as they accumulate in order to be included in both this submission as well as the Appendices section of your final paper at the end of the course.

Be sure to collect your individual expenses as they accumulate in order to be included in the Budget section of your final paper at the end of the course.

Be very careful when using content taken from a website. Make sure to include a reference for all of the websites you find research on for this assignment. Use quotation marks, block indents for passages over 40 words long, and insert in-text citations into this paper. Reference every source. Also remember that the Co-Pilot Tutoring Center is always available to help you improve your writing and reference skills

Please I need this tomorrow

The company name I chose is “A taste of home cooking”

– A taste of home cooking is not a real company –

You can look at these website because they are similar to the company I chose 


– BistroMD

– GreenChef

  – EveryPlate



  • Create an infographic to showcase your team’s Distribution and Marketing Plan
  • Highlight the elements professionals seek most in a proposal 
  • Focus on highlights of these elements through visual presentation of your team’s Distribution and Marketing Plan 


The ability to summarize becomes more and more important as the pace of society continues to increase. One area where it is imperative is in business. The time executives have for focusing on something is shorter than you think. If they tell you that you have two minutes to wow them, they truly need to be wowed within the first minute for them to stay attentive for the second minute.

For example, motion picture executives receive thousands of script pitches every year. To help find the projects that are truly worth their limited time and attention, they hire script readers whose basic job is to summarize and critique each script that comes through their office. These reports are called Coverage. And even though they are only a few short pages compared to the average 120 pages in a script, the executives still only read beyond the first page of the script coverage if the summary makes them believe it is worth their while. Theyll summarize exactly what the executive needs to know upfront in order to decide if they want to continue reading. For scripts, thats the script facts, logline, evaluation boxes, and a grade.

But in this assignment, you will create the 21st century version of a one-minute-wow for executives: An Infographic. Sell your project in a flashy page that can visually summarize highlights of your ideas based on what youve constructed within your plan. The reader’s approach to this infographic will have no preconceptions of what you write about. This is the first time theyre learning about your project. So, it must be created without any assumption of a reader having prior knowledge of the project or your plan. 


Construct your infographic. In an infographic, summarize the Distribution and Marketing Plan your team worked on this month in an eye-catching visual manner that will garner the interest of an executive while still providing important detail. Utilize Adobe Illustrator or a web-based tool such as Adobe Spark or Piktochart.  Break it out in the following order from the details you provided in your plan:

Sell your company to the potential client for all the possibilities you foresee based on the strengths of your team.

Sell the potential client’s project based on its premise and appeal.

Sell the profitability the client’s project can garner based on your participation.

Sell the ability to hone in on the core audience that youve targeted as best to embrace and subsequently become your social marketing fan base.

Sell the multiple channels of distribution that will best provide access to your primary target audience in year one.

Sell the variety of methods you will utilize to maximize awareness for your primary target audience in year one.

WARNING:  Do not copy and paste any content from a Website without providing the appropriate in-text citation, formatting and reference.  Consequences for plagiarism are harsh.