Category: Business Finance – Management

Data Warehouses and Dashboards



Examine how a data warehouse is created and used to support reporting and dashboarding.


You work for a tourism board at a top destination within the United States that among other tasks, sends information out to potential visitors, provides advertising for the destination, sells tickets to local events and parks, and helps drive economic growth by attracting visitors to the region. The market research team for your organization has decided to try and gather more insight into how their ticket sales are impacting the local economy and have asked for your assistance.

The IT team has all of the data from the cash registers to show what tickets have been purchased and when, and the website has also provided reports of sales of different products. The marketing team also has data regarding who has requested information packets to be mailed to them about the local area and then came to visit. Partnerships with several national travel agencies and popular travel booking websites have also provided some great information on shopping patterns, time of year for bookings, and much more.

The teams agree that a new data warehouse might be an option for bringing the information together, but the CEO is historically reluctant to spend money on something other than promoting the destination for fear it won’t generate value. Despite this, they are a big fan of graphs, factual data, and other bits of information around the destination.

Your boss has asked you to help contribute to the argument in favor of a data warehouse–as this is going to be discussed at an executive level, you feel a presentation and information packet is the best approach to get your message across.

The questions they are presenting you with include:

  • What is a data warehouse, and why do we need it? What are the benefits of this technology?
  • Why would a data warehouse be a lucrative investment for the tourism board?
  • How would we go about implementing a data warehouse?
  • What would a dashboard be useful for? What kind of information could it show that we don’t already have in separate databases?

The task:

Record a presentation using the screen sharing Webware/software of your choice (an Internet search will reveal many free options). Your presentation can be recorded with your own voiceover and visuals, just as you would if you were giving the presentation live.

Your presentation should outline the benefits of a data warehouse as opposed to only using separate databases in isolation. Show specific examples of how the separate sources of data available today could be brought together to gain insight, and discuss the benefits of an executive reporting dashboard.

Create a summary report to accompany your presentation as a takeaway for your executive management team.

Midterm Exam Part 2-Paper


Course objectives:

  • CO1      Assess the legal environment of business. 
  • CO3 Compare      forms of alternative dispute resolution.
  • CO6      Distinguish the four forms of intellectual property.
  • CO7      Evaluate forms of business associations.



  • Gemma      and James have pooled their savings to create a start-up company to      develop and market an idea they conceived while students together at MIT.      They obtained permission to use a college lab during late night hours a      few nights a week during their last term before graduating to work on the      project. Then they were able to move to James parents garage, which they      keep locked.
  • Now      they need more sophisticated resources. They have created a prototype      robotic device, called “Phoebe,” that will aid first responders      in disaster relief by sensing and locating survivors remotely in areas      unsafe for humans and dogs to navigate. Phoebe’s sensors will locate      living beings, scan vitals and assess level of trauma.
  • Gemma      and James have mapped out private and public, civil, and military,      applications of their invention, plus continued R & D improvement into      next-phase capabilities.
  • They      have not shared their theory, the prototype, their documentation or any of      the associated hard and soft technologies with anyone but anticipate      needing to do so to obtain a funding source.
  • They      are concerned about others learning of their technology ahead of their      chance to obtain IP protection and customers, because they caught a nosy      ex-classmate of theirs, Clarence, hanging around their lab at MIT.


  1. The      type of business organization Gemma and James should use to organize their      business entity and why;
  2. The      four types of intellectual property (IP) and which of these have      application to Gemma and James invention, Phoebe.  Include case law      and examples that illustrate these;
  3. The      steps Gemma and James should take to protect their invention.
  4. What      recourse they might have against Clarence (or someone like him) if he has      indeed obtained knowledge of their invention, and how such a dispute might      be resolved using types of ADR.

Concepts that should be included in your essay:

  • Types      of business organizations; considerations for organizing and operating a      business;
  • Legal      environment of business; considerations for management and training to      meet business needs;
  • Types      of IP and their application to Phoebe (include case law);
  • IP      protection (part of case law requirement could be used here);
  • Relevant      methodologies and practices as illustrated by major contributors or      organizations (e.g. US PTO, WIPO);
  • IP      litigation claims and defenses and types of alternative dispute resolution      (ADR), including case law that illustrates types of ADR in practice      (especially IP);
  • Considerations      of business management for handling IP innovation, selection of IP      protections;
  • Business      compliance issues that Gemma and James should consider.

Word length: The Exemplary level of the Rubric is 1500-2100 words.  This requirement is exclusive of title page and the References list.  Also, you do not need to include an abstract. If you do, it is not part of your word count.

international business


Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article, which you can locate in the CSU Online Library. The article must be related to international marketing.

In your critique, address the following questions:

  • What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)?
  • What is your opinion of the article?
  • How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the lesson in this unit? (Some examples include the marketing mix, marketing orientation, and organizational structure.)

The critique should be a minimum of two pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required. Be sure to cite and reference all quoted or paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.

Privacy and Power

Use  to write two examples about Privacy and Power.

Here is the introduction.

As the internet first became available in the early 1990s, the world experienced a way to communicate and deliver information that has never been experienced before. People were now able to communicate across states, purchase products in different countries, and build multidimensional businesses in the process; however, as the internet started to grow and become ingrained in every facet of the modern world, adverse side effects began to arise due to the rapid growth of the World Wide Web (WWW). As the number of users and websites increased, the amount of data that was being produced grew exponentially. This exponential growth of individual user data drove companies to begin to collect and analyze that data to help predict consumer behavior and individual purchasing habits. 

This information proved vital for corporations to help foster and grow their businesses. However, as more businesses began to solicit users for their personal information, third party companies began to surveill large online websites for more targeted and directed consumer information. This direct and targeted surveillance of everyday internet users is becoming a growing concern and ethical issue for the individuals who use the internet in their daily lives. This collection and distribution of consumer data and information show the need for privacy and regulation on data collection and distribution while engaging in online activities. The average daily consumer is, mostly, unaware that their personal information is being collected and used to create more targeted and direct recommendations towards them. 

However, with the recent revelations of these third party phantom companies operating and collecting consumer data without consumers consent, there is a growing need for expanded regulation and increased scrutiny of third party data collectors and their large scale social media conglomerate counterparts. In order to more clearly understand the ethical and moral problems that are operating in the data collection industry, and the need for consumer privacy, individuals need to take a greater look into three theories that are ingrained into this issue: critical theory, culture theory, and systems theory.

Critical theory is concerned with the abuse of power in an organization and the ways in which individuals can liberate themselves from being dominated or oppressed. This theory is strong in understanding how these powerful companies hold power over their customers by collecting their individual data. Next, culture theory explains the culture and identities of an organization and how they operate within an environment. Culture theory takes a look at how large organizations create their own identities and how they manage their organization, especially in the social media and technology industries. Lastly, systems theory looks at the communication within an organization and how the system of ordering helps determine the success of the organization. Systems theory is prominent in the social media and technology sector through how they disseminate information between the user and the company.  

HA540 Discussion

Current State of Quality: Internal Dynamics

What are some of the variables that can affect your hospital internally and externally? Would you hire a marketer or a website developer to improve your hospital website? Or would you recommend expanding your quality and what are some of the internal dynamics that can be used to build a successful brand or mission for the hospital? Make sure your initial post is a minimum of 250 words or more and responses to your peers should be at least a minimum of 100 words.

Apply: Using the Project Planner’s Toolkit

Resources: Ch. 16 of Management: A Practical Introduction, Appendix: The Project Planner’s Toolkit and the  *Attached*

Apply the concepts of the tools described in the Project Planner’s Toolkit.

Refer to the Excel Template as an example.

After studying and evaluating the components included in the Project Manager’s Toolkit, evaluate which of the tools (Gantt Chart or Flow Chart) would be most appropriate for each of the following tasks and use that tool to complete the task.

  • Outline the steps involved in undertaking a job search and choosing a job. Include an analysis of the advantages and limitations of the tool as well as ideas for ways you can use the tool in business.
  • Build a schedule showing the steps for planning and preparing for your vacation. Include a description of the advantages and limitations of this tool and ideas for ways you can use it in business.

Combine the charts into one file.

Apply: Leadership Examination

Resources: Ch. 12 and 14 of Management: A Practical Introduction

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper outlining key concepts of leadership. 

Include the following in your paper:

  • Describe at least three different types of behavioral leadership approaches.
  • Select a prominent leader and identify their dominant leadership style. Provide examples to justify your selection.
  • Explain the two situational leadership approaches (the Fiedler contingency leadership model and the path-goal leadership model)
  • Analyze their potential advantages over the behavioral leadership approaches.
  • Explore the uses of transformational leadership, including the idea that the best leaders are both transactional and transformational.
  • Assess the four key behaviors of transformational leaders for inspiring employees.

Use APA formatting to complete your paper.

Apply: Organizational Culture and Design

Resources: Ch. 8 and 9 of Management: A Practical Introduction and IDEO’s Culture Reinforces Helping Behavior Case Study (pp. 257) *Attached via image*

Prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or Microsoft Sway presentation supporting the following scenario relative to the IDEO case description in Ch. 8.

You have studied the organizational culture in place at IDEO and are making a presentation about this company to your company’s top management team. 

  • Describe the organizational culture at IDEO.
  • Analyze techniques used by IDEO to embed organizational culture.
  • Identify the organizational culture used by your organization/company. Make a recommendation as to whether you think the IDEO culture could be successfully implemented at your company.
  • Recommend mechanisms your company would need to employ should management decide to implement a culture change in line with the IDEO culture.

Include speaker notes for bulk of communication. Slides should contain headlines, graphics, and bullets.

Include an introduction and conclusion slide, as well as a reference slide in accordance with apa format


Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a document that discusses the main components of leadership and corporate culture.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict.
  2. Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization.
  3. Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new . The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions.
  • Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.
  • Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.
  • Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

Click to view the grading rubric.

Ethics #3

In your company or organization, or one in which you have worked, what is the industry? The major external environments? Your product or service? Describe the major influences of each environment on your company (for example, on its competitiveness and ability to survive). Evaluate how well your company is managing its environments strategically, operationally, and technologically, as well as in relation to products and public reputation. * at least 250 words and textbook attached*