Category: Business Finance – Management

Database Security – Types of Database Exploits

Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover in 600 words. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection? 

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references.

Include an interesting meaningful title.


** Your paper has to be under 20% to be accepted. Try to use less direct quotes and more paraphrasing

Case 9-1: All-Indian Logistics Services

Answer questions 5 and 6 of Case 9-1:

Should AILS recommend that the manufacturing plant be located in Patna or Lucknow? Why? Would your answer to the above question change if the shirts are exported through the Port of Kolkata? Why or why not?

Apply Total Cost of Procurement principles as they apply.

The Case 9-1: All-Indian Logistics Services paper:

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.



Discussion 1:

discussion question focuses us on better understanding global marketing concepts. In your main post, be sure to use all of the marketing terms bulleted in the prompt (bold and underline the terms in your post), and demonstrate your understanding of these concepts/theories by applying them to one of the following companies:

  • Gap
  • Motorola
  • Google
  • Lenovo
  • Starbucks
  • Apple

Below are the marketing terms required to be highlighted throughout the post

Global marketing

Marketing mix

competitive advantage

Product or market expansion framework 

driving forces affecting global marketing

Restraining forces affecting global marketing

Your initial discussion post should be 250 words. Do not forget to cite your textbook and any other sources used to support your ideas. 

Discussion 2:

  • Choose a global company and a single market in which it      operates.
  • Discuss the factors that constitute the economic      environment of this type of business.
  • Explain why it is important to understand when markets      are at different stages of economic development.
  • Explain how the World Banks four-category      classification system, which measures gross national income (GNI), adds      value to an organization.

Your initial discussion post should be 250 words. Do not forget to cite your textbook and any other sources used to support your ideas. 

Feedback on the financial analysis. Providing and receiving constructive feedback from classmates is an important component of learning in this course. Response posts should reflect the knowledge gained in this module.


Discussions in this course are post-first activities, which means  that you are required to upload your completed initial post first before  others posts are viewable.

Before posting the discussion messages, please read the term project instructions.

This activity will provide you with an opportunity to engage in a  discussion with this class on a project topic that you have selected to  implement as the term project. The class interaction will foster a  learning environment in which you will learn from each others  experiences and opinions.

In addition, you will practice using project management jargon and  expressing your opinions in a professional manner. The options available  in this discussion have ethical considerations that are important to  consider as a project manager. 

My  project proposal would be the Tesla Cybertruck. I choose this because  it seems to be a hot topic online lately as far as the newest innovation  of technology out so far.

The industry Tesla is mainly about  electric cars and other renewable energy resources, but mainly, electric  cars. The company is mainly known for their electric cars, and only  within the last couple of years gotten into the solar business. Current  industry trends show that they are gaining popularity quickly because  their cars are becoming affordable to the masses, instead of only for  the rich.

A SWOT analysis is that their strengths are they have  perfected the manufacturing process and acquisition of electric cars and  their components/battery packs. They are able to negotiate well with  vendors to keep the pricing of said components down. Their weaknesses  are the unreliability and impulsiveness of Elon Musk which can sometimes  make a good or bad presentation for them, as well as their struggle to  get their production facilities at full output on the schedule they  expected. Their opportunity is when they get into the solar department,  they are able to sell complete kits including the vehicle, the solar  panels, and the battery packs needed to charge them and on off the grid.  Their threat would be the other companies such as Ford coming into the  electric car market where they are already well known as a manufacturer  and can put up good competition at the same affordable price.

I  will focus on the marketing side of things where they can change their  marketing to make the cybertruck appeal more to the people who would get  the most benefit from a vehicle such as that. People who are already in  the market for a truck but do not want to spend the $40,000-50,000 on a  new Ford or Toyota because they want to be able to use it for just  short commutes and the occasional “truck task” here and there.

I  calculated the ROI spreadsheet based on average market variables such as  vendor discounts typically given to long term customers as well as cost  of manufacturing going down further and further based on the timeline  they expect to expand and finish developing their newest production  factories around the world.

The most challenge part of this was to  determine what the topic should be, there are so many interesting, new  technologies out there right now, it is hard to settle on just one to  look in to, but this one is so controversial right now, it sounded fun.

ROI & Payback Period Template.xls  

Providing and receiving constructive feedback from classmates is an important component of learning in this course. Response posts should reflect the knowledge gained in this module.


Discussions in this course are post-first activities, which means  that you are required to upload your completed initial post first before  others posts are viewable.

Before posting the discussion messages, please read the term project instructions.

This activity will provide you with an opportunity to engage in a  discussion with this class on a project topic that you have selected to  implement as the term project. The class interaction will foster a  learning environment in which you will learn from each others  experiences and opinions.

In addition, you will practice using project management jargon and  expressing your opinions in a professional manner. The options available  in this discussion have ethical considerations that are important to  consider as a project manager.

Describe the real or fictitious strategic context for your project topic.

My  project topic for this class would be starting my own car wash  business. Here in San Diego a company called Soapy Joes that my friends  and I always use to wash our cars. I like this business because we are  busy and are always on the move, and a car wash that allows people to  drive thru and be done in just a few minutes would be perfect. I believe  a car wash business would generate good profit.

Present a SWOT analysis on the selected industry/organization.


The key strengths inherent in AutoCare Car Wash Services include the following:

The  good credit record of the entrepreneurs, as well as the commitment in  terms of the amount of owners contribution towards the cost of business  operations

Good relationships with customers while working  informally. These customers will upon launch of the formalized business  make use of the improved services of the entity

The past experience of the entrepreneurs in a similar business environment

The good leadership and communication skills of the entrepreneurs

The  knowledge and qualifications of the members of the management team  regarding general business management and cleaning motor vehicles

Shared values that demonstrate a strong business culture


The weaknesses inherent in AutoCare Car Wash Services include the following:

The  lack of sufficient capital to finance the business operations. The  business will need to depend on external funding providers.

Extensive  marketing will be required to ensure that the business attracts a  reliable number of clients every month to meet its operational costs

The  informal structure in the business as a result of the insufficient  number of back office support employees and other administrative staff.   This shall later be rectified as more people come on board as the  business expands.

The lack of a good understanding of the  management information systems, performance management systems and  accounting systems required to manage the business efficiently


The key driving forces responsible for the increase in the demand for car wash services include the following:

The advent of new cleaning technologies and cheaper methods and processes on the market

The possibility to benefit from financial and non-financial support programmes for small to medium sized entities

The growing need for automated car wash businesses

The growth potential of the motor vehicle industry

The existence of untapped markets

There is a great deal of emerging technologies through research and development

The possibility to benefit from BBEEE

The possibility to benefit from skills training

The opportunity to enhance sales via internet marketing


The  key driving forces in the external environment which are likely to have  a negative influence on the operations of the business include the  following:

The potential for possible claims/ penalties against  the CC as a result of none compliance in terms of the Basic Conditions  of Employment Act, the Labor Relations Act, the Employment Equity Act,  the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Unemployment Insurance Act and  the Income Tax Act. The business will ensure that it complies with the  laws of the Republic by all means

The incidence of HIV/AIDS which may deprive the business of some of the productive employees

The fierce competition from other competitors in the market

Higher ESKOM tariffs may strain the business

The  threat from customers given the fact that they can dictate terms and  conditions to small businesses. Changes in terms of needs and  preferences may also affect the operations of the business. The business  will pay attention to the needs and preferences of the customers so as  to consistently exceed their expectations

Choose a business area  for your project topic. Focus on, and explain a specific area within the  organization such as marketing, information technology, finance, etc.

Analyze your options and recommend your project topic. This will be a project in the chosen business area.

Calculate  and share the ROI and payback period for the recommended project. You  can click to download the ROI & Payback Period template. Preview the  document [XLS, file size 23.5 KB] for this calculation.

ROI  is based on an estimate. Had a change of heart on the topic last minute  causing ROI to not be as accurate as it can be. Also, I am still trying  to wrap my brain around this topic.

Finally, in a  reflection of at least 30 words, describe the most interesting and  challenging parts of preparing the project proposal, as well as any  recommendations to your classmates for preparing the proposal.

The  most interesting and challenging part in preparing this project  proposal is the ROI. Before this class I have never heard of ROI before  in my life. My recommendation to my peers is try to not have a change of  heart, especially last minute, because it will make this class a lot  harder than it should be.


Sample Car Wash Business Plan AutoCare Car Wash Services SWOT Analysis. (N/A) Retrieved from

M1D1 (2) ROI & Payback Period Template.xls  

discussion -2 NCM

 question 1 ) 

Your state has a forthcoming referendum concerning no smoking in public places including bars and restaurants. Follow the ten steps on page 137 on negotiation planning. A 250-word response must be posted. 

question 2) 

Understanding the Flow of Negotiations: Stages and Phases

A.  The typical steps or flow in a negotiation can be found in the phase models of negotiation:

1.   Initiation.

2.   Problem-solving.

3.   Resolution.

Defines these three phases and give a thorough example of each.

Two questions to be answered separately must include in-text citations and references in APA style formatting. If you do not use in-text citations or they are not in APA format you will lose 3 points.  If you do not have references or if they are not in APA format, you will lose 5 points.