Category: Business Finance – Management

business ethics


Select a significant tragic event (either domestic or global) that has occurred during the last 50 years. The interactive PowerPoint in this unit provides some ideas of historical tragic events but understand that these are just ideas. After describing the event and the post-tragedy events, discuss the ethical aspects revolving around this incident. This may require some additional research to understand the ethical situations and the impact these had on affected people being able to move on with their lives.

  1. Describe the actions of people and organizational leaders directly and indirectly involved with the tragedy. Specifically, address the ethical issues they faced.
  2. What were some of the actions of local, state and federal personnel with respect to dealing with this tragedy?
  3. Explain the strategies of organizations that attempted to assist with the clean-up after the tragic event. Describe several of the pressures that influenced their strategies. Distinguish between social responsibility, integrity and simple business ethics.
  4. How has this event affected the ethical culture here in the United States? What other affect has it had on society as a whole?

A2- Cyber Security planning and management

Read the article below and summarize the reading in your own words. Your summary should be in 350 or more words .


What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words. 

Organizational Ethical Analysis Paper – Part 1


Each student will write a research paper on an organization of his or her choice (5-7 pages minimum).  The organizational analysis will utilize a minimum of five external, peer-reviewed academic sources and contain the following sections:

      What is the organization and how would you describe it?

      Who are the leaders of the organization?

      Is the organization successful?

      How do you determine whether an organization is ethical or not?

      Based on your assessment and research, is the organization ethical?

      What would you change about the organization to make it better, without sacrificing ethical standards?

professionalism in the workplace


This question involves explaining how a professional can proactively approach career changes. Entrepreneurship remains vital to small business development. With 96.1% of all businesses categorized as a small business, the likelihood of you either being an entrepreneur or working for one is extremely high. For this essay, visit and view the characteristics of and opportunities available for an entrepreneur. After reviewing the possibilities, state whether or not you have an interest in entrepreneurship. Then, explain how you could use the information on to proactively approach career changes. Remember, your essay can take the position of actually being an entrepreneur or at least working with an entrepreneur. Your response must be at least 250 words in length. 

Professionalism etiquette


1. This question involves explaining how professional etiquette can impact professional relationships. Consistently displaying proper etiquette is a reflection of ones organization and can build or destroy business relationships. For this question, explain the importance of social behavior and share an example of a situation you have witnessed where someones behavior affected one or more professional workplace relationshipsfeel free to include positive or negative examples. Your response must be at least 250 words in length.  

Pick one of the following terms for your research

 Pick one of the following terms for your research: collaboration, divisional structure, functional structure, horizontal structure, matrix structure, outsourcing, reengineering, teams, vertical linkages, or virtual team. 

This should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term. 

 REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. (continued) Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required. 

Memo paper

Assignment Instructions :

Throughout the course, you will write a series of three business memos. The memos are due in Module Two, Module Four, and Module Six. In each memo, you will describe your current roles and responsibilities and how they link to Sport Management program goals and School of Business competencies. Select a minimum of five goals and/or competencies to discuss in your memo. You do not need to discuss the same goals and competencies in each memo. The memo should also include the total hours that you worked in the time period. This is your research paper

Sport Management Program Goals

1. Theory Into Practice: We prepare students who will be able to turn theory into practice through the use and application of analytical tools to sport business situations.

2. Professionalism: We prepare students who will be able to demonstrate an effective command of professional skill sets to conduct themselves according to ethical business principles and values and to express themselves at a professional level of excellence relevant to business situations.

3. Global Orientation: We prepare students who possess a global view of sport business. Students will develop a deep understanding of the interrelationships between institutions, culture, humanity, and their impact on sport businesses. Students will also recognize how sport business may impact societies and understand the role of social responsibility in their profession. This is why this online assignment help tool is provided

4. Strategic Perspective: We prepare students who will be able to recognize and understand the broad spectrum of interrelationships that exist between various functional areas across the entire sport business organization. Students are able to recognize the interrelationships among external forces affecting a sport business and respond by aligning company strategies and resources. Submit your assignment to the black board for grading

Business Memo

Assignment Instructions :

Throughout the course, you will write a series of three business memos. The memos are due in Module Two, Module Four, and Module Six. In each memo, you will describe your current roles and responsibilities and how they link to Sport Management program goals and School of Business competencies. Select a minimum of five goals and/or competencies to discuss in your memo. You do not need to discuss the same goals and competencies in each memo. The memo should also include the total hours that you worked in the time period. 


Sport Management Program Goals 

1.Theory Into Practice: We prepare students who will be able to turn theory into practice through the use and application of analytical tools to sport business situations. 

2.Professionalism: We prepare students who will be able to demonstrate an effective command of professional skill sets to conduct themselves according to ethical business principles and values and to express themselves at a professional level of excellence relevant to business situations. 

3.Global Orientation: We prepare students who possess a global view of sport business. Students will develop a deep understanding of the interrelationships between institutions, culture, humanity, and their impact on sport businesses. Students will also recognize how sport business may impact societies and understand the role of social responsibility in their profession. 

4.Strategic Perspective: We prepare students who will be able to recognize and understand the broad spectrum of interrelationships that exist between various functional areas across the entire sport business organization. Students are able to recognize the interrelationships among external forces affecting a sport business and respond by aligning company strategies and resources. 


School of Business Competencies 

1.Business Communications: A graduate of the Business Core program is expected to have confidence in their oral communication skills, professional/polished writing ability and practice using their negotiation skills. 

2.Problem Solving and Decision Making: A graduate of the Business Core program is expected to solve business problems by analyzing quantitative tools and qualitative data to inform their decision-making practices. 

3.Teamwork: A graduate of the Business Core program is expected to develop a broad range of interpersonal skills in order to function effectively as a participant in team and group situations. 

4.Global Orientation: A graduate of the Business Core program is expected to attain a multidisciplinary global perspective in order to understand others and make more effective international business decisions. 

5.Social and Corporate Responsibility: A graduate of the Business Core program is expected to assess and understand the consequences of an organizations decisions and actions; they will realize the legal and ethical considerations and implications of personal, social, business, and international business behavior and activity. 

6.Innovative and Entrepreneurial Thinking: A graduate of the Business Core program is expected to think creatively, plan strategically, and develop innovative business decisions with an entrepreneurial mindset. 

Week 4 Assignment

Last week, you submitted a proposal for the design of a two-day workshop to train managers on how to use effective feedback skills when delivering one-on-one performance reviews to employees. Design a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that would be used in this training workshop (excluding the title and reference slides). Use the features of PowerPoint to effectively present the material to managers. Create a professional visual using various design elements, such as: background, color, font style, animations, transitions, audio, images, etc. Include approximately 50 words of speaker notes on each slide (a total of approximately 750-1,000 words). These notes are the a facilitators script. Identify at least three specific learning objectives for this training (making any necessary modifications to the learning objectives that were submitted in the proposal last week).

Your introductory slide must include a clear and concise description of the training. Your presentation must also include citations and references from the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least three additional scholarly sources. Your final submission should include: 1) the PowerPoint with facilitator notes, and 2) a comprehensive APA-formatted Word transcript of all slide notes/ facilitators script (a total of approximately 750-1,000 words), including a reference page. 

Week 4 Disscusion 1

A successful trainer needs to effectively engage various types of trainees and adapt quickly in the learning environment to meet their needs. Chapter 8 of the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text lists and offers tips on dealing with different participant personalities. Review the three scenarios below. Discuss how you would effectively engage and manage each group of participants in a 2-day training seminar. Apply two to three specific adult learning principles and/or techniques to each of the scenarios listed below.

Scenario A
Your colleague is a training specialist who has just concluded an activity on techniques for overcoming challenges in the classroom. He clearly understood the content, but did not ask questions of the group to confirm their understanding. In addition, when explaining activities, the directions were not clear and there was never an opportunity to ask for clarification. What constructive feedback would you give to your colleague?