Category: Business & Finance – Financial markets

Management information System

  1. What changes in business software platforms have you experienced, and what was the driving force behind the change?
  2. What important trends in business hardware are occurring?  What relationship do you see happening between hardware changes and software?  In your experience, which seems to drive the other and why? 
  3. How important do you perceive databases and data mining to business?  How could a small business take advantage of the technology? 
  4. In your opinion, should software dictate business processes or should the business process dictate the software structure?  Why?  What are the risks? 

Sjort Term Funding


Include speaker notes

1- Remember to answer ALL of the questions/requirements for the presentation

2- DO NOT skip the additional questions 

3- The additional questions should not be in a separate document, they should be added to the PowerPoint

4- Balance the information that you put in your speaker notes and what you have on the slide

5- A picture does not explain a concept, it is a compliment to a concept

6- Avoid copying graphs or charts from the internet and pasting them in the presentation

7- Give credit whenever you use outside resources for a point…CITE CITE CITE

8- When pasting an Excel file, ensure that you can actually read it and the image is not blurry

Prepare a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes requesting initial funding of $500,000 to start and run a start-up company. The proposed start-up company could be an existing business model (coffee shop, pet store, etc.), or could be something entirely new and exciting. 

Create the presentation in the following format, with at least one slide to cover each of the following areas: 

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Information about the Industry
  • Marketing Plan
  • Competitor Analysis
  • 3 Year Income Statement (Profit & Loss) Projections
  • Your assumptions for why and how you will achieve your sales growth and what significant expenses and investments you expect to incur to achieve your revenue goals
  • 3 Year Proposed Funding Schedule (sources and uses of the funds received)
  • Break-Even Analysis
  • Academic and Business References 

Review the following scenarios and assumption, and explain how it impacts your decision to expand:

  • After Year 3, the investors are interested in your company expanding internationally to possibly outsource labor or to reduce manufacturing costs. What countries would you expand to first, and why? What factors would you need to consider in making this decision?
  • What is the corporate tax rate in the countries you are considering expanding your business to, and how will that affect your decision to expand globally? (Use OECD Database or another resource to determine the corporate tax rate).
  • The investors want to see a decision tree detailing the decisions you would make if you received $300K now and $200K at the end of three years instead of $500K up front.
  • The investors would like your team to provide advantages and disadvantages of using debt financing versus selling company stock to raise capital for growth.
  • Briefly explain the venture capital process. Does it make sense for your company to raise funds through venture capital? 

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. 



The textbook mentions the agency problem wherein managers do not act in the best interest of their principals. Discuss what the agency problem means for firms in Saudi Arabia, especially in the context of Saudi Vision 2030, and whether you have experienced any examples of the agency problem.

Searchthe Internet for an academic or industry-related article regarding this thesis, as well as its implications for Saudi Arabia and Saudi Vision 2030.

For your discussion post, your first step is to summarize the article in two paragraphs, describing what you think are the most important points made by the authors (remember to use citations where appropriate). For the second step, include the reference listing with a hyperlink to the article. Do not copy the article into your post and limit your summary to two paragraphs.

please use

as one of the references

Textbook Problems B


Assignment Content


Top of Form

Complete the following textbook problems:

o Ch. 4, p.23, # 1

o Ch. 4, p.23, # 3

o Ch. 4, p.23, # 4

o Ch. 4, p.23, # 6

o Ch. 4, p.24, # 14

o Ch. 4, p.24, # 15

o Ch. 4, p.24, # 16

o Ch. 5, p.30, #3

o Ch. 5, p.31, #11

o Ch. 5, p.31, #14

o Ch. 25-26, p.518, The Effect of Bank Strategies on Bank Ratings (answer all three parts)

Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Federal Reserve Paper


Assignment Content

  1. Resource: 

    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about The Federal Reserve’s structure and functions.

    Describe the Federal Reserve’s structure and primary functions.

    Explain the effect the Federal Reserve’s policies have on financial markets, institutions and interest rates.

    Access the web page.          In the At a Glance frame near the bottom of the page you will find eight data series. List all eight series of data and explain what the data portrays and its importance.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

HLTH410 Unit-4 IP-AIDS and the health care practice


Details: You are to write a 3-4 page position paper reflecting your views on what the health care profession’s legal and moral stance should be on one of the topics below and why. The choices are as follows:
AIDS and the health care practice
Decisions at the end of life
You can choose how to approach your topic, narrow its scope, and advance a particular position, but you must justify each of your decisions and your positions with scholarly evidence. Use course resources, the Internet, and the library to support your position.