Category: Biology

Pschology Paper


4 Double Spaced assignment.  Need in 12 hours. No Plagiarism. Turnintin report is must. I attached the qualitative research study to be critiqued in this assignment.  Given below is the link.

Article:  Zhang, Y., & Jia, X. (2018). A qualitative study on the grief of people who lose their only child: From the perspective of familism culture. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 9, 869. doi:  

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the assigned readings and the instructor guidance for the week, read the Ashford Writing Center resource , and view the Ashford University Library tutorial . Your instructor will post an announcement with the reference for the qualitative research study to be critiqued in this assignment. After reading the posted study, use the to compose and organize your assignment.

In your paper,

  • Summarize the research question, methods, and findings of the assigned qualitative study.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of the research methods and analytical approaches used in the study. Support the position with evidence cited from the textbook and at least one other scholarly source about the research design or method.
  • Analyze ethical issues pertaining to how the study was carried out.
  • Critique the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study.
  • Recommend a research question and methods for a follow-up study on the topic.
  • Utilize the provided template with section headings.

The Qualitative Research Critique paper

  • Must be four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) using the template provided and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the s The template is a Word document that is pre-formatted in APA style. If unable to use the pre-formatted template, see the following instructions for formatting.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to .

  • Must utilize academic voice. See the resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
    • For assistance on writing as well as , refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
  • Must use at least one scholarly/peer-reviewed source in addition to the study being critiqued and the course text, for a total of at least three references.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Due Tomorrow By 3pm EST


Please read the following brochure ATTACHED.

Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. Select a search term related to health science (for example, high blood pressure, medical marihuana, opioid use, obesity, type 2 diabetes) and see what kind of results you receive. When considering a term to select, think about one or two words rather than phrases. Avoid phrases like which diet will help me lose weight the fastest or top 10 foods to make me healthy.

Write a short essay (at least 250 words), using complete paragraphs and appropriate organization. Avoid incomplete sentences or bulleted lists (except for your search term and how many results were obtained). Check your spelling and grammar before submitting. References are required in APA format.

Please provide the following information (listed in bulleted form):

  • your search term
  • how many results you obtained

Then review some of these sources, going no further than three pages into the search result. Critically evaluate the websites you have selected. Find one website that you consider a reliable/credible source and one that you consider false, misleading, or non-factual. Keep in mind that when searching for credible sources you should also determine if your source would be appropriate to use as a scholarly reference (to support your discussions and homework assignments). SOURCES CANNOT BE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS!

Please provide the following for BOTH the credible and non-credible choices:

  • the name of the website and the link
  • the author or group providing this information
  • Is this a reliable/credible source? If so, how do you know? OR Is this a non-credible source? If so, how do you know?
  • What was the hardest part about sifting through health information?

Can You Complete As Instructed Below

Resource: the

Explore the EEOC website to learn more about the organization.

Click the About the EEOC link and select Newsroom. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last six months.

Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following:

  • A description of the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and its ramifications for the organization
  • A brief summary of the functions of the EEOC in one paragraph
  • The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit
  • Whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change; justify your reasoning
  • A comparison of the EEOC press release to the news item. What accounts for the differences?
  • Strategies you would implement, if you were a senior manager of this company, to ensure future compliance and inclusion in the multicultural workplace

Human Impact On Climate Change PowerPoint

After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more! Use the unit material and reliable online resources to gather more information.

There are several ideas with information throughout the unit but there is even more information out in the world! Think about what you do every day, and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Think about a product you buyhow it was made, what natural resources were used to make it? You can also do a quick google search of everyday activities that effect the environment and start reading some articles for more ideas.

Remember to use reliable sources from the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding reliable information can be difficult. The best sources of reference material for your presentation are scientific journals found in the CSU Online Library databases. Click for a biology research tutorial that demonstrates how to locate library resources relating to biology You can also find reliable statistics at organization websites listed in the Unit under Combat Climate Change.

Your presentation must include:

  1. What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? Why is it important?
  2. Connect the activity/product to its impact on the environment and climate change. How does doing the activity or making the product use natural resources, disrupt habitat, impact wildlife or other effects on the environment?
  3. Report data and statistics, with references, on how this activity/product effects the environment.
  4. What can people do to decrease the activity/products impact on the environment?

Be sure to follow the formatting and guidelines provided below:

  • Include at least three visual aids.
  • Include three reliable references, and at least one source must come from the CSU Online Library.
  • Use bulleted information on slides (five lines or fewer).
  • Include substantial and detailed speaker’s notes that include what you would say in an actual presentation. The speaker’s notes should also reflect the depth of your research.
  • Include a separate title slide and separate reference slide.
  • Use an appropriate font and background.
  • Include at least 11 slides, but not more than 15 slides (not counting your title slide and reference slide).
  • Use correct APA format for references and citations, and use correct grammar and spelling.

Narrative Essay

  4 pages in length minimumNarrative Essay


Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: After 50 Years of Asian American 

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Banking Concept of Education.

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? The Complexities 

of Identity.

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, Introduction.

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, Identity. 


Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our social, cultural, and historic contexts. She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the emergence of consciousness but also a critical intervention in reality.

On a parallel track, we learned from Kandil and Jeung that the term Asian American can be traced back to a specific political, cultural, and social intersection in U.S. history. The Asian American identity, then, was created by people who found it necessary to assert an autonomous identity against oppressive forces. 

Essay question: 

Reflect on your journey in coming into identity-consciousness, specifically your racial and ethnic identities. In a narrative essay answer the following perennial question: Who am I? 

You must apply at least five of the concepts from at least two readings, three of which should be quoted passages. 

There are countless ways you can answer this question, so you must frame or guide your response based on one or two of the following questions: 

Framing questions: 

1. Who are you now? Who were you before? And who will you become? In other words, how has your identity consciousness developed over time?


4 pages in length minimum (no upper limit)

MLA format

12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around, 100% double spaced

Relevant and creative title (not Essay #1 or My narrative

Essay question 2: 

In an argument-based (i.e., thesis-driven) essay answer the following question: In your opinion, what was the most significant cause and most significant consequence of the creation of an Asian American identity? You must build your argument on the unit readings and provide at least two passages from at least two different readings (total of four passages, at least).

Assignment Help


  • Main
  • Similar Questions

  1. Select a Fortune 500 company or another company you are familiar with. Consider pharmaceuticals, computer hardware, retail, or automotive industries for your selection. If you choose a company that is not in the Fortune 500, ensure that enough financial information and key performance indicator results are available to complete the assignment.

    Imagine your manager has asked you to help with a presentation on the companys financial performance at the companys annual meeting.

    financial information and key performance indicators for the company.

    Create a 10- to 16-slide presentation for investors to assess the companys financial growth and sustainability.

    Identify key performance indicators for the company you selected, including the following:

    • The company and its ticker symbol
    • Cash flow from operations
    • Price-to-earnings ratio
    • Stock dividends and the yield, if any
    • Earnings per share ratio
    • Revenue estimates for the next 12 months
    • Revenue from the previous 3 years
    • Statement of cash flows and identify net cash from operating, investing, and financing activities over the past 3 years
    • Average trade volume.
    • Current stock price, 52-week high, and 1-year estimated stock price
    • Analysts recommendations for the stock (buy,sell, hold)
    • Market cap for the company
    • Relate the stock price to price-to-earnings ratio.

      Explain the market capitalization and what it means to the investor.

      Evaluate trends in stock price, dividend payout, and total stockholders equity. Relate recent events or market conditions to the trends you identified.

      Determine, based on your analysis, whether you think the organization is going to meet its financial goals, the outlook for growth and sustainability, and explain why you recommend this stock for purchase.

      Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

200 Word Discussion Topic

This is what’s on the syllabus pertaining to the Discussion Topics for this class: You will find several topics already started for each weeks Forum. They are labeled according to their corresponding week. These questions are started by the instructor. They are to initiate discussions by starting a string of replies from participants. You are to Reply only to these types of questions. Do not start your own Discussion Topic.

Discussion Topic: The Heart Transplant

The hospital ethics committee was discussing an important and urgent  case. A donor heart had become available, but an extremely rare thing  had happened. Two heart-transplant candidates in the hospital were both  matches for the donor heart. One patient was known to the committee as  Mr. X, the other as Ms. Y.

For someone with heart failure, Mr. X had been on the transplant  waiting list a long time. He had been waiting one year and was near  death. Ms. Y had just been placed on the list and could be sustained  with medication for quite some time, possibly until another heart became available. The answer seemed obvious-give the heart to Mr. X.

A number of the members of the committee did not agree with this  answer. They argued that time on the transplant list should be only one  factor considered. They saw a problem in Mr. X’s medical record.

Mr. X was 64 years old and had suffered from a heart condition for  years. He had had two angioplasties and two bypass operations to correct a blockage of the heart’s blood vessels. The problem seen by some  committee members was that Mr. X still smoked, ate fatty foods, and was  very overweight. After each procedure, doctors had warned Mr. X that he  must change his life-style, and that if he didn’t, his condition would  worsen. He never stopped smoking, however, and never changed his diet.  He said it was too hard.

Research has proven that smoking and high cholesterol are risk  factors for heart problems. Blockage of the coronary arteries is  directly attributed to these two factors. Treatments such as angioplasty (opening the blood vessels by passing a tube into the arteries) and  bypass surgery (connecting new blood vessels that go around the clogged  ones) can correct the problem, but they are not a total cure. To avoid  further problems, patients must control their diet, stop smoking, and  alleviate stress. This, of course, is not easy. Mr. X appeared not even  to try.

The heart was about to be airlifted to the hospital. The committee had to make their decision very soon.


1. What should the committee do?       

2. How would you vote if you were on the committee?

(200-word minimum for each question please)

Discussion Board 5


State in general terms how the listed disorders differ from disorders we previously discussed like CF and Sickle cell anemia. By what mechanisms do these disorders arise? Choose one of the following disorders to focus on. Discuss the mechanisms that lead to the following disorders, the specific conditions that these people experience and the long-term prognosis for those who inherit one of these disorders. While making your comments, you could take the voice of one of the following people:

  • The affected individual
  • A parent of the affected individual
  • A doctor advising the parents after amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling has shown that their fetus has the disorder.

Possible disorders:

  • Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)
  • Down Syndrome (translocation)
  • Patau Syndrome
  • Edward’s Syndrome
  • Kleinfelter Syndrome
  • XYY or XYYY
  • XXX
  • Turner’s Syndrome
  • Cri-du-chat syndrome
  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Acute myelogenous leukemia

Respond to Others: Read the postings of your classmates and comment on at least one other student’s response. Do you agree with his/her interpretation? Why? Why not?

Discussion Board Grading Rubric:

1. Original posting: (7 points)

  • Posting is at least 100 words, and has proper grammar and punctuation (2 points).
  • Posting fully addresses the discussion board questions. (2 points)
  • Discussion is original and at a critical level, not just recitation of facts. (2 points)
  • Proper citation of references. (1 point)

2. Reply to peer discussion posts: (3 points)

  • Discuss one point you like/agree with, and one point you dislike/disagree with and explain why. (2 points)
  • Length of positing consists of approximately 100 words minimum. (1 point)

Respond to Student:

 Jason Brewer

Patau Syndrome or Trisomy 13 is a condition that is most commonly associated with severe intellectual disability and physical abnormalities, like heart defects, or even brain and spinal cord abnormalities. There are also many other conditions that are a result of Patau Syndrome, including, poorly developed eyes, cleft lip, and even weak muscles overall. The most likely cause of Trisomy 13 is because there are 3 copies of chromosome 13 in each cell in the body instead of just the regular 2. This causes the normal course of development to be impaired which results in the conditions to arise. ( Trisomy 13 – Genetics Home Reference – NIH, n.d. ) Most cases of this disorder are not passed on from the parent but rather caused by some random events that occurred from the formation of the egg and sperm from the parents. Sadly, the prognosis for this disease is the people who are diagnosed with Patau Syndrome, usually only live to see a couple of days to weeks, only a mere 5% of people with this syndrome live past their first year of life.

Discussion Board 4

It is now possible to have human embryos produced via in vitro (test tube) fertilization (IVF) tested for many different genetic diseases such as Huntingtons disease, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, a form of Alzheimers disease, and BRCA1 associated cancers among others. Those embryos that have the gene for any of these diseases will be discarded and only those embryos lacking the disease-causing genes will be used for implantation into the potential mother. The technique used to do this is called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PIGD). It is also possible for sperm/egg donor banks to carry out a fertilization event on paper before it is done in vitro.
This way, prospective parents can reduce the risk of having a child with some genetic disorder. There are also other genetic changes that might be done with PIGD techniques including the choice of embryos with specific gene combinations for eye color, height, hair color and others. Many traits will likely not lend themselves to modification because they are too complex.
Finally, the potential exists for modification of an embryo with a genetic disorder that would replace the ‘bad’ copy of the gene with ‘good’ copies.

  1. Give a detailed explanation of IVF. Be sure to discuss the various reasons why couples might choose to use this technique.
  2. Discuss the details of PIGD. What procedures must be done to lead to the production of a ‘healthy’ embryo. Be sure to discuss what ‘healthy’ means in this context.
  3. Weigh in on the topic of PIGD in conjunction with IVF pointing out what you think are the pros and cons of this developing and ever-improving technology.

Respond to Others: Read the postings of your classmates and comment on at least one other student’s response. Justify any comments you make with factual information.Discussion Board Grading Rubric:
1. Original posting: (7 points)

  • Posting is at least 100 words, and has proper grammar and punctuation (2 points).
  • Posting fully addresses the discussion board questions. (2 points)
  • Discussion is original and at a critical level, not just recitation of facts. (2 points)
  • Proper citation of references. (1 point)

2. Reply to peer discussion posts: (3 points)

  • Discuss one point you like/agree with, and one point you dislike/disagree with and explain why. (2 points)  
  • Length of positing consists of approximately 100 words minimum. (1 point)

Please Respond to this Student:

 Jordan Ritman 

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a procedure used to help a woman become pregnant. The process actually sounds quite simple. Sperm is collected to fertilize an egg and that egg is then implanted in the uterus. There is more to it though, first, the patient would also have to take medication that helps mature the eggs for fertilization and those eggs are taken out of the body and placed together with sperm. Some couples may use IVF because they have a hard time conceiving, or if the eggs that they carry have possibilities of having genetic disorders such as down syndrome and others. PGD is used prior to implantation to genetic defects within the embryo. PGD is for couples that usually are at risk for passing genetic disorders or defects to their offspring. IVF and PGD go against somethings that people believe in pertaining to religious beliefs mostly. 

Discussion Post Agricultural Ecology


I would like for you to post a recent news article (last 3 years) that highlights Florida water issues. Look for an article involving:

  • Heavy demand of water by commercial, real estate, and agricultural development that have put pressure on natural resources.
  • Environmental consequences of the depletion of groundwater resources.
  • Water use strategies designed to  balance water use
  • Water quality debate between environmental and agricultural interest groups

You should summarize the article, provide a link, and also relevant background information regarding the issue (which may require additional research and citation). Comment on whether you were aware of this issue prior to this assignment and your opinion on it.  You must also include a question in every post directed at your classmates.