Category: Biology

Ongoing Weekly Assignment Help

I need ongoing weekly help with my class homework assignments. The three science classes are: BIO/290 which starts on 2/18-4/6, BIO/291 which starts on 4/14-6/1 and SCI/250 which begins on 6/2-7/20. These three science classes have to be passed and completed before November 2020 so that I can then apply for the Entry Level MSN (Masters Science in Nursing) Program at Western University of Health Science located in Pomona, California. The three science classes will be completed online through Phoenix University. I will need your help/assistance to complete each weekly science assignment at Phoenix University. The following link: is for you to log on to and take a virtual tour of the New Student Orientation so you will become familiar with the way to meet the requirements of submitting the weekly assignments.

Meanwhile, after we complete the three science classes then I will be starting the main discipline of study in nursing come November 2021 and I will then need ongoing help with those assignments too. So as you can see I need ongoing help for at least three years. I need you to be able to start working with me on 2/18/2020 for the first science class which is essentially Anatomy & Physiology with a virtual lab. Please respond back to me right away to let me know if you can help me beginning 2/18/2020.

Gerontology Class

Thus far, we have explored the meaning of aging and changes that take place physically and cognitively. I would like you to do some research and find an example of an older person who has busted the myths of old age. For example:

You may find examples profiled on Youtube, Ted Talks, or legitimate news sources.

What does your example say about his/her aging experience? Do you detect an over-riding philosophy that guides his/her life? Relate the story to one or more of the aging theories we have discussed. 

Follow the writing guidelines outlined in the course syllabus. This writing should be a min of 750 words. Be sure to connect the story with topics and controversies covered in the course. 

I suggest an outline that is similar to this:

1. Introduce your subject (age, career, where he/she lives, family, etc.)

2. Discuss examples given about successes and accomplishments in their older age

3. Discuss personal philosphies 

4. Relate the story to concepts/controversies discussed thus far in Sasser and Moody

5. Conclusion

Reflection- Code Of Ethics

Consider things such as:

  • Can you separate the individual from the professional where ethics is concerned?
  • Is there a diffeence between ethical and moral?  If so, what is it?
  • What personal ideals and values shaped your work in your chosen profession?
  • What happens when personal ideals and codes of the profession are in conflict?

Create a paper answering the questions above.

Anatomy And Physiology

  ATP- Energy currency in the body 


  • *The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Break it down.   (*Everyone must do this part). Include the Structure and Function relationship in the body Important. Interesting and current research on the topic.
  • Examples to clarify and teach. (Important!) (Your own examples can be critical thinking too.)

The Best Contraceptives?


It has been said that in nations seeking to reduce their population growth rate, a combination of sustainable economic development along with improved educational and socio-economic opportunities for women are the best “contraceptives” (i.e. ways to reduce a woman’s total fertility rate; don’t know this term? Look it up before posting).

A. How does improving educational opportunities for women help reduce population growth (in those nations seeking to do so)?  Cite specific scientific, demographic, socioeconomic and/or geopolitical evidence from one (1) nation that is working to reduce its population growth rate and where improving education for women has worked / is working.

Be sure to back up your explanations with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates. Be sure to read relevant sections of your text (and supplementary readings from this Module) and look online.  Start with these background readings:

Organize your posting by using the letter/number combinations as follows. Be specific and thorough. Cite statistics in A2, A3.

A1. Identify a nation that has been / is working to reduce its population growth. For how long?

A2. What has this nation done to improve the educational opportunities for its women? 

A3. How have increased educational opportunities for these women changed their socio-economic status? 

Human Sexuality

Experience options Follow stopcensoringmotherhood on Instagram

PSPlease browse the contents of this account before writing

Write 2-page paper, double-spaced, about your experience. How does it relate to this class? What did you learn? How did it make you feel? Include proof (tickets, photos, paperwork, screenshot, etc.)  Due 2/13

200 Words

Select another “method” by which molecules can be taken across cell membranes and discuss it.  Give an example and describe of the method you select.  You may choose either an active or passive mechanism.  Be sure to indicate which one it is.  It may also either be a method in which molecules are brought in or transported out of the cell.  




Objective Write an essay that critically (and articulately) analyzes a science- or technology-related topic of broad societal relevance, impacting, for example: public health (vaccination, stem cell research); the environment (pollution, land-use, biodiversity); energy (renewables, nuclear); the future of humanity (space exploration, artificial intelligence). In discussing your topic and presenting your argument(s), be sure to address key issues involving ethical concerns, social, economic or religious implications, environmental consequences, etc.Requirements & GuidelinesThe submitted group essay (2 people) should address the chosen topic in a focused, well-written, and carefully organized way. Each group member will receive the same grade. (If there are concerns that someone isnt pulling their weight, please let me know as soon as possible.) The submission is through online submission in myCourses. The name of your document should follow the format below:20SpringENGR2301_WritingAssgnmentI_James&MaryThe essay should include a bibliography of at least three (3) reputable sources, and in-text citations referencing these sources. There is no specific style requirement, but the chosen format should be consistent throughout the paper.The essays should be written using Microsoft Word with the font size of 12 and single line spacing. The total length of the essay should be at least two pages (excluding the bibliography). Like any good essay, the paper should include an introduction with a clearly-stated thesis; body paragraphssupporting the thesis; and a conclusion that summarizes the principal points made, and reiterates the thesis. For full credit:i. The main positions of opposing sides of the issue should be clearly identified and discussed.ii. The scientific merits of opposing arguments on all sides should be carefully assessed to the best of your ability, drawing from your knowledge of physics, chemistry, geology, biology, etc.; your research on the topic; and the strategies we are developing in class. iii. Other key aspects of the controversyfor example, social, economic, and political considerationsshould also be discussed.iv. If possible, develop your own interpretation / solution to the issue or problem, based on the scientific merits identified (ii).Spelling, grammar, clarity, style, and effectiveness of argumentation will be taken into account in assigning a final grade.

Week 2 Anxiety Disorders


Remember this is a writing assignment and is expected to be at least a page in length as usual.

1. What is anxiety, and why is it sometimes harmful and at other times useful?

Describe how anxiety is maladaptive in each of the different anxiety disorders.

Week 2 Issues With Diagnosing Abnormal Behavior


If you are a clinical psychologist diagnosing various mental disorders, how might your diagnosis lead to harmful effects?

Why are reliability and validity important characteristics in assessment and diagnosis?