Category: Biology



Read this article on the search for useful plant compounds:

Read this article on the less-than-beneficial uses of plant products:

  •  We are going to use Cocaine

Answer these four questions:

  1. Describe the compound and in what plant(s) it is found. 
  2. Explain how this compound provides protection for the plant.
  3. Does the compound provide any other benefits for the plant, such as enhanced pollination?
  4. What effect does the compound have on humans?

Follow these guidelines for your paper: 

  • Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite appropriately within your paper, and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page.  
  • Your paper should be 12 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page.

Answer Questions

1. [From the first reading] What are the difficulties with using Appropriateness as a principle for determining valid species names?

2. [From the first reading] What are the major strengths and weaknesses of using Priority to determine valid species names?

3. [From the first reading] When was the Plenary Powers rule adopted and what problems does it solve?

4. [From the first reading] Why was Othniel Marsh seemingly prone to making rushed identifications that lacked thorough consideration? Why was Brontosaurus eventually considered an invalid name?

5. [From the first reading]. What does the author mean by the following statement?: “Equality is a magnificent system for human rights and morality in general, but not for the evaluation of information.”

6. [From the second reading] True or False: This article makes the point that Brontosaurus is a unique situation; species names rarely change in scientific discourse.

7. [From the second reading] Explain (in very general terms) on what basis researchers validated the name Brontosaurus. Does an appeal to Plenary Powers apply here, or is that irrelevant in this case?

Second Reading:


due in 2 hours , 2 sentences only 



Health And Human Science Class


A. Select one of the case studies posted in Blackboard to complete the following sections.  You will be using this case study in subsequent assignments.

(i) Problem/Situation Description:   Identify at one significant problem related to health and wellbeing in this case study. Write a brief paragraph which tells the reader what is the problem.  

Rationale as to Why this is a Problem: Write about how this problem connects to your definition of health and wellbeing (1 paragraph). Indicate what is missing or the gap that indicates the situation you have described is a problem that needs to be addressed.    

A. Alternative Perspectives:

Two different perspectives are described in the case study. Write one paragraph for each perspective in which you respond to the following questions: 

From whose point of view is this perspective? 

What is justified or warranted from this perspective? Is there adequate evidence? If there are limits to this perspective, what are the limits? 

What is assumed or implicit in this perspective that needs to be made explicit? 

Overall, is this perspective reasonable? Explain your answer with a summary statement. 

B. Select either the Ecological Systems or the Life Course Model to examine your case: Examine the context of the problem from the perspective taking approach. 

For the Ecological System identify two different systems which are directly or indirectly involved in this problem: microsystem, mesostyem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosytem.  

1. Identify the system and write a brief definition for each

2. Describe/explain how this system is related to the specific problem identified in this assignment for each system


For the Life Course Model: identify two different events which may have contributed to this 

specific problem: historical, economical, societal, psychological

1. Identify the event and write a brief definition for each

2. Explain how these two events may have compounded to produce this outcome.


Criteria:  See the rubric which follows. 

The criteria identified will be used to grade your paper. 


Rubric: Perspective Taking and Ecological Systems

 Rating Scale 








I. Content:


A. Definition of Health and   Wellbeing. 

Definition lacks any   clarity or not included 

Includes definition but   ideas are not fully clear. 

Concise/clear definition of   health and wellbeing; ideas are complete. 


B. Problem

(i.) Problem description/ situation

(ii.) Rationale as to why this is a problem

Problem unclear and/or   unrelated to health and wellbeing

No connection between   definition and situation identified or did not use own definition

Identified a problem but   problem is not significant; can be readily resolved 

Indicates a problem but   has not made the connection to own definition 

Identified a significant problem   related to health and wellbeing, 

Used own definition as a   basis as to why this is a problem


C. Alternative Perspectives 

Perspective 1

Identified only limited (1-2) components and/or responses very   brief.

Identified only   selected (2-3) components and/or   response somewhat limited.


Thoroughly identified   all four components: 

-Point of view

-Justified with evidence   and/or Limitations


-Overall, is perspective   reasonable


 Perspective   2 

Identified only   limited (1-2) components and/or   responses very brief.

Identified only   selected (2-3) components and/or   response somewhat limited.


Thoroughly identified   all four components: 

-Point of view

-Justified with evidence   and/or Limitations


-Overall, is perspective   reasonable


D. Perspective Taking 

No systems/events identified and/or defined incorrectly


Explained or applied   incorrectly. 

Systems/events listed but   not all are defined correctly 


Limited explanation given   as related to the problem 

Two ecological systems or   life course model events identified/ defined correctly 


Fully explained as related 

to the problem and model


II. Writing 


Citations and Reference   List 

No citations given with the   paper and/or no references listed. 

Some references identified   in list and/or not in APA format. 

Identification of all   citations within the paper and references used in correct APA format 


Writing  Process 

5 or more errors in  punctuation, capitalization,  spelling, grammar, sentence or paragraph   structure 

3 4 errors in 

punctuation,   capitalization, spelling, grammar,   sentence or paragraph structure 

0-2 errors in punctuation,   capitalization, spelling, grammar,   sentence or paragraph structure 

Format for the Paper  

This is a case study


William and Sarah have one daughter who is five years old. William works as a software designer for Microsoft and Sarah is a nurse, but currently stays home with Diana until she is old enough to start 1st grade. Diana is a fairly well behaved child and usually minds her parents’ wishes. But lately she has become a bit more independent and is revealing a stubborn streak. The current consequences do not seem to be working when Diana is truly upset.

William and Sarah have shared many lengthy conversations about discipline in their home, yet they still do not see eye to eye. William grew up on a farm with two other brothers and his father’s discipline came swift and sure when one of them got out of line. While his father rarely raised his voice, spanking with a hand or a leather belt was par for the course. William’s mother would sometimes slap him in the face to put him in his place. Sarah on the other hand, grew up in a household where physical violence was not tolerated. Instead discipline consisted as time-outs and conversations. 

One day after a stressful day at work, William came home to find Diana throwing a temper tantrum and Sarah nonplussed as to what to do. He took of his jacket, untied his shoes, then calmly picked Diana up, set her over his knee, and gave her three sharp spanks. The whole thing was over in less than ten seconds. Sarah and Diana both fell eerily silent and William went into the bedroom to change for supper. Later that evening Sarah and William had a heated debate about the effects of corporal punishment in their home.

William’s Perspective:

Sometimes a little child needs to be put in their place. Timeouts were obviously not working and so drastic measures had to be taken. Sure, he had acted partially out of frustration, but it looked as if Sarah was not in control of the situation either. A little spanking can be good for a child who thinks they can do whatever they want. Besides, there was a pair of jeans between his hand and Diana’s backsideand he did not hit her with nears as much force as his father did. Sarah is overreacting and needs to have an open mind to see the clear benefits of spanking.

Sarah’s perspective:

Sarah is outraged that William would treat his daughter in this manner.  When an adult lays a hand on a child as punishment, the child will learn that physical violence solves problems. Diana had some red marks on her bum. What will happen if William gets really angry? Besides, Diana is a girl and more fragile than a wool-headed farm boy. William told her that until they can find a better way to control their daughter’s outbursts, he may have to resort to spanking once in a while. Sarah is adamant about not spanking Diana, but on the other hand she does not know what to do. How can she convince William that there is a better way?


Imagine you were Avery Oswald and you just finished extracting transforming factor from bacteria.  Based on how DNA looks to the naked eye when floating in ethanol (not your knowledge of the molecular structure): Identify one incorrect conclusion Oswald could have made regarding the characteristics of DNA.  Identify one correct conclusion Oswald could have made regarding the characteristics of DNA. 


Write a response for each document.

Instructions: Your post should be a thoughtful response and should include outside reference material from the internet or primary literature. That reference should be referred to specifically with an in-text citation (author, year) and your post should have a bibliography with those outside sources you used cited in APA format.

HIV Question And Answer

1. In regards to substance use and HIV association, people usually only correlate that to injection drug users. What additional substance use linkages are there to HIV? If your room-mate shared with you that when they were out partying, they were “high,” had way too much fun, and may not have protected themselves. How would you react? How might you advise them to get an HIV test or protect themselves in the future?
2.  Given that millions of people worldwide are living with HIV/AIDS and new cases are diagnosed every day, how you think the healthcare system can continue to accommodate all of the current and new cases? What messages would you provide to the public regarding HIV preventi on?In regards to substance use and HIV association, people usually only  correlate that to injection drug users. What additional substance use linkages are there to HIV? If your room-mate shared with you that when  they were out partying, they were “high,” had way too much fun, and may  not have protected themselves. How would you react? How might you advise them to get an HIV test or protect themselves in the future?


1. Must include at least 1 cited source using APA formatting ( not Wikipedia)

2. Must be at least 2 COMPLETE paragraphs in length (no short paragraph).

3. NO plagiarism

4. Only answer one of the questions above

Discussion 3

Analyze and evaluate a Human Ecology Current Events article. The article must be published during the  term that the course is taken. Write an analysis and evaluation of the article, paying particular attention to the  scientific accuracy of the material and focusing on how any problems addressed in the article could have  been avoided in the first place or the lessons that can be learned and used to create a healthy future human  ecology. Be certain to provide a complete Web Address (and citation) for the article in your post. Your  Current Event Journal should be approximately 600 words in length. 

Biology, Enzymes

You are doing an experiment that requires that 242 (x 106) molecules be produced per minute at a pH of 11.  Which of the following would be the best option to try?

  1. Use 16 grams of substrate,
  2. Tell your lab supervisor that it is impossible for you to get those results
  3. Add twice as much water to make the reaction speed up twice as fast
  4. Use 8 grams of substrate and twice as much enzyme as you originally used in the simulation

Health Insurance And The Labor Market” Please Respond To The Following:

  • Analyze the implications of adverse selection in insurance markets that contain information asymmetry and community ratings. Justify your response.
  • Analyze the primary ways in which analysts may use a model of the labor market to explain wage and employment figures for healthcare workers. Propose the main ways in which health status affects workers compensation overall. Provide at least one (1) example the model in use to support your response.