Category: Biology


Importance Of Human Microbiome For Health Discussion Board


To participate in the Discussion Board you should visit the following video:

Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are    

You can also visit other interesting videos related to the same topic with the purpose not to repeat what other students mentioned before you. Your consideration should have no less that 250 words. Please, remember to interact with other students at least once. this participation will be graded.

Each group of three students will have a particular theme designation. INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS within the group should contribute to the theme. No limitation to participate in other group contributions.  


Group 10.Normal human microbiota and Clostridium difficile.

Biology Assignment 1

Biology Assignment 

You are a doctor in a hospital, and a patient is experiencing trouble with her skin repairing itself from a cut. The patient is also expecting a child, but the cells in the reproduction development are experiencing malfunction in cell division.

  • Describe the stages of each type      of cell reproduction process from a normal patient whose body cells can      repair themselves and normal cell division during the reproductive      development of the unborn baby.
  • Explain the disadvantages and      advantages of each type of cell division.
  • Discuss how the patient      experiencing problems with the cells repairing from the cut and the      child’s reproduction development malfunctions can alter haploid and      diploid cell development.


1000 Words


12 point , Calibri   Font, no more than 1″ margins

Program/File Type

Submit in Word


Should be pasted   into the Word document if possible.

Referencing system

APA referencing   system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the   Internet. 

For examples of correct citations, visit the following 

Tevida – Independent & Uncensored Review?

Topical treatments

Applying creams and scratches makes your skin numb for a short period of time. However, they do not have much effect on the acute condition. But recently, the introduction of Diclofenac gel has been introduced tables. It is the anon steroid anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain and related osteoporosis. But these creams are only effective in the knee, elbow, and foot ache. There is no evidence that it is useful in the case of hip joints.

Transcutaneous electrical stimulation

Physiotherapists are known to use electrical energy to relieve pain and reduce joint joints. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation is a technique that involves placing electrodes around the affected joints and conducting electromagnetic pulses across the skin to reduce pain. Acupuncture is another method that involves the penetration of needles connected to electrodes into acupuncture points to spread the electrical charge throughout the body which ultimately relieves pain.


This treatment is not specifically used to treat osteoporosis, but it reduces the muscle cramps associated with this condition. Chiropractic treatment indirectly reduces soreness by breaking muscle spasms and scar tissue, which relaxes.


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This week, we will be discussing the Ancestor’s Tale, from Richard Dawkins. The attached exerpt explains the long view of human evolution.

Please read this and Ch 9 before you post to get the background for understanding human evolution. For this week’s discussion, please find recent (within the last 10 years) articles on human evolution that shed light on the earliest ancestors of our branch of the evolutionary tree of life.

Once again, please provide a two paragraph summary for your article. And please connect your research to what you have learned from Dawkins and CH 9 about human evolution.

  Please be certain to give the full citation and DOI (if available). And please read through all the entries before submitting yours, so that you pick a novel article that has not yet been discussed!

Week 1 Project

Biodiversity and Adaptation Essay

Assignment: Plant Biodiversity and Adaptation

Post your assignment to the Submissions Area for grading by the instructor by the due date assigned. The minimum length for this assignment is 1,200 words. Be sure to check your Turnitin report for your post and to make corrections before the deadline of 11:59 pm Mountain Time of the due date to avoid lack of originality problems in your work.

Discuss how adaptations allowed plants to move from an aquatic environment to the variety of habitats they inhabit today. You may wish to start out discussing single celled algae and include the transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. At the beginning or end of the essay, it may be helpful to write about plants that you have observed (using correct scientific nomenclature), and consider their traits and habitat. Then explain why those traits are adaptive, and how they arose. Don’t forget the role of natural selection in adaptation.

Intro To Biology

Discussion: The Scientific Approach

Why is the sky blue? Why do bees sting? Why is the ocean salty? These are questions a young child may ask about the world based on his or her observations and experiences. As children grow older, their inquisitive nature may begin to fade. Anyone involved in the scientific process, however, must continually make observations and ask questions about his or her observations. In addition, scientists suggest possible answers to their questions and then test their ideas to determine if they are correct. This process is known as the scientific method.

The scientific method, however, does not answer every question about the universe. For example, it cannot answer questions such as Is there a god? or What is the true meaning of life? As you begin your exploration of biology this week, you consider the nature of science and how the scientific approach to the world differs from others, such as philosophical or spiritual approaches. Then, you apply this understanding by identifying a situation in which you can apply the scientific method and a situation in which you cannot.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider the question posed by the Chapter 1 title of Biology: Science for Life: Can Science Cure the Common Cold? Think of a few additional questions science could answer. How do you think science might find answers to these questions?
  • Review Chapter 1, Can Science Cure the Common Cold? in Biology: Science for Life, and consider how the scientific method tests ideas and attempts to find answers to questions. For example,
    • What is a hypothesis?
    • How does an experiment test a hypothesis?
    • Why is the experimental process essential to science?
  • Review the articles in this weeks Required Resources.
    • In the article The Nature of Science, note the characteristics of scientific inquirythat is, how scientists study phenomena to arrive at evidence-based conclusions.
    • Pay special attention to the Reality Check activity in the article How Can We Tell Science from Non-Science? Consider what distinguishes the scientific statements from the non-scientific ones.

With these thoughts in mind:


QUESRION 1 Post a 1- to 2-paragraph response to the Discussion Spark

QUESTION 2 Post two or more paragraphs that distinguish the nature of science from non-science and that explain how the scientific method can be used to answer a question or solve a problem.

Your post should include the following:

  • Three characteristics of a scientific approach to the world
  • A real-life example of how the scientific method was or could be applied to solve a problem or answer a question
  • A real-life scenario that cannot be tested scientifically
  • References to at least two sources outside the Required Resources
  • All references cited in APA format

Week 8 Discussion

The reading covers many different types of resistance training programs and methods, even touching on some “extreme conditioning programs” like CrossFit. However, there is no mention of blood flow restricted resistance exercise despite quite a bit of recent evidence being published. 

Therefore, I’d like everyone to look into this a topic a bit on your own and answer the following questions in your post:

 In your own words, what is blood flow restricted exercise?

 What effect does blood flow restricted resistance exercise have on muscular fitness?

 For whom might may blood flow restricted resistance be beneficial?

You should use peer-reviewed evidence to support your answer to the second question. Please make sure to include a reference to the evidence you cite in your post. 


DUE TUESDAY 2/25/2020 

The Instruction To Follow Is In The Browse Files. 0 Plagiarism, APA Format


paper should be 1200-1600 words in length and support your thinking by citing and integrating at least two peer-reviewed journal articles and at least one real life example. for the real life example please do not use your self as an example. Please follow the instruction in the browse file.

Evolutional Biology Homework


Read 10 page scientific article and answer 2 pages of questions ( do not use same words like in an article or paraphrase it, only in your own words based on the article. Other research options are available in order to answer questions properly but must be cited)