Assignment 12

Within Microsoft Azure, create a virtual machine that acts in the role of a web server. You may choose any operating system and web server for this, but the recommendation is that you select Nginx as the web server since you are most familiar with it.
After creating the web server, create at least one web page to demonstrate that it functions. Access the web server over the Internet. (You may use web pages that you have developed in other coursework.) You will need to either create the web page(s) in the appropriate location on the server using a local editor or transfer the page(s) using tools that you are familiar with (SCP, FTP, etc.).
The following information must be submitted for the assignment:
* Documentation of the virtual machine that you have created.
    * This includes the VM name within Azure, choices that you made when setting it up, and the details of the server as available from within Azure. (Screen capture is fine.)
* Documentation of the process that you used to place your web page(s) and any associated artifacts like images on your server.
* Documentation of the web site being browsed. (Screen capture is fine.)

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