Archive for May, 2020


breakfast,lunch,snack and dinner for 3 days

Record food intake and activities performed for three days. 

Enter your food intake for three full days using the food journal .

Write a paper of at least 750 words that addresses the following points about your 3-day food intake:

  • Recorded intake of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
  • Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? Which provide carbohydrates? Which provide lipids?
  • Review how your recorded protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake compares with the recommendations of the dietary reference intake. If your recorded protein-carbohydrate-fat intake was too high or too low, which foods might you add or remove to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance?
  • Is the protein in each food you ate complete or incomplete, combining to become complementary? Why is this important?
  • How much of your daily recommended protein, carbohydrates, and lipid intake did you achieve? If your macronutrient intake is insufficient or excessive, what might you do to bring it into the recommended range? Provide specific recommendations.
  • Macronutrient intake ranges
  • Is macronutrient intake within the recommended range important? What are the effects of too much or too little of a macronutrient? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? What happens if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few lipids?
  • Fiber intake ranges
  • Does your fiber total meet 100% of the recommendation for you as calculated at iProfile?
  • Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing groups–fruits and vegetables–fell short of the recommended intake?
  • Which specific foods provide the most fiber in your meals? Which provide the least? Identify trends in your food choices that might affect your fiber intakes.
  • Dietary modifications
  • What changes might you make to increase the fiber in your diet?
  • How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute to health or illness? Provide examples.
  • What have you learned about your diet?

Cite three references other than the course text.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include an explanation on the links between theory and relevant examples.

Article III of the U.S. Constitution

Article III of the U.S. Constitution states The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. This article means that all federal judges including Supreme Court justices have life tenure. This means they will be appointed for life and only lose their job when then choose to resign, retire, or if they are impeached.

– Discuss the pros of lifetime appointment for Supreme Court justices.
– Discuss the cons of lifetime appointment for Supreme Court justices.
– Do you think Supreme Court judges should be appointed for life or should they have term limits, like officials in Congress and the President? Explain your position.
– What salary do you feel is appropriate for someone who is appointed to the Supreme Court? Explain.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What were the major points Woodrow Wilson was attempting to create with his 14 points? Why do think some of the USA allies would be opposed to some of these points? And why do you think the ultimate peace treaty could led to future international conflicts? Please cite specific examples from the posted readings.

Discussion 2: Considerations In Designing A Qualitative Study


Using what you have learned about your topic from your literature search, you are working towards formulating a research purpose and question. Note that in the Learning Resources for this week, the language of qualitative research is incorporated into how the research purpose and question is formulated. Here are some basic dos and donts.


Quantitative (Donts)

Qualitative (Dos)



Examine differences, effects, or impact
















Broad,   open-ended questions

For example, in the ongoing scenario for each of the weeks of this course, the qualitative research question is formulated based on:

DO: The purpose of this study is to understand the narratives of childcare and support in families in impoverished communities.

DO: What is the meaning of a well-behaved child to early childhood caregivers in impoverished neighborhoods?

While as in this example, the research question is formulated based on quantitative information

DONT: The purpose of this study is to examine the demographic and family factors that predict the use of childcare services in impoverished communities.

DONT: What are the differences in early childhood social skill acquisition between children that do receive childcare services and those that do not?

For this Discussion, you will examine qualitative research as it relates to qualitative design considerations.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources and the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question video and consider the basic guidelines for qualitative research design.

Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this weeks Learning Resources and search for a qualitative research article. (Note: This article should be the research article you are using for your Major Assignment 1.)

Review the qualitative research article you found and identify each of the components of the research design and consider what is present and what is missing.

Identify what the authors did to document positionality, reflexivity, and bias.

By Day 4

Transform your notes from your preparation work into three paragraphs and post the following:

A brief statement of the purpose and primary research question the article addresses

An assessment of how thoroughly the research design was presented, including what was missing

An assessment of the extent of the researchers presentation of positionality, reflexivity, and bias 

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the weeks Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

Discussion 1: Conceptualizing A Qualitative Research Question


Good research is driven by the synthesis of ones passion or interest with a topic that has been under-studied in the professional literature. Out of that synthesis emerges a gapan area in need of further study that is consistent with your intereststhat defines the research problem. Clarifying the research problem takes time, effort, and thought. 

Once you have developed your research problem, the research purpose and research question become self-evident.

What also becomes evident is your position with respect to the topic, the question, and what you hope to find. Qualitative research recognizes that the research space is shaped by both the participants and the researcher.

the identities of both researcher and participants have the potential to impact the research process. Identities come into play via our perceptions, not only of others, but of the ways in which we expect others will perceive us. Our own biases shape the research process, serving as checkpoints along the way. Through recognition of our biases, we presume to gain insights into how we might approach a research setting, members of particular groups, and how we might seek to engage with participants (Bourke, 2014, p. 1). 

For this Discussion, you will examine a research question based on the purpose for inquiry, a rationale for the study, and issues of positionality.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Consider the research topic you are developing for your Major Assignment 1.

Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and use Table 3.1, page 69 to help you create a rationale using the questions as your guide.

Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and specifically use pages 7076 to create a positionality memo to reflect on your relationship to the topic.

Review the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question media program as a guideline to help you create a research question.

By Day 3

Transform your notes from your preparation work into four paragraphs and briefly explain in your post the following:

1. The research purpose of your inquiry

2. The rationale

3. Issues of positionality

4. The research question

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the weeks Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapter 3, Critical Qualitative Research Design (pp. 8589) (previously read in Week 2)

Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapter 3, Qualitative Data-Gathering Methods and Style (pp. 2539)

Chapter 4, Designing Research for the Responsive Interviewing Model (pp. 4257)

4 Hours Left Read Article Double-Spaced With Size 11 Times New Roman Font. 1 Page

All essays need to be less than one page, double-spaced with size 11 Times New Roman font.

Please put your name in the upper left hand corner of the paper and the next line should start the text.


The DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines (HMGs) state that they

will calculate post-merger Herfindahl-Hirschmann Indices (HHI) and change in HHI caused by

the merger to determine if the merger deserves additional scrutiny from antitrust authorities (i.e.,

a Second Request). Describe other measures of market structure and techniques that United

States antitrust authorities could use to determine if a merger deserves additional scrutiny or may

lead to the antitrust authorities challenging the merger. Make sure you discuss the advantage and

disadvantages of each measure/technique, including using HHI. In this discussion, describe why

the Guidelines use HHI instead of some other measure of market structure or technique as a

starting point to determine if a merger deserves additional antitrust scrutiny (i.e. why is HHI

better than these other measures).

Professional Development – 1,000 + Word Count

It is important for a public health professional to show evidence of professional development over time. The professional portfolio is one way to collect and showcase achievements and artifacts or evidence of accomplishments.

1. Describe how you can apply theory and/or knowledge from your public health experience into practice while working in a nursing health care facility (provide specific examples).

2. What are the most important things you can learn from a nursing health care facility experience and how will you apply them to your public health career?

3. How has this experience helped develop professionalism skills, such as networking, team building, communication, and professional competencies in public health? What leadership qualities do you possess and how do you envision applying them to your public health career?

4. Articulate a personal mission, a set of core values, and vision regarding your role in public health. How will your core values help guide your ethical decision making in public health?

5. Include two or three scholarly sources to support your narrative.


1. Application of Theory or Knowledge to Practice:

Convincing reflective paper that expertly describes the application of theory or knowledge during the practicum experience. In-depth details are present, reflecting the integration of knowledge and skills gained through the practicum experience. Citations are used skillfully to support the narrative (three or more sources).

2. Evaluation of Learning and Professional Skill Development:

Expertly describes how prior knowledge has contributed to your understanding of public health and public health practice. Thoughtfully analyzes important items learned and professional skills gained from the job experience.

3. Mission, Core Values, Vision

Mission statement describes in-depth aspirations, characteristics, and guiding principles for public health. Clearly describes core values with a well-crafted description of their application to ethical decision making. High level of thought  was used in defining a public health vision, which demonstrates both a depth and breadth of knowledge.  

Research Paper


You will prepare a history of a tool, device, technology, or system, that interests you. It could be as simple as a wrench or screwdriver, an electric or electronic device, or something as complex as the International Space Station, or anything in between. Ideally, you would choose a device that you know well through your work or through your own experiences and activities.

For instance, if you work in warehousing or logistics, you might research and write a history of the forklift. If you work for a manufacturer, you might research and write the history of the assembly line. If you work for a utility, you might research and write a history of an electrical generator or the electric distribution grid. These are the kinds of questions to begin your research:

Who invited the device? When was it invented? What problem was the inventor attempting to solve by creating or improving the device? What power sources did it use at first? How have the power sources changed over time? What companies are the primary manufacturers of the device? Who are the workers who work in the manufacturing facilities? What companies or industries use the device? Who are the workers who use the device? What kinds of wages do the makers and the users earn? What materials are used to make the device? From where are these materials sourced and how are they transported to the manufacturer? How is the device distributed to the end users? What kind of training is required to use the device? Who regulates that training?

No matter what kind of device you choose, you can apply these kinds of questions to that device. It might be a drilling or fracking rig, an electronic multimeter, a transistor or integrated circuit, a programmable logic controller, a golf cart, a jet ski, a hunting rifle, or the bass boat you’ve always wanted.

Please complete enough research to write an essay of 800 words. Please make sure to cite all of your sources using MLA format and a works cited page:

Author last name, Author first name, Title of Source, Publishing Year, URL link (if needed), Page number (if needed)

Submit your essay using the link above. Please make sure you re-write all information into your own words.

Journal Entry Week 1

Fiero, Gloria K. (2015). The humanistic tradition, volume 1: Prehistory to the early modern world (7th edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781259360664
A 200-word Journal entry is due for the week’s lecture and textbook material, and is to be completed for weeks 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Each journal entry has two components: (1) a summary and (2) a reflection. Basically, summarize and reflect on material that interests you from the PowerPoint lectures and from Fieros textbook. Organize your thoughts around any particular subject(s), such as archaeology, art, architecture, religious beliefs, etc. These are informal writing assignments, but should be written in an academic writing style

English Composition II

Write a 500 word Evaluation Essay .  

A Memoir about the Impact of a Teacher:  For this essay, you need to write about a teacher who made the greatest impact on you as a student, and as a person. Please note: you need to evaluate what the teacher did that made a difference in your life, and then describe how this teacher impacted your life.

You must choose the essay option I have provided for this assignment . If you submit an essay that does not respond to one of the prompts, your essay will not be accepted as an appropriate response to this writing assignment; instead, you will be asked to write another essay that does respond to the prompt you were assigned. 



TITLE: The title should reflect the main idea of the essay. The title should be concise and interesting. 

PARAGRAPH 1: Introduction 

The essays introduction should consist of a minimum of five sentences. The introductory paragraph should begin with a general statement that reflects the essays topic. The paragraph will likely include transitional sentences or background information sentences that will then lead the reader into the writers purpose the thesis statement. The thesis statement is what the writer will prove throughout his/her essay in the body paragraphs. The thesis should include a plan of development; it should consist of the writers position on the paper topic and the three points the writer will describe in the essays body to prove his/her position (Thesis example: The hiking trip was a disaster because (1) it rained the whole time, (2) we lost our camping equipment, (3) and our guide broke his leg.)


Each of the body paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence. If the writer has used the three point thesis model, writing each body paragraphs topic sentence should be easy. The first body paragraphs topic sentence, for example, should reflect the first point in the thesis statement (refer to the above thesis example i.e. The torrential rains ruined the trip.). It then becomes the writers task to develop and support the point these are your body paragraphs supporting sentences. Once the writer effectively illustrates the first point, he/she will then proceed to the second point and follow the same guidelines for paragraph development (point two will introduce body paragraph two, and point three will introduce paragraph three). 

PARAGRAPH 5: The Conclusion

In this paragraph, the writers task is to complete the essay. The function of the conclusion is to provide closure for the reader. The writer will remind the reader of his/her thesis by reviewing the points made in the essays body (Note: be careful not to restate the points exactly). To close the last paragraph, the writer may include his/her final perspective on the essays topic.