Archive for May, 2020

Development Human Resource 4


Technology for Recruiting

There are many advancements in technology in regards to recruitment. Evaluate the many different technological tools used to recruit. Select five of these tools and explain their functionality as it relates to recruitment.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 700 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA style, see the example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1 margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Textbooks, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.  


Human Resource Management 15th Edition

by  (Author),  (Author),  (Author),  (Author) 

 chapter 7- 9


250 Words


PH 384: Epidemiology: 

Assignment 5 (100 points possible)

1.  State three uses for descriptive epidemiologic studies. How could descriptive epidemiologic studies examine the obesity epidemic in the United States by using the figures below? 

Trends in prevalence in obesity, by state in US from 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005

Risk. Which type of risk (financial, technical, people, & market risk) is of most concern for your project? Which would you choose to address first and why? How would you manage or minimize each of the high-priority risks going forward?

Risk. Which type of risk (financial, technical, people, & market risk) is of most concern for your project? Which would you choose to address first and why? How would you manage or minimize each of the high-priority risks going forward?

Please do some research on the risk of my project. I will upload the business model of my project. Here are all the info about my project and also the funding, key partners.

1 Page


PH 384: Epidemiology: 

Assignment 4 (100 points possible)

1. Describe the behavioral risk factor surveillance system. How does it differ from a surveillance system for infectious disease?(25 points)

2.  If you want to estimate the incidence rate of lung cancer in Kentucky State during 2016, please identify the sources you may need to estimate the incidence rate.(15 points) 

Hint: Recall the calculation of incidence rate, what information you need to calculate the incidence rate, where you can find those numbers? 

3. Define the following terms (10 points each): 

1) Maternal mortality rate 

2) Infant mortality 

3) Fetal mortality

4) Crude birth rate

5) General fertility rate

6) Perinatal mortality rate

Research Manuscript

My research will be on Human error management in flight operation, through proper team performance training techniques and system approaches where individuals work together as a team to mitigate accidents and incidents.

Instructor comment

Just make sure your research it is not too top-level and has a rigorous methodology.

Your task is to develop an integrated design for examining or investigating an issue or problem involving human factors in the aviation/aerospace industry as it might apply in a human-centric environment, model, simulation, work situation, or other application for use that would apply in industry, research, or operational environment. The purpose of this design is to demonstrate that you comprehend, understand, and can integrate the key elements of the Learning Outcomes for this course. Note, you can find the Learning Outcomes in the course syllabus. Hopefully, the topic will be inspired by some of the studies or issues that you have heard about or read about in this course. Although you will not be conducting the study or investigation that you propose, you will construct a research design in APA journal format (see the APA style manual) that is between 8 and 10 pages in length. Your introduction and background will explain the research statement or question and justify it by reference to previous research found in the scientific literature, and by logical argument. The method will describe data sources, participants (where applicable), variables, metrics, and procedures. The results should explain how you would analyze the data and the discussion should present possible outcomes and their applied implications.

Essentially, you would work toward constructing a design for an existing or emerging technology or situation, employing a human factors perspective that incorporates elements from each of the course Learning Outcomes. An essential aspect of this design, and the manuscript you write to describe it, is citing relevant research that supports your approach and explains the rationale used. Be certain your manuscript integrates topics covered in the modules of this course and that you address all the course Learning Outcomes. This may involve only a few sentences for some of them, but each outcome must be addressed to some extent.

The Course Research Manuscript must:

  • Comprehensively cover the application and design you select. Generally, the body will be between 8 to 10 pages.
  • Appropriately and clearly support the study design and proposed research findings (including in-text citations and references).

 In addition, the manuscript must include:

  • A proper title page
  • An abstract
  • A reference page
  • Proper APA style throughout (current edition)
  • A final submission in Word, Times New Roman font, 12-point size 

software risk management

i’ ve attached a pdf under the name SAMPLE of what i want you to do, i need the same structure for my essay.
use the following structure when writing up the report please:
1.    Research title
2.    Introduction
3.    Summary of each paper 
4.    Discussion of all the papers together [identify the weaknesses, strengths, and supportingopposing arguments]
5.    Lessons learned and future work that you suggest based on these papers findings.
6.    Conclusion

I’ve attached 4 research papers of software risk management so you can read them and summarize them.

language and gender equality

I need to rewrite my essay.
I have to start with a personal story to make my heading interesting.
I don’t have to mention feminists in my introduction.
right now, my essay structure is that I talk about a problem and state the answer, but I have to edit it so that it talks all the problems first and then talk about the solutions.
I have to talk about French first and then English.
I have to Italicize all “non-English” in my essay.
I have to talk about how latin words are gendered. (ex. how men are latino and women are ltinos)

software risk management

i’ ve attached a pdf under the name SAMPLE of what i want you to do, i need the same structure for my essay.
use the following structure when writing up the report please:
1.    Research title
2.    Introduction
3.    Summary of each paper 
4.    Discussion of all the papers together [identify the weaknesses, strengths, and supportingopposing arguments]
5.    Lessons learned and future work that you suggest based on these papers findings.
6.    Conclusion

I’ve attached 4 research papers of software risk management so you can read them and summarize them.


The Welsh abdominal aortic aneurysm screening programme (WAAASP) in UK invites all men aged 65 to have an abdominal ultrasound scan performed at one visit to a screening centre.
The programme employs technicians that only perform this type of scan. There are normally 3 or 4 technicians at each screening centre, there are 3 separate screening technician teams, one each for North Wales, South West and South East Wales. All the teams move around different centres within each region.
The measurement value used to determine whether an aneurysm is present or not is 3cm.
3cm or above on the scan means that you have an aneurysm and that you will have regular scans from then on, or referral to a vascular surgeon if the aneurysm is 5.5cm or larger.
Under 3cm means no further scans are required.
Using appropriate vocabulary and terminology, describe what type of variations in measurements may occur when using ultrasound scans to screen a population for abdominal aortic aneurysms and how these variations may be predicted and dealt with. (70% x total marks)
Discuss the implications of the programme on individuals having the scan. (30% x total marks)

The essay should be around 2000 words
No less than 20 references
Figures may be included (up to a maximum of 5) with a descriptive title and legend.
Please cite all sources and produce a reference list in Harvard style.

Network Modelling Assignment

Please find instructions attached.
The person writing this assignment should have a very good understanding of mathematics, diagrams and modelling.

They must also FULLY read and understand the questions CAREFULLY.  Please acknoweldge this so I know you have read the instructions carefully.

Will send you the TEXTBOOK after accptance.