Archive for May, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment: Write a researched argument 
Length: 5 pages; MLA format

Make sure you choose an interesting topic

Does this subject really interest you?
Are ample (credible) sources of information readily available?
Can you focus the topic?
Does this topic offer a challenge? In other words, you should select a topic that will allow you to go beyond your current base of knowledge, ideas, opinions, and insights
Well discuss possible topics in class 🙂

Well also discuss the essays structure.

The Rules

Present a well-organized analytical argument about an approved topic
Use convincing reasons, appropriate quotes, and specific evidence to develop your main points
Incorporate credible sources. You will have five sources (two films* and three credible** articles or books)
Use MLA style to format your paper and to document your use of sources
Avoid long quotes; try to paraphrase or summarize the authors words/ideas
Remember: Quotations only support or illustrate a point; they cannot make the point
Essay length: 5 pages (Double-Spaced; Times New Roman; Size 12)
Don’t forget to include in-text citations
Dont forget the Works Cited page
*2001 – 2020

**At least one of your secondary sources has to be a scholarly source (e.g., academic journal article)

The A+ Essay: clear and original thesis; strong organization; strong analytical content; excellent use of textual evidence; clear discussion of textual evidence in relation to thesis; excellent transitions; excellent sequencing and pacing; compelling word choice, demonstrating insightful use of figurative language; sentences are carefully formed and positioned with attention to emphasis, rhythm and pace to engage the reader; avoids ambiguous pronouns and overused words; no grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors; follows the Essay 3 handout; correct documentation style (MLA)


Wearable technology has the potential to change the way organizations conduct business and the way people conduct their day-to-day activities. If you already use a wearable device, identify the make and model, and discuss what you use it for. Do you find it helpful? Why, or why not? If you do not use a wearable device, identify one you would use, and explain why.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Data Visualization



This task relates to a sequence of assessments that will be repeated across Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Select any example of a visualisation or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed forensic like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualisations anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time.

For this task, take a close look at the interactivity choices:

Start by identifying all the interactive features deployed, listing them under the headers of either data or presentation adjustments

How suitable are the choices and deployment of these interactive features? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?

Go through the set of Influencing factors from the latter section of the books chapter to help shape your assessment and to possibly inform how you might tackle this design layer differently

Also, considering the range of potential interactive features and functions, what would you do differently or additionally?

Assignment Link:

Law, Justice, & Social Change

For this weeks essay assignment, please prepare a brief to the governor.

Imagine you have been appointed to the governors task force to determine whether illicit drugs should remain illegal, should be decriminalized, or legalized in Georgia. You have been tasked with briefing the governor on the difference between decriminalization and legalization, giving the benefits and consequences of each action, and then make a recommendation which of the two (decriminalization or legalization) would be the best course of action for Georgia.
How will your essay be graded?

Content Answer each question directly and explain. It is always okay to use examples to clarify your point.
Your response should be in essay format (introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Although you are not required to use sources, if you quote or paraphrase a resource, both in-text citations and a reference page is required. Citation and reference page should follow APA guidelines.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation should reflect senior level work.
If you meet the requirements of the assignment, your work is average and will be graded as such (Average = C). If you are looking for an exceptional grade on the assignment, you will need to submit exceptional work. That means that you go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the assignment.

case study

For this assignment, review four case studiestwo from Chapter 1 and two from Chapter 2. Then, in an essay, evaluate the studies and respond to each of the questions below, using both critical thinking and theory as well as supporting documentation.

In Chapter 1, read the case study UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology on pages 2324 of the textbook. Then, answer the questions below.

How does UPS use information systems technology to achieve its strategic goals of being more efficient and customer oriented?
What would happen if the automated package tracking system was not available?
Discuss how globalization has flattened the world.
In Chapter 2, read the case study Data Changes How NFL Teams Play the Game and How Fans See It on pages 5253 of the textbook. The, address the prompts below.

Analyze how information systems are transforming business.
What types of systems does the NFL and its teams use?
What is the role that these systems play in improving both operations and decision-making?
In Chapter 3, read the case study Smart ProductsComing Your Way on pages 102103 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.

Explain the importance of collaboration and information sharing for businesses.
Explain what a smart product is, and use an example.
How do smart products increase rivalry among firms?
In Chapter 4, read the case study Are Cars Becoming Big Brother on Wheels? on pages 121122 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.

Describe how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.
Discuss at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by embedded cyber connections in cars.
Discuss how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data generated by motor vehicles.
In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study must be at least four pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).

You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; all paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations.

Discussion: Fears, Phobias, And Anxiety


Anxiety disorders constitute the most commonly diagnosed problem in children and adolescents (Prout & Brown, 2007). Young children often develop fears or phobias of imaginary objects, animals, the dark, and heights. Adolescents frequently develop fears of death, criticism, failure, and the fear of the unknown. Many of the interventions used for child and adolescent phobias focus on behavioral techniques such as desensitization, imagery, and social skills training. Consider fear of the dark, for example, and the techniques used by some parents like leaving on a nightlight and sitting with the child until he or she falls asleep. External factors such as the environment, culture, society, family, and contemporary media also can influence the development and persistence of a phobia. How might you as a clinician help parents or guardians intervene?

For this Discussion, select a common child or adolescent phobia and consider the external factors that may contribute to its development and persistence.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a brief description of a common child or adolescent fear or phobia other than fear of the dark. Then, explain at least three contemporary factors (environment, culture, society, family, or media) that may contribute to the development and persistence of the phobia, and explain how. Finally, explain one way you might help the parents/guardians support their child or adolescent to overcome the fear or phobia, and explain how. Be specific.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the weeks resources.


Required Readings

As you review this article, consider the new fears in children and adolescents that have developed in the 21st century. Focus on the types of interventions that might be used for treatment.

As you review this article, consider the types of phobias evident in children and adolescents. Focus on the types of treatment available for these types of phobias.


Sustainable Talent Management

With the same talent management strategy in mind from Assignment 3, write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Determine which performance management process you will employ to measure employee talent.
Analyze the key concepts related to the talent pools and the talent review process.
Develop appropriate talent management objectives to measure functional expertise.
Assess the key elements of global talent management as they apply to your organization.
Recommend a process that optimizes a sustainable talent management process.
Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date.
The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Determine the effects of leadership in the management of talent pools and the talent review process.
Compare and contrast the talent assessment and employee performance management processes.
Review the process of developing functional expertise and setting and measuring talent management objectives.
Discover how the management process affects global talent management. 
Determine the organizational benefits of strategy-driven talent management and building a sustainable process.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in talent management.
Write clearly and concisely about talent management using proper writing mechanics.

The Grievance Process

Imagine that you work for an organization that has entered into the grievance process with a number of employees who dispute the recent disciplinary action taken against them. As the labor relations manager, it is your role to prepare the necessary documents, schedule the meetings, and notify the appropriate staff and union officials about the upcoming process. Ultimately, this process will encompass the first four (4) steps of a typical grievance process.

Create a twelve to fifteen (12-15) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
Outline the four (4) steps of the grievance process.
Prepare a slide that designates the responsibilities of each party involved.
Determine the main employment laws that may govern this action.
Recommend one (1) outcome for the situation and predict the ethical implications for your decision.
Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

C Code Expressions


Deliverables for this project include the following:
1. Source code correctly implementing all required functionality. Your program must compile with Microsoft Visual C++ or any modern C/C++ compiler on your O/S.

2. Word or PDF file providing screen shots of successfully compiling and executing the program.

3. Description of the process and lesson learned while completing this project (to be included in the Word or PDF document).

4. A test plan that contains test cases that test all of the required operators. Each test case should include the expression and its expected value (to be included in the Word or PDF document).

Discussion . Make Sure You Provide 2 References And Utilize APA Style.. .


Jordan  is a 35-year-old woman who presents with intermittent diarrhea with  cramping that is relieved by defecation. The diarrhea is not bloody or  accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Review of past medical history  includes some childhood stomach issues, HTN, and a recent  cholecystectomy. She works in the environmental department of a large  hotel. . She denies alcohol and cigarette.

Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

I.      Discuss the epidemiology of IBS?

II.     What is your treatment goals for this patient?

III.    Discuss First line and second line drug therapy for IBS. Please include pharmacotherapeutic information.