Archive for May, 2020

Marketing Essay Question

Pick one of the listed companies and answer related questions from a marketing prospective

Using the 5 Cs, 4Ps, and STP, complete the assessment questions below.

Company/Brand Selected (Mini Cooper, Samsung, Dairy Queen, or Axe):(Pick only one)
NOTE: You will be completing an original analysis.

1. Customers
Who are the current customers/users? Include information related to demographics, psychographics and buying behavior, price sensitivity, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
For example: You could include information such as whether the brand is trying to appeal to a certain social or cultural group and how customers perceive the product/brand. Its also possible to include demographic information related to: age, educational attainment, geographic area, gender, race, employment status and/or home ownership. Additionally, you can discuss psychographic information which includes those attributes that relate to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles of people. This area is also related to situational life stages as well as customer beliefs, and how customers want to see themselves and be perceived. Some examples of psychographic groups include video gamers, soccer moms, sports fanatics, hipsters, and single moms. Life cycle stages include: retirees, new homeowners, college students and new parents. Be aware that some products/brands may appeal to a wider customer base than others.
[Insert response]

What do the customers buy/use of value from the business?
[Insert response]
What changes can the company/brand expect in the future? How can the company/brand better serve its customers?
(For example, you could include information about the current demand for the product/brand, and how it is changing or has changed including possible variations or modifications in the future. You may also determine/discuss if the brand/company can take advantage or has taken advantage of the changes. Its also possible to consider and talk about whether the product/brand is a less expensive substitute, perhaps, or maybe a product/brand that is easier to use with more features.)
[Insert response]
Opportunities (Make sure you label why you call each item an opportunity):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
Threats: (Make sure you label why you call each item a threat):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
2. Company
This Section Discusses what the brand is currently.
Identify strengths and weaknesses of the company/brand as it exists today, providing at least 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses. What does the company/brand do well and not so well at this very moment?
List 3 Strengths (Make sure you label why you call each item a Strength):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
List 3 Weaknesses: (Make sure you label why you call each item a weakness):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]

This Section deals with what the company/brand needs to become.
How can the company/brand improve its weaknesses and maintain or grow its strengths? Suggest how the company/brand can improve upon the things it does well and not so well.
[Insert response]

3. Context
Define the current business environment. Include information about political, legal, economic technological and societal factors that may influence sales.
For example: You could perhaps discuss the current trends and conditions for this Industry and for the brand. Its possible to include information about how the Economy affects this industry. This could include changes in income: are people losing jobs, or getting paid more? Changes in spending habits could be considered as well. Other factors such as use of public transportation and shopping online may also be relevant. Whether or not the product is high-tech, or state-of-the-art can be also be included in describing the context. For example, are there other companies producing new versions of the product? Is the market changing quickly? How is technology affecting this product or service? Are there any new laws that may affect the brand?
Political Environment: [Insert response]
Legal: [Insert response]
Economic: [Insert response]
Technological: [Insert response]
Societal/Sociocultural: [Insert response]

4. Collaborators
Define the business partnerships. Does the company/brand have any current partnerships? What other company/brand do you think may be a good partner for them?
Current Partnerships and the discussion on them: [Insert response]
Proposed NEW Partnerships and the discussion them: [Insert response]
5. Competitors
Who are the main competitors? Label and discuss the top three competitors and why you consider them a competitor.
Competitor 1: [Insert response]
Competitor 2: [Insert response]
Competitor 3: [Insert response]

6. Recommendations
Based upon the analysis you just completed in this worksheet, what are three (3) key recommendations that you could pass along to Management regarding the future direction of the company you selected? Discuss why you have created these strategies and why you think they should be undertaken and work for the business.
1.Recommendation #1 and the Defense/Justification of the Recommendation: [Insert response]
2. Recommendation #2 and the Defense/Justification of the Recommendation: [Insert response]
3. Recommendation #3 and the Defense/Justification of the Recommendation: [Insert response]

Software risk management

I’ve attached pdf under the name SAMPLE, I want my essay to be the as this pdf structure, please
use the following structure when writing up the report please:
1.    Research title
2.    Introduction
3.    Summary of each paper 
4.    Discussion of all the papers together [identify the weaknesses, strengths, and supportingopposing arguments]
5.    Lessons learned and future work that you suggest based on these papers findings.
6.    Conclusion

I’ve also attached 4 papers in order to summarize each of them within no more than one page and a half.



Part 1: Post a Response

By the 1990s, the US was stepping into the Information Age. This would coincide with the presidency of Bill Clinton. One can also see this as a period when global connections really became more visible and faster, in part because of new trade agreements around the globe. In North America, there was NAFTAthe North American Free Trade Agreement. By the late 1990s the US economy was entering a dynamic period of growth.

Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to the American history under President Clinton:

  1. Discuss opposing viewpoints about free trade during the 1990s.
    • For the period of the Clinton presidency, identify one view of those favoring free trade and one view of those who were opposed.
    • Explain how you would weigh the pros and cons of this policy. In hindsight, what is your view of NAFTA? Is globalization good?
    • Identify the source(s) where you read about these free trade issues of that time.
  2. Discuss the economic rebound of the late 1990s under President Clinton.
    • Identify three of the package of changes that characterized the economic boost of the information revolution in the late 1990s.
    • Discuss and explain what you think was the most important of these changes. What can we learn from that sort of period of economic rebound?
    • Identify the source(s) where you read about these changes during the late 1990s. For guidance, view this short video.

DB 7 Eng

In the last  unit, we discussed the creation of body paragraphs for your research paper.  Now with the feedback, you should have a good idea of the revision needed.  Are there more points you need or some added verbiage needed  to  further support your thesis, along with the evidence you will use to support those points?

Think about the process so far and feel free to use this writing as a reflection upon what you have experienced so far in the course. You might want to consider some of the questions below, but you are not required to answer all of them. Remember, as always, that this discussion should be a positive and constructive experience for everyone. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience.

What do you think is your strongest point? What do you think is your weakest? Do you think the scope of your project is narrowed down efficiently? How are you feeling about the process? What do you think about the structure of the body paragraphs? Does the structure seem too restrictive or helpful and guiding? Looking back on some of the materials that you have read, can you see the structures that we have discussed in the course so far? Do you see differences between academic and public sources in terms of how the paragraphs are constructed?

Assignment #3 America As Superpower–Confrontation In A Nuclear Age (1947-Present)


BEFORE SUBMISSION–AND BEFORE REALLY STARTING ON THE DOING OF THIS PAPER, please make use of the following links (if trouble with any link, try this–right click and “open in new window”; sometimes an item will flash to the top or bottom of your screen or go to a downloads folder):  

  1. INSTRUCTION SHEET for Assignment 3–with key details:     
  2. WRITING GUIDE for Assignment 3:    (tip–print this out; keep handy)
  3. Outline/Template for Assignment 3:    
  4. SOURCES AND TIPS for Assignment 3:    
  6. VIDEO HELP on doing Assignment 3 (if needed, right-click and open in new window): 

America as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)


Assignment 3: America as Superpower-Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)

Due Week 9 and worth 120 points

In Assignment 3, we ask you to write about America’s international superpower role for the long period since World War II to the present using a Writing Guide provided in Blackboard. Your paper must use a minimum of three sources from the list provided below.

Your first step to completing this paper is to pick your topic. Below you will find two lists; one refers to Cold War period (1947-1990) examples of confrontation and one list provides examples of confrontations occurring in the Post-Cold War period (1991-Present). Each example will involve a specific strategic concern and confrontation. Review the examples below and choose one strategic concern and one confrontation from each time period to focus on in your paper. Once you have chosen your examples, review the sources noted below.

Be sure to review the other help (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the “Strayer Writing Standards” tab on the course menu.

Cold War period (1947-1990) possible examples – choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern:

  • Cold War strategic concerns: Containment, Domino Theory, “MAD Doctrine”
  • Cold War confrontations: Berlin Airlift; Korean War; Vietnam War; Cuban Missile Crisis

Post-Cold War period (1991-Present) possible examples – choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern:

  • Post-cold War strategic concerns: Terrorism, Rogue States; WMD
  • Post-Cold War confrontations: First Persian Gulf War; Invasion of Afghanistan; Invasion of Iraq;
  • Bombing of Libya (2011)

Sources: Schultz, p. 462-7, 485-8, 499-506, 535-540, 560-7.

Besides the Schultz text, you must use any two (or more) of the following sources that relates to your paper:

George H. W. Bush. March 6, 1991. Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of the Persian Gulf Conflict.

B. Caplan. Sept. 9, 2019. The Domino Theory Reconsidered.

S. Chace. Summer, 2015. The Cuban Missile Crisis: Leadership as Disturbance, Informed by History.

Winston Churchill. March, 1946. Iron Curtain Speech, Fulton College, Missouri.

John F. Dulles. January 2, 1954. Secretary Dulles’ Strategy of Massive Retaliation.

Hickman. Aug. 9, 2019. History of Containment Policy.

McNamara. July 3, 2019. Why Did the US Enter the Vietnam War?

K. Musili. August 1, 2017. What is a Rogue State? WorldAtlas.

Colin Powell. February 6, 2003. Transcript of Powell’s UN Presentation.

Robins-Early. March 7, 2015. Was the 2011 Libya Intervention a Mistake? Huffington Post.

Victor. Dec. 21, 2018. Need a Refresher on the War in Afghanistan? Here are the Basics. New York Times.

Wilde. June 20, 2019. What is Mutually Assured Destruction? Thoughtco.

The helps you to find the solution for your unsolved puzzle.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Use the . The format is different than other formats like APA. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font, Calibri, Arial, or Courier (size 10, 11, or 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and sources must follow SWS format. You must have a Sources list at the end; each source listed must also be cited in the body of the paper with an in-text citation.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the Sources page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of 500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800 maximum is a loose guideline. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced. Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length; add a page for your title page and another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5-1/2. But the length requirement is evaluated by word count.

The paper must be submitted (uploaded and attached) in the course shell provided online.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Discuss the rise of the United States to a world “superpower” from 1940 to the present day and how the formal international policies of government influenced the role of America as a policeman of the world.

Another PowerPoint

PowerPoint (6 slides)


For decades, relational databases remained essentially unchanged; data was segmented into specific chunks for columns, slots, and repositories, also called structured data. However, in this Internet of Things (IoT) era, databases need to be reengineered because the very nature of data has changed. Todays databases need to be developed with the needs of IoT in mind and have the ability to perform real-time processing to manage workloads that are dynamic. For example, relational databases should be able to work with real-time data streaming and big data.

Scenario: Falcon Security wants their customers to be able to view security video footage in real-time and provide customers with the ability to query video footage for viewing. Choosing a database solution such as MongoDB would allow Falcon Security to store customer video footage in the same database as the metadata.

To do this, Falcon Security needs a way to manage the demands of real-time data streaming for real-time analytics. Conduct some research for a NoSQL database application, such as MongoDB or Cassandra, that could meet this need. How would switching to a real-time database solution help Falcon Security remain competitive? Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the components listed below.

  • Provide a brief introduction to IoT.
  • Present the argument to the Falcon Security CEO that switching to a more dynamic database structure (NoSQL real-time database) will meet the demands of IoT.
  • Introduce some features of the database you chose, whether it is MongoDB, Cassandra, or another database.
  • Describe how switching to a more dynamic database will give Falcon Security a competitive advantage.

Your presentation must be a minimum of six slides in length (not counting the title and reference slides), and you must use at least two academic resources.


  1. Explain how people from different countries who speak the same language may still miscommunicate. (200 words)
  2. Explain some of the differences in information systems in other countries and the effect those differences have on business relationships.  (200 words)
  3. Discuss the importance of understanding cultural differences when negotiating with people in another country. (200words)
  4. Discuss three nonverbal differences you might encounter if you are transferred to manage a company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  (200 words)

Unit IV Journal

How much do you rely on communications? When you answer this, consider the number of text messages, phone calls, and e-mails you have either sent or received in the last 24 hours from your computer or smartphone. Is the number any different from one of the days from last week? Do you think you could refrain from sending or receiving any of these types of communication for a day? Why, or why not? How reliant are you on telecommunications? Explain.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

DALY Assignment On Depression


Global Paper Assignment

United States v.s India on Depression

A DALY or disability adjusted life years is a term used an indicator of health status global and public health. It is a summary of losses due to premature death and years lived within a population.

Global Burden of Disease Study:

CIA Factbook

Choose one of the leading causes of DALY:  Depression

Find a low- middle income nation (India) which also experiences a similar increased morbidity and mortality from this condition and compare this to the United States.


Paper Component:

1. Explain the   pathophysiology/ etiology of the problem

2. Identify and explain the   risk factors for this problem

3. Determine who is most affected   and the incidence/prevalence for this condition in both countries

4. Choose three (3) social   determinants for health for each country and explain how these contribute to   the increased incidence/prevalence and subsequent poor outcomes from this   condition. They do not have to be the same for both countries After   presenting the 3 social determinants, provide a summary on any similarities/differences   and how different disparities/inequities in social determinants can lead to   the same poor health outcome. Think education, socioeconomics, culture,   gender, ethnicity, technology, access to care, safety, water and food   insecurities, political landscape but certainly not limited to these.

5. Identify three (3)   interventions (public health, private, NGO etc.) which are being used in each   country to control this chronic health problem and are these interventions   effective?

6. Pick one Sustainable   Development Goal and one Healthy People 2020 goal related to the problem and explain   the relevance of the goal to the problem

7. Using an upstream   thinking approachpick one   determinant that if improved would markedly decrease the morbidity and   mortality of this health problem. Give a strong explanation with examples and   explain how the role of the nurse fits into this plan.

8. Explain how you will   bring the knowledge you learned from this project back to your bedside care

APA and Grammar. In text   citations are a must.

Paper should be 3-4 pages

9. Pick 3 social determinants of health and explain how these contribute to the increased incidence and prevalence and poor outcomes. They do not have to be the same for both countries:

Think (but not limited to)

Health Access


Technology Access


Water/Food Insecurities


Culture/ Religion/ Ethnicity/ Gender

Political Landscape

Discussion: Theory Integration


Each theory you examine in this course has its own framework for addressing client needs and its own set of theory-based interventions. As with any purely theoretical basis, implementation in real life may require adjustments. Select one of the theories demonstrated in the media this week (either humanistic, experiential, or emotional focused therapy [EFT]), and consider the challenges you may face when integrating this theory with your own theoretical orientation. Then, think about how you might mitigate these challenges.

By Day 4

Post a brief explanation of one challenge you may encounter if you attempted to integrate the theory you selected with your lens of couple counseling in your future professional practice. Then, explain how you might mitigate this challenge.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.


Required Readings

Gurman, A. S., Lebow, J. L., Snyder, D. K. (2015). Clinical handbook of couple therapy. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Chapter 4, “Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy

Williams, M. (2012). Couples counseling: A step by step guide for therapists. Boston, MA: Viale Publishing.
Chapter 4, “Communication Skills

Required Media

Humanistic/Experiential Therapy:

Emotionally Focused Therapy: